Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Present Active Indicative contract verb -έω
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson IV First Declension θάλασσα
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active Indicative nōlēbam
Homeric Greek Lesson IX Imperfect Active Indicative
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation iaciō
This is the Prose test for 2000. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. Mihi placet ludos spectare.
A. I am sorry
B. It pleases me
C. I ought
D. It is forbidden
2. Tantus erat timor ut nemo maneret.
A. as no one remained
B. in order for no one to remain
C. while no one will remain
D. that no one remained
3. Terentia erat uxor magna intelligentia. (final long a on both)
A. by great intellect
B. of great intellect
C. in great intellect
D. for great intellect
4. Nos capuae cum amicis diu eramus.
A. Capua
B. to Capua
C. at Capua
D. from Capua
5. Hannibal, castris positis, in ripa elephantos disponit.
A. by pitching camp
B. who must pitch camp
C. going to pitch camp
D. after camp was pitched
6. Si sonitum nocte AUDIVISSETIS, perterriti fugissetis.
A. If you should hear
B. If you hear
C. If you will hear
D. If you had heard
7. Pompeius ipse cum militibus ad Graeciam profectus est.
A. proceeded
B. will proceed
C. proceeds
D. had proceeded
8. Militum hortandorum causa, Scipio magnam orationem habuit.
A. Encouraged by his soldiers
B. For the purpose of encouraging his soldiers
C. While encouraging his soldiers
D. Because he had encouraged his soldiers
9. Magister rogat ubi discipula sit.
A. where the student is
B. how able the student is
C. what the student is doing
D. when the student is going
10. Hic puer est filius minimus natu.
A. tallest
B. oldest
C. smartest
D. youngest
11. Ibam ad urbem ut imperatori HONOREM REDDEREM.
A. how to show respect
B. having shown respect
C. by showing respect
D. to show respect
12. Puella parva ursam in silvis errantem vidit.
A. about to wander
B. having wandered
C. wandering
D. to wander
13. What is the best translation of this sentence? erat augusto magnum studium PHILOSOPHIAE.
A. He was the most famous philosophy pupil of Augustus
B. Augustus taught philosohy well.
C. Augustus had a great enthusiasm for philosophy.
D. Augustus must study philosophy.
14. Filia materque eundem servum laudant.
A. the slave himself
B. the same slave
C. each slave
D. a certain slave
15. Cum homines oratorem audire vellent, ad Forum venerunt.
A. Nevertheless
B. Since
C. With
D. During
16. Domus Aurea Neronis erat maior aliis regiis.
A. than other palaces
B. with other palaces
C. to other palaces
D. by other palaces
17. Pluit! Domi maneamus.
A. In order to stay
B. We will stay
C. We are staying
D. Let's stay
18. Dux non laudabat illam legionem quae victa erat.
A. which had been defeated
B. by which he had been defeated
C. for which he had defeated
D. which he had defeated
19. Ut mihi videtur, pulcherrima femina erat causa belli.
A. In order to see me
B. So that I might see
C. As I seem to her
D. As it seems to me
20. Livy's description of Hannibal as a man who had nihil veri, NIHIL SANCTI, NULLUS METUS, NULLUM IUS IURANDUM, NULLA RELIGIO is an example of
A. euphemism
B. personification
C. anaphora
D. simile
21. The Graiae, the three sisters with one eye, helped the hero ___ in his search for Medusa.
A. Perseus
B. Jason
C. Theseus
D. Ulysses
22. During the monarchy, which ordo was established originally as cavalry support for the legions, but later evolved into the commercial and financial class?
A. senatores
B. equites
C. plebs
D. liberti
23. The houses reflected the antebellum period.
A. prehistoric
B. Renaissance
C. prewar
D. modern
24. Which city, founded in 331 B.C. by the Greeks in northern Egypt, became the second largest city of the Roman Empire and the main port of the Eastern Mediterranean?
A. Carthage
B. Brundisium
C. Alexandria
D. Athens
25. The museum proudly announced its acquisition of African janiform figures.
A. larger than life
B. two-headed
C. contemporary
D. realistic
26. Which Roman lawyer, admiral, and natural scientist perished in the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius?
A. Caesar
B. Cicero
C. Pliny the Elder
D. Livy
27. The handles of the Greek jar were auricular.
A. shaped like feet
B. shaped like eyes
C. shaped like ears
D. shaped like hands
28. A fitting motto to mark the establishment of a country might be
A. novus ordo saeclorum
B. de mortuis nil nisi bonum
C. ars gratia artis
D. cum grano salis
29. What is the name of the area at the foot of the Palatine Hill which is the site of the Rostra, the Curia, the Basilica Julia, and the Temple of Castor?
A. Circus Maximus
B. Ostia
C. Forum Romanum
D. Campus Martius
30. Inter nos (Latin), ENTRE NOUS (French), and ENTRE NOSOTROS (Spanish) used to mean
A. obviously
B. confidentially
C. generally
D. endlessly