Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Featured Tests
Verb Irregular to be Present Active Indicative εἰμί
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Present Middle/Passive λυόμαι
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 3rd -io Conjugation iacerem
Homeric Greek Lesson VIII Article ὁ
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audiēbam
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative (contract) ἐπληρούμην
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension πόλις
New Test for Common Forgotten Words
Cube Whidden 2020-05-23 20:42:55
There are those words in Latin that we always forget or commonly mistake for another word.
I've created a test for those words and shall add to this test over time. This is mainly for my daughter who is just now finishing first year Latin.
Here is the test.
Homeric Greek
Cube Whidden posted
So my son is officially my guinea pig. I am teaching him Greek using Clyde Pharr's amazing book Homeric Greek. We are 4 lessons in and he's doing great. He is 14 years old. He is not your typical student since he already reads Latin at a collegiate level. He already knows much of the grammar and theory of a Classical language so he is ahead of the curve.
I will post lessons here as we progress.
Our target for the year is lesson XLVII.
Homeric Greek
Latin: An Intensive Course
Cube Whidden posted
This has been one of the best books to refresh your Latin Grammar. Floyd L. Moreland and Rita M. Fleischer show their years of experience teaching Latin by producing such an excellent volume.
I will be putting all the vocabulary from the units up here.
Vocabulary Unit 1
Vocabulary Unit 2
Vocabulary Unit 3
Vocabulary Unit 4
Principal Part Tests
Cube Whidden posted
Are you a hardcore classicist?
Take the Principal Part challenges:
293 Greek Principal Parts.
There are enough principal parts here to make Professor Mastronarde gag.
443 Latin Principal Parts
Show your Latin prowess. Come on, there are only 4 principal parts in Latin, that's cake!
Mounce Chapters
Cube Whidden posted
If you are using Mounce's book, Basics of Biblical Greek, you can use this page below to practice your forms and to practice your vocabulary.
I am only up to chapter 17 so far, but will have all the chapters up here eventually.
Take a look.
New Products
Cube Whidden posted
Please stop by the store to order products. We currently have a Greek drill sheet which is good to use in order to quickly review your forms. I made it many moons ago while in the Army.
I remember while typing it late one night in WordPerfect in 1995 at Quarry Hill Chapel, an MP scared the stink out of me. He thought I was stealing things in the chapel (I was actually a chaplain's assistant so I had access to the chapel after hours.). He climbed in my office window and it was not graceful. He then got stuck half-way and I had to help him. I remember saying after I helped him to his feet, "What the heck are you doing?" He was thinking he was going to thwart the crime of the century. Instead he really only lost a few cool points.
At any rate, I offer this drill sheet for you or your students.
I also created a Latin Drill sheet. I have found them indispensable with my students. I get them in groups of two and have them drill each other in turn. I do this each week in an effort to keep their forms fresh in their minds.
Last, I recently created a Christmas reader for my eighth grade students which guides them through Luke 1:1-2:40. On the right is a list of vocabulary words, and notes are below which parses out every verb which is not in the present active indicative tense. It also explains some advanced constructions.
Click here to go to the store
National Latin Exams
Cube Whidden posted
In an effort to help my son and my students do well on the National Latin Exam in March of 2012, I have imported all the exams since 1978 into a database. I have put these tests online so anyone can take advantage of these tests.
Please feel free to take the exams. One caveat is that I need to go through all the questions which are both before 1999 and are map-specific and put up a corresponding image so that you can complete the test.
I additionally have to put up the tests from 2011 and 2012. These will be online shortly.
The test will grade you in real time so that you can immediately see the correct answer. It is my belief that it is infinitely more profitable to get immediate feedback on multiple choice questions. I have always hated waiting until the end of the test to get the results. I firmly believe that immediate feedback helps you to remember the answers better.
Here is the link to the tests:
National Latin Exams
Good luck in your endeavour with the National Latin Exam.
Beginner Latin Forms
Cube Whidden posted 2010-08-01 09:30:01
While one could argue learning Latin is beneficial for the taking of standardized tests, or as a tool which will help him better study the Romance languages, I do not believe this is the most convincing argument.
There are many arguments for learning Latin, but I always prefer the simplest one.
Latin is a beautiful language. The corpus of Latin literature is profound. And the student who applies himself diligently to the study of this language is awarded a chest full of the most luxurious treasures which will last him a lifetime.
If you have come to this site to review your basic forms in Latin, you can use this post to go over your beginning declensions.
Porta, Fem
Terra, Fem
Amīcus, Masc
Bellum, Neut
Oxford Latin Vocabulary Book II
Cube Whidden posted
Here is the vocabulary from Book II.
You can practice your Latin vocabulary with these tests.
Book II
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Oxford Latin Vocabulary Book I
Cube Whidden posted
From these links you can review your Classical Latin vocabulary which is based upon the words in the Oxford Latin Course book 1.
It will show you in real time the answers you get correct or incorrect. I always hate multiple choice tests when you don't know immediately if the answer is correct or not therefore you get no positive reinforcement. I want to know if the answer I just chose is correct or incorrect. I show that by highlighting the row in green for correct and red for incorrect which I think is fairly intuitive.
If you answer it correctly on the first try, the question becomes disabled and it credits you with one correct answer.
Look at the top for your running percentage.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Teacher Functions
Cube Whidden posted
I have been coding this site on the weekends in my spare time. I figured what I would do is code a site where you can not only review your declensions in Greek and Latin, but also the site can be used by Latin and Greek instructors with their students.
Soon, you will be able to signup as an instructor. This will enable you to add multiple classes and students with their own logins. You can then add homework in the form of tests on this site. I will keep track of these tests and keep this information in your account to review each week. This can be used as a supplement to regular homework or in lieu of it. The homework can be scheduled such that, they won't be able to do all their homework for the semester in one sitting, but homework will be scheduled for a particular week. They will finish one review and the site will not allow them to do another review (if you choose) until the allotted time has passed. For example, if you want your students to practice their first declension four times a week, you would add this homework to week one, and select a 24 hour timer so that it is spread out over the week.
I also have an area which shows a summary of your class progress across all homework.
I still have to add the vocabulary tests which will be somewhat based upon the Oxford Latin Class books.
Most of this functionality is already done. The rest will be done in the next 3 weeks. Please check back in three weeks to see if I am a liar. :D
I also have another project which I am finishing up (I only work on it on the weekends as well :D) which is at It actually doesn't look like anything unless you have a login. It allows a user to automatically create projects and add works/books in order to create easy bibliographies using the openlibrary's database. It also allows you to add citations from these works. I have been using it for my dissertation research and it has been incredibly helpful. At the end of this month there will be a signup to see how helpful it can be to you if you are doing research.
The most powerful part of it is that you can quickly add tags on works and citations so that going forward you can quickly find works and exact quotations which you desire to cite. For example, let's say that you entered a bunch of post modern quotes across many different authors. When you added these citations you added tags which organized these citations. Subsequently, you can then search for these quotations using tags, or even key words in the citations. And since your works are already contained in your own database, you do not have to do duplicate work, i.e. create bibliographic information which the site has already done for you, or find the page number of your citation. Everything is exactly where it needs to be.
All this is going to be offered at no cost.
Time Eludes Me
Cube Whidden posted
Oh my gosh, I just looked at the date of my last post. It has been over a year, I'm a total loser.
I finally had a chance to fix the initial beta tests in Greek. As I said, I messed up the site because I had to recover a database and since UTF characters gave me some trouble I lost some work. :(
At any rate, I have put up some tests to keep you fresh in the indicatives. I will finish putting up the rest of the tests and organize them.
I also have the Greek principle part tests online here, please check it out. I will add more principal parts later, but these are simply for the initial testing of the functionality. For you Latinists, I will have the Latin principal part tests online shortly. I wanted to do the Greek ones first because, well, I'm a Hellenist to the core. :D
Greek Verb Test anyone?
Cube Whidden posted
Until I put up the organized tests (which will keep your scores and take you through all verb forms) I wanted to post some present verb tests just as links. I will post other forms here. The organized tests I hope to crank out in the next week or so.
Present Active Indicative
Present Middle/Passive Indicative
Perfect Active Indicative
Imperfect Active
Imperfect Middle/Passive
Future Active
Future Middle
Site is messed up, UTF joy
Cube Whidden posted
Poop, I just noticed that I had some problems with UTF encoding and screwed up my site. The Latin forms are fixed, I am working on the Greek now.
Welcome to my alpha site
Cube Whidden posted 2010-07-28 09:30:01
Although the Platonic quote, "necessity is the mother of invention (Republic, Book 2, 369c)," seems cliche, in the case of this website it is apropos. This site is primarily for my own review of forms. Even though I do a lot of reading of Classical literature, I do not encounter all of these forms on a regular basis, so I needed an easy way to review my forms and this site answers that need.
In addition, I am teaching my son Latin and Greek. Instead of having him tediously write out his declensions using paper and pencil, he can log onto this site and review his forms painlessly.
Right now, I only have a few declensions and conjugations up for Greek and Latin, but in time I will have all of the declensions up, as well as all verb forms, vocabulary reviews, principal parts and a grammar section.
If you find any errors in forms, it is unintentional and I would greatly appreciate feedback in order to correct this (feedback form is coming :p).
You will notice when reviewing your forms that you can type in the target language, in fact, you will need to enter Latin macrons and all Greek diacritics to correctly identify your forms.
Currently the login is not working for users, but in time it will work so that you can track your test scores as well as use different reviews which will be setup for various levels of students.
Also, after most of Attic Greek and Classical Latin areas are done, I will add some subdialects of these languages which vary in forms somewhat such as Homeric Greek, Septuagint Greek, etc. Who knows, I might even add Hebrew and Akkadian if I get a burst of energy.
I hope that this site will be useful to anyone wanting to review and stay up on your forms. If you have any suggestions to make this site better or more useful, I would greatly covet your responses.
Thanks and happy parsing! :D
Cube Whidden 2020-05-23 20:42:55
There are those words in Latin that we always forget or commonly mistake for another word.
I've created a test for those words and shall add to this test over time. This is mainly for my daughter who is just now finishing first year Latin.
Here is the test.
Homeric Greek
Cube Whidden posted
So my son is officially my guinea pig. I am teaching him Greek using Clyde Pharr's amazing book Homeric Greek. We are 4 lessons in and he's doing great. He is 14 years old. He is not your typical student since he already reads Latin at a collegiate level. He already knows much of the grammar and theory of a Classical language so he is ahead of the curve.
I will post lessons here as we progress.
Our target for the year is lesson XLVII.
Homeric Greek
Latin: An Intensive Course
Cube Whidden posted
This has been one of the best books to refresh your Latin Grammar. Floyd L. Moreland and Rita M. Fleischer show their years of experience teaching Latin by producing such an excellent volume.
I will be putting all the vocabulary from the units up here.
Vocabulary Unit 1
Vocabulary Unit 2
Vocabulary Unit 3
Vocabulary Unit 4
Principal Part Tests
Cube Whidden posted
Are you a hardcore classicist?
Take the Principal Part challenges:
293 Greek Principal Parts.
There are enough principal parts here to make Professor Mastronarde gag.
443 Latin Principal Parts
Show your Latin prowess. Come on, there are only 4 principal parts in Latin, that's cake!
Mounce Chapters
Cube Whidden posted
If you are using Mounce's book, Basics of Biblical Greek, you can use this page below to practice your forms and to practice your vocabulary.
I am only up to chapter 17 so far, but will have all the chapters up here eventually.
Take a look.
New Products
Cube Whidden posted
Please stop by the store to order products. We currently have a Greek drill sheet which is good to use in order to quickly review your forms. I made it many moons ago while in the Army.
I remember while typing it late one night in WordPerfect in 1995 at Quarry Hill Chapel, an MP scared the stink out of me. He thought I was stealing things in the chapel (I was actually a chaplain's assistant so I had access to the chapel after hours.). He climbed in my office window and it was not graceful. He then got stuck half-way and I had to help him. I remember saying after I helped him to his feet, "What the heck are you doing?" He was thinking he was going to thwart the crime of the century. Instead he really only lost a few cool points.
At any rate, I offer this drill sheet for you or your students.
I also created a Latin Drill sheet. I have found them indispensable with my students. I get them in groups of two and have them drill each other in turn. I do this each week in an effort to keep their forms fresh in their minds.
Last, I recently created a Christmas reader for my eighth grade students which guides them through Luke 1:1-2:40. On the right is a list of vocabulary words, and notes are below which parses out every verb which is not in the present active indicative tense. It also explains some advanced constructions.
Click here to go to the store
National Latin Exams
Cube Whidden posted
In an effort to help my son and my students do well on the National Latin Exam in March of 2012, I have imported all the exams since 1978 into a database. I have put these tests online so anyone can take advantage of these tests.
Please feel free to take the exams. One caveat is that I need to go through all the questions which are both before 1999 and are map-specific and put up a corresponding image so that you can complete the test.
I additionally have to put up the tests from 2011 and 2012. These will be online shortly.
The test will grade you in real time so that you can immediately see the correct answer. It is my belief that it is infinitely more profitable to get immediate feedback on multiple choice questions. I have always hated waiting until the end of the test to get the results. I firmly believe that immediate feedback helps you to remember the answers better.
Here is the link to the tests:
National Latin Exams
Good luck in your endeavour with the National Latin Exam.
Beginner Latin Forms
Cube Whidden posted 2010-08-01 09:30:01
While one could argue learning Latin is beneficial for the taking of standardized tests, or as a tool which will help him better study the Romance languages, I do not believe this is the most convincing argument.
There are many arguments for learning Latin, but I always prefer the simplest one.
Latin is a beautiful language. The corpus of Latin literature is profound. And the student who applies himself diligently to the study of this language is awarded a chest full of the most luxurious treasures which will last him a lifetime.
If you have come to this site to review your basic forms in Latin, you can use this post to go over your beginning declensions.
Porta, Fem
Terra, Fem
Amīcus, Masc
Bellum, Neut
Oxford Latin Vocabulary Book II
Cube Whidden posted
Here is the vocabulary from Book II.
You can practice your Latin vocabulary with these tests.
Book II
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Oxford Latin Vocabulary Book I
Cube Whidden posted
From these links you can review your Classical Latin vocabulary which is based upon the words in the Oxford Latin Course book 1.
It will show you in real time the answers you get correct or incorrect. I always hate multiple choice tests when you don't know immediately if the answer is correct or not therefore you get no positive reinforcement. I want to know if the answer I just chose is correct or incorrect. I show that by highlighting the row in green for correct and red for incorrect which I think is fairly intuitive.
If you answer it correctly on the first try, the question becomes disabled and it credits you with one correct answer.
Look at the top for your running percentage.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Teacher Functions
Cube Whidden posted
I have been coding this site on the weekends in my spare time. I figured what I would do is code a site where you can not only review your declensions in Greek and Latin, but also the site can be used by Latin and Greek instructors with their students.
Soon, you will be able to signup as an instructor. This will enable you to add multiple classes and students with their own logins. You can then add homework in the form of tests on this site. I will keep track of these tests and keep this information in your account to review each week. This can be used as a supplement to regular homework or in lieu of it. The homework can be scheduled such that, they won't be able to do all their homework for the semester in one sitting, but homework will be scheduled for a particular week. They will finish one review and the site will not allow them to do another review (if you choose) until the allotted time has passed. For example, if you want your students to practice their first declension four times a week, you would add this homework to week one, and select a 24 hour timer so that it is spread out over the week.
I also have an area which shows a summary of your class progress across all homework.
I still have to add the vocabulary tests which will be somewhat based upon the Oxford Latin Class books.
Most of this functionality is already done. The rest will be done in the next 3 weeks. Please check back in three weeks to see if I am a liar. :D
I also have another project which I am finishing up (I only work on it on the weekends as well :D) which is at It actually doesn't look like anything unless you have a login. It allows a user to automatically create projects and add works/books in order to create easy bibliographies using the openlibrary's database. It also allows you to add citations from these works. I have been using it for my dissertation research and it has been incredibly helpful. At the end of this month there will be a signup to see how helpful it can be to you if you are doing research.
The most powerful part of it is that you can quickly add tags on works and citations so that going forward you can quickly find works and exact quotations which you desire to cite. For example, let's say that you entered a bunch of post modern quotes across many different authors. When you added these citations you added tags which organized these citations. Subsequently, you can then search for these quotations using tags, or even key words in the citations. And since your works are already contained in your own database, you do not have to do duplicate work, i.e. create bibliographic information which the site has already done for you, or find the page number of your citation. Everything is exactly where it needs to be.
All this is going to be offered at no cost.
Time Eludes Me
Cube Whidden posted
Oh my gosh, I just looked at the date of my last post. It has been over a year, I'm a total loser.
I finally had a chance to fix the initial beta tests in Greek. As I said, I messed up the site because I had to recover a database and since UTF characters gave me some trouble I lost some work. :(
At any rate, I have put up some tests to keep you fresh in the indicatives. I will finish putting up the rest of the tests and organize them.
I also have the Greek principle part tests online here, please check it out. I will add more principal parts later, but these are simply for the initial testing of the functionality. For you Latinists, I will have the Latin principal part tests online shortly. I wanted to do the Greek ones first because, well, I'm a Hellenist to the core. :D
Greek Verb Test anyone?
Cube Whidden posted
Until I put up the organized tests (which will keep your scores and take you through all verb forms) I wanted to post some present verb tests just as links. I will post other forms here. The organized tests I hope to crank out in the next week or so.
Present Active Indicative
Present Middle/Passive Indicative
Perfect Active Indicative
Imperfect Active
Imperfect Middle/Passive
Future Active
Future Middle
Site is messed up, UTF joy
Cube Whidden posted
Poop, I just noticed that I had some problems with UTF encoding and screwed up my site. The Latin forms are fixed, I am working on the Greek now.
Welcome to my alpha site
Cube Whidden posted 2010-07-28 09:30:01
Although the Platonic quote, "necessity is the mother of invention (Republic, Book 2, 369c)," seems cliche, in the case of this website it is apropos. This site is primarily for my own review of forms. Even though I do a lot of reading of Classical literature, I do not encounter all of these forms on a regular basis, so I needed an easy way to review my forms and this site answers that need.
In addition, I am teaching my son Latin and Greek. Instead of having him tediously write out his declensions using paper and pencil, he can log onto this site and review his forms painlessly.
Right now, I only have a few declensions and conjugations up for Greek and Latin, but in time I will have all of the declensions up, as well as all verb forms, vocabulary reviews, principal parts and a grammar section.
If you find any errors in forms, it is unintentional and I would greatly appreciate feedback in order to correct this (feedback form is coming :p).
You will notice when reviewing your forms that you can type in the target language, in fact, you will need to enter Latin macrons and all Greek diacritics to correctly identify your forms.
Currently the login is not working for users, but in time it will work so that you can track your test scores as well as use different reviews which will be setup for various levels of students.
Also, after most of Attic Greek and Classical Latin areas are done, I will add some subdialects of these languages which vary in forms somewhat such as Homeric Greek, Septuagint Greek, etc. Who knows, I might even add Hebrew and Akkadian if I get a burst of energy.
I hope that this site will be useful to anyone wanting to review and stay up on your forms. If you have any suggestions to make this site better or more useful, I would greatly covet your responses.
Thanks and happy parsing! :D