Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation iaciō
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative (contract) ἠγαπώμην
Mounce Present Active Participle of εἰμί
Classical Latin
Verb esse Present Active Indicative to be
Verb Irregular to be Present Active Indicative εἰμί
This is the Prose test for 1992. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Matronae Romanae, flores _____ portantes, ad templum lente ambulaverunt.
A. manibus
B. manus
C. manuum
D. manui
2. Tomorrow you will be called together to discuss and vote on the senate budget proposals.
A. convocabitis
B. convocamini
C. convocabimini
D. convocaveratis
3. Itinere perfecto, milites arma impedimentaque deposuerunt.
A. To make a journey
B. Planning to make a journey
C. After the journey was completed
D. By making a perfect journey
4. Post bellum periculosum non licebit illis senatoribus redire ad patriam.
A. senators won't begin
B. senators did not want
C. senators will not be permitted
D. senators had no reason
5. Imperator Romanus captivos tres menses teneri iussit.
A. to hold
B. to have held
C. to have been held
D. to be held
6. Omnes discipuli discipulaeque linguae Latinae nomina of the months discere debent.
A. mensium
B. mensibus
C. menses
D. mensi
7. Mense Iulio we will be there vobiscum.
A. adsumus
B. adfueramus
C. aderamus
D. aderimus
8. Pliny announced to his friends that he had seen leaping flames and falling ash.
A. se conspectum esse
B. se conspicere
C. se conspexisse
D. se conspecturum esse
9. Cras proficiscamur ut Romam tertio die perveniamus.
A. we had set out
B. we will set out
C. if we set out
D. let's set out
10. Dominus ad villam rusticam redire wishes.
A. voluit
B. vellet
C. volet
D. vult
11. Dic mihi, quaeso, cur consules ex urbe iter faciant.
A. will travel
B. are traveling
C. travelled
D. must travel
12. Ulysses was so strong that he was able easily to string the bow and shoot an arrow through the twelve iron axes.
A. ut potest
B. ut possit
C. ut poterat
D. ut posset
13. Cicero Marcum Tulliamque, his son and daughter, ad villam rusticam misit.
A. filio filiaque
B. filio filiaeque
C. filius filiaque
D. filium filiamque
14. Dux erat sapientior hoste.
A. of the enemy
B. through the enemy
C. by the enemy
D. than the enemy
15. Cum poeta P. Ovidius Naso de amore scripserit, notior tamen est nobis propter fabulas de deis.
A. Since
B. Although
C. With
D. When
16. Perseus showed the head of Medusa to the enemies pursuing him.
A. insequens
B. insequentes
C. insequenti
D. insequentibus
17. Haec fabula audienda est.
A. must hear
B. was heard
C. must be heard
D. is going to be heard
18. Noli credere omnia quae audis, noli dicere omnia quae scis.
A. which
B. she
C. these
D. who
19. The Roman author Seneca said, "quidquid bene dictum est ab ullo, meum est."
A. Who said it well
B. Whatever has been said well
C. Whatever word is good
D. Any speech is good
20. The two families fought very bitterly for three generations.
A. acerrime
B. acrius
C. acriter
D. acrior
21. Which most closely resembles the Latin expression suum cuique?
A. He is his own man
B. What is mine is yours
C. To his own advantage
D. To each his own
22. The conflicts between Caesar and Pompey led to the downfall of the Roman:
A. provinces
B. Empire
C. Republic
D. Monarchy
23. What Latin verb is at the root of the English derivatives participant, SUSCEPTIBLE, DECEIVE, and RECIPIENT?
A. curare
B. cavere
C. capere
D. cedere
24. The Twelve Tables specified that the bodies of the dead be buried:
A. in the Forum
B. on the Palatine Hill
C. outside the city walls
D. on the banks of the Tiber
25. The Romans constructed large colonnaded buildings to use as courthouses which were used later by Christian as churches. The Romans called these buildings:
A. stadia
B. basilicae
C. templa
D. thermae
26. Versatile, OBSERVE, ADVERTISE, and CONVERTIBLE are derivatives from the Latin verb:
A. vincere
B. vertere
C. vendere
D. vereor
27. In Greek mythology, Daphne, Baucis, Clytie, and Arachne:
A. underwent metamorphoses
B. killed their husbands
C. had their children taken away
D. were followers of Bacchus
28. Goods shipped to Rome from Mediterranean ports would be unloaded at Rome's port city of:
A. Byzantium
B. Brundisium
C. Alexandria
D. Ostia
29. Herodotus, Livy, and Tacitus were ancient:
A. philosophers
B. writers of comedy
C. historians
D. writers of tragedy
30. Which Roman ruler, whose name is associated with the Golden Age of Latin literature offered encouragement to Vergil and Horace in their literary efforts?
A. Julius Caesar
B. Scipio the Younger
C. Augustus
D. Trajan
31. Who traditionally inspired the creative efforts of artists in the ancient world?
A. Graces
B. Muses
C. Fates
D. Gorgons
32. Tantalus, Sisyphus, Tityos, and Ixion were mythological characters who:
A. suffered terrible punishments in the Underworld
B. fought in the Trojan War
C. accompanied Jason on the Argo
D. were killed by Hercules