Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Second Aorist Active Indicative ἒλαβον
Mastronarde-Pres Midd/Pass Ind λύομαι
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation capiō
Classical Latin
Mounce 1st and 2nd Declension Adjective ἀγαθός
Mastronarde-Pres Midd/Pass Ind πείθομαι
This is the Prose test for 1991. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. The dove is a symbol of peace.
A. pax
B. pacis
C. pace
D. pacem
2. Incolae Mercurium diligentissime adorabant.
A. diligent
B. very diligently
C. diligently
D. most diligent
3. Icarus tam audax erat ut patri non _____.
A. paruerit
B. paruisset
C. pareat
D. pareret
4. "quam pulchra est Venus!" clamavit Adonis.
A. Which
B. Where
C. Who
D. How
5. Rex _____ in colle Capitolino aedificavit.
A. templa
B. templis
C. templo
D. templorum
6. Filius parvus rogat ubi mater sit.
A. had been
B. was
C. is
D. will be
7. Illae sunt feminae de _____ loquebaris.
A. cuius
B. qua
C. quae
D. quibus
8. Luna clarius quam stellae in caelo lucebat.
A. as the stars
B. which stars
C. for the stars
D. than the stars
9. Multa ab iudice de legibus dicta sunt.
A. about the judge
B. away from the judge
C. for the judge
D. by the judge
10. Animalia in silvam venerunt ad cibum ____.
A. inventi
B. inventuri
C. inveniendum
D. invenisse
11. Who misit naves ut iuvenes transportarent?
A. Quis
B. Quid
C. Quod
D. Quem
12. Puer dixit se stilum perdisse.
A. will lose
B. having lost
C. loses
D. had lost
13. Villam novam vobis vendere volumus.
A. we want
B. we wanted
C. we shall have wanted
D. we will want
14. Filii patrem romae exspectaverunt.
A. to Rome
B. from Rome
C. by Rome
D. at Rome
15. Concilio dimisso, duces civitatum ad Curiam se reverterunt.
A. Disband the meeting
B. The meeting will be disbanded
C. After the meeting had been disbanded
D. With the meeting about to disband
16. Miserrimus Orpheus tendens manus uxorem servare temptavit.
A. to stretch out
B. about to stretch out
C. having stretched ot
D. stretching out
17. Nox : noctis : : dies : _____
A. diei
B. die
C. diem
D. diebus
18. "ne credamus militibus, inquit imperator.
A. why not believe
B. let's not believe
C. shall we not believe
D. we are not believing
19. Cum hostes in nostro regno essent, tamen eis non nocuimus.
A. they
B. their
C. them
D. this
20. Discipulus hortatus est suos amicos ut linguam Latinam discerent!
A. having urged
B. urged
C. will urge
D. urges
21. The speaker responded to the question with a non sequitur.
A. summary of what we asked
B. another question
C. statement that does not follow the line of questioning
D. cogent argument
22. Which of the following stories is an example of fratricide?
A. Romulus and Remus
B. Castor and Pollux
C. Apollo and Mercury
D. Aeneas and Anchises
23. The delegate did not want to miss the plenary session. plenary is derived from the Latin word meaning:
A. late
B. first
C. partial
D. full
24. The Roman official who supervised public games, streets, and buildings was the:
A. quaestor
B. aedile
C. praetor
D. censor
25. Kalendae, NONES, and IDUS refer to:
A. Roman buildings
B. meals and food
C. parts of an oration
D. the Roman calendar
26. Pompeii and Herculaneum are located:
A. in northern Italy
B. on the island of Sicily
C. on the west coast of Italy
D. on the east coast of Spain
27. Which of the following Roman numeras represents the year 1991?
28. Into what general category would the words nepos, AVUS, and AVUNCULUS be grouped?
A. names of family members
B. temples in the forum
C. articles of clothing
D. items needed for school
29. The egress of the building was not obvious to the group of visitors.
A. layout
B. exit
C. safety design
D. basement
30. The salutation "Si vales benest. Ego valeo." often abbreviated S.V.B.E.V. was used by a Roman:
A. at a funeral site
B. to end a speech
C. at the beginning of a letter
D. in prayer
31. "Si vera, si sancta, si decora pulchraque sunt apud istos doctores..." This quote contains an example of the literary device called:
A. litotes
B. hyperbole
C. anaphora
D. simile
32. The expression "to cross the Rubicon" means:
A. to flee from the enemy
B. to make an irrevocable decision
C. to make a mistake
D. to tell a lie