Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Present Active Participle of εἰμί
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension ἥρως
Homeric Greek Lesson IX Imperfect Active Indicative
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation habuī
Mounce Future Middle-Passive Indicative πορεύσομαι
Classical Latin
Verb esse Present Active Indicative to be
Classical Latin
This is the Poetry test for 1998. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 31 questions
1. Romani carmina Catulli audire magnopere cupiebant.
A. more
B. greatly
C. most
D. great
2. Lucretius rogavit quomodo homines creati essent.
A. had been created
B. will be created
C. used to be created
D. would be created
3. Vestales erant feminae ____ flammae sacrae servatae sunt.
A. qui
B. quas
C. cuius
D. a quibus
4. Maluistine Catulli quam Horati carmina legere?
A. Do you prefer
B. Will you prefer
C. Did you prefer
D. Had you preferred
5. Poena Tantali par sceleri erat.
A. to the crime
B. the crime
C. by the crime
D. of the crime
6. Venus ad Iunonem fari volebat.
A. speaking
B. to speak
C. to have spoken
D. having spoken
7. Si cervus sacer non necatus esset, Agamemnon suam filiam Iphigeniam non sacrificavisset.
A. did not sacrifice
B. must be sacrificed
C. would not have sacrificed
D. should not be sacrificed
8. Dea tantum invidiae demonstravit.
A. of such jealousy
B. which jealousy
C. so much jealousy
D. jealousy itself
9. Pluto dixit Proserpinam cum matre sex menses habitare posse.
A. had been able
B. must be able
C. ought to be able
D. was able
10. Medea Iasonem monuit ne novam nuptam IN MATRIMONIUM DUCERET.
A. who might not marry
B. when he married
C. if he should marry
D. not to marry
11. Thisbe Pyramum iacentem humi invenit.
A. under the ground
B. on the ground
C. to the ground
D. from the ground
12. Mos maiorum Romanis venerandus est.
A. The Romans must respect the custom of the ancestors.
B. The Romans will respect the custom of the ancestors.
C. The Romans have respected the custom of the ancestors.
D. The Romans had respected the custorm of the ancestors.
13. Turno interfecto, anima sub umbris discessit.
A. By killing Turnus
B. Turnus about to kill
C. Turnus is killing
D. After Turnus had been killed
14. Ulixes ex Asia rediens Ithacam petebat.
A. about to return
B. returning
C. to return
D. having been returned
15. Ne credite, homines, hostibus.
A. We can't trust
B. Don't trust
C. In order not to trust
D. Let him not trust
16. Augures aves spectabunt ut omina pronuntient.
A. if they declare the omens
B. in order to declare the omens
C. the omens must be declared
D. after the omens had been declared
17. Perseus monstrum facie horribile vidit.
A. by a dredful appearance
B. for a dreadful appearance
C. with a dreadful appearance
D. a dreadful appearance
18. Niobe filias orabat, "Eritisne solacio mihi in meo dolore?"
A. with my comfort
B. for me to comfort
C. a comfort to me
D. while comforting me
19. Omnes dicere Latine OPORTET.
A. Everyone regrets
B. Everyone ought
C. Everyone is sick
D. Everyone is bored
20. Scripsitne Horatius tot carmina QUOT Ovidius?
A. so …as
B. as many …as
C. as often …as
D. the same …as
21. Which of these is not a mother/son relationship?
A. Thetis/Achilles
B. Clytemnestra/Agamemnon
C. Venus/Aeneas
D. Penelope/Telemachus
22. This leader was chosen by acclamation.
A. a secret ballot
B. write-in votes
C. shouted votes
D. a show of hands
23. This Roman poet, noted for his odes, EPodes, and SATIRES, also served as military tribune under Brutus, was a friend of Vergil, and became a member of the literary circle of Maecenas.
A. Plautus
B. Ovid
C. Horace
D. Catulllus
24. You might find the words in perpetuum ave atque vale on a Roman
A. tombstone
B. shop
C. milestone
D. villa
25. Because I broke a promise never to look at my husband, I had to perform several tasks for my mother-in-law Venus in order to win him back. Who am I?
A. Ariadne
B. Thisbe
C. Eurydice
D. Psyche
26. The best translation for the syncopated verb audierat is ____
A. he had heard
B. he hears
C. he will have heard
D. he was hearing
27. Scan the first four feet of this dactylic hexameter line: ossaque post tergum magnae IACTATE PARENTIS.
28. Actium, the site of Antony of Antony's camp in 31 B.C., gave its name to the naval battle in which Antony was defeated by
A. Pompey
B. Lepidus
C. Octavian
D. Brutus
29. Catullus spent a year on the staff of the governor of Bithynia, a country in
A. Hispania
B. Britannia
C. Asia Minor
D. Africa
30. The great library of ______was burned when Caesar was besieged there in 47 B.C.
A. Brundisium
B. Alexandria
C. Carthage
D. Athens
31. Erato, the muse of lyric poetry, served as inspiration to
A. Tacitus and Livy
B. Homer and Vergil
C. Catullus and Horace
D. Plautus and Terence