Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension ἥρως
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudābō
Homeric Greek Lesson VIII Relative Pronoun ὅς
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Present Middle/Passive λυόμαι
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audiam
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension νηῦς
Classical Latin
This is the Prose test for 2010. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 28 questions
1. Consul duas naves alexandriam mittit.
A. of Alexandria
B. to Alexandria
C. at Alexandria
D. from Alexandria
2. Vidimus multos canes similes illis.
A. of those
B. by those
C. from those
D. to those
3. Marcus amicis rogantibus de itinere non respondebat.
A. asking
B. having been asked
C. about to ask
D. to be asked
4. Timor poenae saepe peior est poena ipsa.
A. better
B. smaller
C. larger
D. worse
5. Tres puellae in campo carpendorum florum causa errabant.
A. without picking flowers
B. by means of picking flowers
C. for the sake of picking flowers
D. although there were flowers to be picked
6. Agrippina, patrem in atrium secuta, omnes amicos salutavit.
A. following
B. having followed
C. about to follow
D. to be followed
7. Nisi veneris ad nos, ad te veniemus.
A. Because you are coming
B. If you do not come
C. Do not come
D. Although you are coming
8. Semper contra hostes ____ usus sum.
A. clementia
B. clementiae
C. clementiam
D. clementia (long a)
9. Lars Porsenna militibus imperavit ut romam oppugnarent.
A. to attack Rome
B. because Rome must be attacked
C. as they were attacking Rome
D. that Rome was attacking
10. Marcus Antonius in Foro cras orationem habebit.
A. will stop the speech
B. will give a speech
C. will avoid the speech
D. will hear a speech
11. Accidit ut princeps adsit.
A. It happens
B. It is convenient
C. it is permitted
D. It seems good
12. Cornelia dixit filios esse gemmas suas.
A. would be her jewels
B. were her jewels
C. had been her jewels
D. will be her jewels
13. Epistula lecta, mater mea multo laetior facta est.
A. happier than most
B. rather happy
C. very happy
D. much happier
14. Aliquis ex vobis hoc esse verum dicat.
A. No one
B. Someone
C. That very one
D. Each one
15. Caesar dicitur in Theatro Pompei necatus esse.
A. to have killed
B. to be killed
C. to be about to kill
D. to have been killed
16. Si nuntius rediisset, victoriam nuntiavisset.
A. he had announced
B. he was announcing
C. he might announce
D. he would have announced
17. Gaius Manilius auxilio legioni ad Galliam missus est.
A. as an aid for the legion
B. by an aid of the legion
C. for the legion's aid
D. with an aid in the legion
18. Phidippides currendo celerrime ad urbem pervenit.
A. for running
B. of running
C. by running
D. for the sake of running
19. Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence: Multa mala, multa falsa, multa invita verba audita sunt.
A. anaphora
B. simile
C. polysyndeton
D. metaphor
20. Bithynia, Pontus, and Cilicia were Roman provinces located in
A. Hispania
B. Africa
C. Asia
D. Gallia
21. The speaker extolled her brother's accomplishments. extolled comes from the Latin verb that means
A. to mock
B. to ignore
C. to list
D. to lift up
22. What Roman office, filled in times of extreme need or danger, was held for a maximum of six months and allowed the officer to operate outside the authority of the other magistrates and senate?
A. dictator
B. praetor
C. aedile
D. censor
23. To which age of Latin literature do Tacitus, Petronius, Seneca, and Pliny the Younger belong?
A. Golden
B. Silver
C. Medieval
D. Renaissance
24. Before the big interview, Robert polished up his C.V. or resume. He abbreviation C.V. is short for curriculum ____.
A. valetudinis
B. vivum
C. vitae
D. verum
25. What beautiful girl sparked the jealousy of Venus and was married to a "monster" whom she later discovered to be Cupid?
A. Psyche
B. Echo
C. Daphne
D. Thisbe
26. A Latin student exclaims, "Me taedet huius pensi! She thinks her homework is
A. interesting
B. confusing
C. fun
D. boring
27. Who was the Roman general, politician, and member of the First Triumvirate, who acquired a great amount of wealth and was defeated by the Parthians at Carrhae?
A. Tarquinius Priscus
B. Cicero
C. Crassus
D. Cato the Elder
28. What is the term for the mythological creature that is half-man and half-horse?
A. satyr
B. griffin
C. centaur
D. triton