Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson VIII Relative Pronoun ὅς
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation iaciēbam
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active possum I am able
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active Indicative ībam
Classical Latin
Verb esse Present Active Indicative to be
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension ἄναξ
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative (contract) ἠγαπώμην
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
This is the Prose test for 2009. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 26 questions
1. Novem ex militibus ad castra redierunt.
A. More than nine soldiers
B. Concerning nine soldiers
C. Nearly nine soldiers
D. Nine of the soldiers
2. Gladii ____ Marius militibus dedit breves sed lati erant.
A. qui
B. quos
C. quae
D. quibus
3. Pacem omnibus gentibus petamus.
A. We are seeking
B. We must seek
C. Let us seek
D. We shall seek
4. The footsoldier defended himself from the attacks of the enemy.
A. se
B. ipse
C. eum
D. istum
5. Rex superbus, a civibus ex urbe expulsus, in exsilium ivit.
A. to drive out
B. to be driven out
C. driving out
D. driven out
6. Multi senatores apud imperatorem cenabant.
A. in the absence of the general
B. at the command of the general
C. at the home of the general
D. in honor of the general
7. Si Hannibal Romam oppugnavisset, urbs cecidisset.
A. fell
B. had fallen
C. would fall
D. would have fallen
8. Erat cincinnato nulla pecunia SED MAGNA GLORIA.
A. Cincinnatus had no wealth but great glory
B. Glory was better than wealth for Cincinnatus
C. Cincinnatus had wealth equal to his glory
D. Wealth held great glory for Cincinnatus
9. Clamores captivarum lacrimantium per urbem auditit sunt.
A. wept
B. to weep
C. about to weep
D. weeping
10. Eratne Hannibal ferocior fabio?
A. to Fabius
B. than Fabius
C. with Fabius
D. of Fabius
11. Spero vos diu victuros esse.
A. had lived
B. did live
C. are living
D. will live
12. Graves iniuriae civibus ferendae erant.
A. were bearable
B. were borne
C. had to be borne
D. were bearing
13. Puer tam fessus erat ut nemo excitare eum posset.
A. will be able
B. was able
C. may be able
D. had been able
14. Legatus rogabit sive exercitus urbem oppugnet sive ad castra redeat.
A. whether … or
B. not only … but also
C. both … and
D. if … then
15. Mater, domo egrediens, liberos convocavit.
A. homeward
B. from home
C. at home
D. into the home
16. Filius patri narrat quid ipse audiverit.
A. heard
B. is hearing
C. will hear
D. would hear
17. Explorator, cupidus videndi latius, montem ascendit.
A. to be seen
B. of seeing
C. having been seen
D. by seeing
18. What mythological character's name gives us the word which means to torment by offering something desirable only to snatch it away?
A. Ixion
B. Siren
C. Scylla
D. Tantalus
19. What military commander was a member of the second triumvirate, had a love affair with Cleopatra, and was defeated at Actium?
A. Pompey
B. Marius
C. Scipio
D. Antony
20. To show frustration with current behaviors, one might exclaim
A. Cave canem!
B. O tempora! O mores!
C. Possunt quia posse videntur!
D. Nosce te ipsum!
21. Ostia is located
A. in northern Africa
B. in Cisalpine Gaul
C. in eastern Sicily
D. in western Italy
22. What youth tragically died because he did not follow his father's instructions?
A. Icarus
B. Jason
C. Cupid
D. Achilles
23. The office of tribunus plebis was first established
A. to collect taxes from the citizens
B. to protect the common people's interest
C. to oversee religious institutions
D. to keep and publish public records
24. Against which Roman consul did Catiline conspire?
A. Cincinnatus
B. Cicero
C. Caesar
D. Sulla
25. The risible actions of the boys distracted the other students.
A. laughable
B. contentious
C. irrational
D. enthusiasti
26. What figure of speech occurs in the words: castrorum imperatorem et DUCEM HOSTIUM in senatu videtis.
A. litotes
B. anaphora
C. chiasmus
D. metonymy