Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 2 Chapter 19
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular possum present active I am able
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative (contract) ἠγάπων
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active possum I am able
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension παῖς
Classical Latin
This is the Prose test for 2008. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 28 questions
1. Athena est dea sapientissima.
A. wiser
B. wise
C. rather wise
D. very wise
2. Imperator legatos quosdam ex hostibus accepit.
A. certain
B. the same
C. former
D. these
3. Mercator multa emptori monstrat.
A. of the buyer
B. to the buyer
C. by the buyer
D. from the buyer
4. Vergilius magnum opus suum deleri post mortem iussit.
A. to destroy
B. I destroyed
C. to be destroyed
D. destroys
5. Tarquinius tam superbus erat ut sex libri a sibylla CREMARENTUR.
A. that six books were burned by the Sibyl
B. in order to burn six of the Sibyl's books
C. when the Sibyl burned six books
D. how six books had been burned by the Sibyl
6. Cum mare esset placidum, illa nocte ad fines hostium profecti sumus.
A. After
B. Why
C. Before
D. Since
7. Nox duobus exercitibus finem OPPUGNANDI FECIT.
A. Night made an end of fighting for the two armies.
B. At night the two armies must fight to the end.
C. The armies did not stop fighting at night.
D. The night's fighting was the end of the two armies.
8. Non modo discipuli SED ETIAM magistri discere possunt.
A. Neither … nor
B. Both … and
C. Some … others
D. Not only … but also
9. Oratione audita, omnes cives oratorem laudaverunt.
A. While the speech was being heard
B. To hear the speech
C. After the speech had been heard
D. By hearing the speech
10. Tristi agricolae sunt tres AEGRAE BOVES.
A. The farmer's three cows are sick and sad.
B. The sad farmer has three sick cows.
C. The farmer is sick and worried about his three cows.
D. Three cows are sad that their farmer is sick.
11. Lucius hospitibus porcum pullumve in triclinio dabit.
A. pork and chicken
B. pork but not chicken
C. pork or chicken
D. pork with the chicken
12. Liberi patrem fabulas notas narrantem audiverunt.
A. to tell
B. telling
C. by telling
D. tells
13. Dei timendi sunt vobis.
A. The gods fear you.
B. You must fear the gods.
C. You are going to fear the gods.
D. Fear your gods.
14. Estne Italia humidior britannia (final long a)?
A. Britain
B. by Britain
C. with Britain
D. than Britain
15. Magister discipulos hortatus est ut diligentissime laborarent.
A. is encouraged
B. will encourage
C. having been encouraged
D. encouraged
16. Pygmalion exclamat, "mea statua vivat!"
A. Live, my statue
B. Let my statue live
C. My statue will live
D. My statue has lived
17. Filii regis se obsides hostibus dant.
A. himself
B. her own
C. themselves
D. ourselves
18. Nolite sequi lupum in silvam!
A. I do not follow
B. Don't follow
C. I don't want to follow
D. Follow no one
19. Who, dressed as a woman, infiltrated the Bona Dea festival, and was later killed in a riot by Milo's men on the Via Appia?
A. Appius Claudius
B. Publius Clodius
C. Marcus Antonius
D. Gaius Marius
20. What figure of speech employs repetition of initial words in consecutive clauses, such as tam improbus, TAM PERDITUS, TAM TUI SIMILIS?
A. chiasmus
B. anaphora
C. onomatopoeia
D. litotes
21. Where in Italy are Herculaneum, Pompeii, and Mount Vesuviius located?
A. Etruria
B. Latium
C. Campania
D. Sicilia
22. The English word incident, ACCIDENT, CADENCE, and OCCASION all derive from a Latin verb that means to
A. fall
B. proceed
C. kill
D. sing
23. In the battle of Pharsalus, Julius Caesar defeated what famous Roman general and rival?
A. Pompey
B. Brutus
C. Marc Antony
D. Octavian
24. A task described as sisyphean is
A. endless
B. swift
C. fruitful
D. helpful
25. The augur, HARUSPEX, and PONTIFEX were primarily associated with Roman
A. warfare
B. art
C. education
D. religion
26. What Roman orator wrote speeches against Verres and Catiline?
A. Marc Antony
B. Caesar
C. Cicero
D. Pompey
27. Which river is located in Italy?
A. Rhine
B. Seine
C. Rubicon
D. Nile
28. Scilicet, abbreviated SC., is a contraction of the Latin words SCIRE and LICET. Scilicet means
A. one should permit it
B. it is permitted to know
C. it is agreed
D. don't wory about it