Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 4th Conjugation audīrem
Mastronarde-Pres Midd/Pass Ind πείθομαι
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative (contract) ἐποίουν
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 1
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative contract ἐπλήρουν
Classical Latin
This is the Prose test for 2007. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 29 questions
1. Antequam Roma condita est, Romulus Remum interfecit.
A. since
B. before
C. while
D. although
2. Marius tam potens erat ut consul saepe deligeretur.
A. that he was elected
B. so that he might be elected
C. that he be elected
D. as he was elected
3. Senatus Caesarem flumen transisse nuntiavit.
A. was crossing
B. had crossed
C. is crossing
D. would cross
4. Galli se condiciones pacis accepturos esse dixerunt.
A. this
B. these
C. they
D. those
5. Omnes viri Romae praeter barbaros et servos togas gerebant.
A. in control of
B. formerly
C. in addition to
D. except
6. Romani Cleopatram ____ reginam noluerunt.
A. est
B. sit
C. futurus
D. esse
7. Brutus, ____ Caesar necitus est, Roma effugit.
A. a quo
B. cuius
C. cui
D. quem
8. Nos discere oportet de antiquiis Romanis.
A. We are able to learn
B. Let us try to learn
C. It is possible for us to learn
D. We ought to learn
9. Nisi Horatius pontem custodivisset, hostes urbem cepissent.
A. is guarding
B. had guarded
C. was guarding
D. should guard
10. Tarentum, a Romano exercitu oppugnatum, a rege Pyrrho defensum est.
A. attacking
B. about to attack
C. having been attacked
D. to have been attacked
11. Amici Ciceronem ab urbe discentem comitati sunt.
A. departing
B. about to depart
C. to have departed
D. having departed
12. Theseus cum aliis iuvenibus athenis abiit.
A. in Athens
B. to Athens
C. from Athens
D. for Athens
13. Dido nescit cum suus frater urbem oppugnaturus sit.
A. had attacked
B. was attacking
C. will attack
D. has attacked
14. Imperator milites ante proelium hortatus est.
A. encourages
B. had been encouraged
C. encouraged
D. will be encouraged
15. Duo splendidi gladii IMPERATORI ERANT.
A. The general had two magnificent swords
B. The two magnificent swords pleased the general
C. The generals were proud fo the two magnificent swords
D. They entrusted the magnificent swords to the two generals
16. Milites Caesaris esse acriores militibus hostium visi sunt.
A. by the soldiers
B. than the soldiers
C. of the soldiers
D. with the soldiers
17. Quibus Octavianus victoriam nuntiavit?
A. With whom
B. To whom
C. Whose
D. By whom
18. Cicero multos libros de vivendo bene scripsit.
A. for the sake of living well
B. about living well
C. to live well
D. living well
19. In the Roman army, the official in charge of a soldier's pay was the
A. consul
B. praetor
C. aedile
D. quaestor
20. Gaius and Tiberius Gracchus were famous land reformers during the
A. Monarchy
B. Republic
C. Empire
D. Interregnum
21. What was the region north of Rome in which the ancient cities of Veii and Tarquinii were located?
A. Sicilia
B. Latium
C. Campania
D. Etruria
22. The Servian Wall in Rome is said to have been built by Servius Tullius, who was
A. the first Roman emperor
B. a famous Roman general
C. a Roman king
D. a Greek hero
23. Who was the second wife of Augustus who convinced the emperor to name her son Tiberius as his heir to the throne?
A. Livia
B. Lucretia
C. Rhea Silvia
D. Clodia
24. The religious leaders entered the cathedral and genuflected.
A. knelt
B. read the sacred text
C. sang hymns
D. lit candles
25. When Caesar crossed the Rubicon, what enemy of his fled from Rome to Greece?
A. Pompey
B. Marius
C. Crassus
D. Sulla
26. In the temple of which Roman goddess did priestesses keep a perpetual fire burning?
A. Venus
B. Juno
C. Vesta
D. Minerva
27. The adjective doric refers to both an ancient Greek dialect and
A. a military maneuver
B. a school of philosophy
C. a type of food
D. an architectural order
28. The unique student who refused to give in to peer pressure was considered ____ by his classmates.
A. festina lente
B. ars gratia artis
C. in medias res
D. sui generis
29. The salutatio of a patron by his clients took place at the second hour, which was
A. in the morning
B. at noon
C. in the late afternoon
D. at night