Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce First Aorist Passive Indicative ἐλύθην
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson XVII Aorist Middle/Passive ἐλυσάμην
Mounce Future Active Indicative liquid μενῶ
Mounce Present Middle-Passive Indicative contract ποιοῦμαι
Homeric Greek Lesson X Future Active Indicative
This is the Prose test for 2006. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 28 questions
1. Licet ut eamus.
A. We are permitted to go.
B. It is allowed for them to go.
C. He may go.
D. You can go.
2. Cum esses meus amicus, tuas culpas tamen videre poteram.
A. Although
B. However
C. When
D. With
3. Penelope erat tam fidelis ut nemo eam in matrimonium ducere posset.
A. is able
B. will be able
C. had been able
D. was able
4. Si ego essem eorum mater, eos punirem.
A. I punished
B. I had punished
C. I would punish
D. I will have punished
5. Multi ad Curiam venerunt ad senatorem ____.
A. audiendum
B. audiens
C. audivisse
D. audire
6. "loquimini, socii, magna voce," clamavit dux.
A. They are speaking
B. You wil speak
C. Speak
D. To speak
7. Estne Brutus clarior ____ ?
A. Antonius
B. Antoni
C. Antonium
D. Antonio
8. Illo anno erat inopia frumenti romae.
A. Rome
B. in Rome
C. toward Rome
D. from Rome
9. Omnes sciunt filium patri similem esse.
A. of his father
B. with his father
C. to his father
D. for his father
10. ____ mihi, puella, ubi palla mea sit.
A. Dic
B. Dicite
C. Dicere
D. Dicens
11. Hortensius dicere celerius incipit.
A. quickly
B. very quickly
C. as quickly as possible
D. rather quickly
12. Aliqui Romani Athenis studebant.
A. Other
B. Some
C. Those
D. The same
13. Miles ____ utebatur ut signum daret.
A. tubae
B. tubam
C. tubarum
D. tuba (long a)
14. Marcus intellexit cur omnes Fulviam timuissent.
A. are fearing
B. were fearing
C. had feared
D. will fear
15. Apud cives Augustus dignus honore habebatur.
A. Among
B. Before
C. After
D. Outside
16. Ponte destructo, Horatius ad ripam natavit.
A. After the bridge had been destroyed
B. By destroying the bridge
C. When the bridge will be destroyed
D. About to destroy the bridge
17. Fabis cunctando patriam servavit.
A. without delay
B. by delaying
C. for delaying
D. to delay
18. Piratae nautam insequentes eum facile ceperunt.
A. about to pursue
B. having pursued
C. pursued
D. pursuing
19. Identify the figure of speech in the following: nihil agis, nihil moliris, nihil cogitas.
A. metaphor
B. chiasmus
C. anaphora
D. zeugma
20. The Battle of Actium pitted Octavian against ____.
A. Antony and Cleopatra
B. Brutus and Cassius
C. Pompey and Crasss
D. Sulla and Marius
21. In what Roman province was Carthage located?
A. Gallia
B. Graecia
C. Africa
D. Asia Minor
22. In mythology the three old women who spun, measured, and cut the thread of life represented
A. illness
B. justice
C. joy
D. fate
23. The symbol rx, used with prescriptions to mean "Take," comes from the Latin word
A. Rumpe
B. Recipe
C. Ride
D. Rege
24. The dura mater is the _____ membrane covering the skull.
A. thin
B. tough
C. elongated
D. porous
25. Pridie non. DEC. is
A. December 4th
B. December 12th
C. December 15th
D. December 30th
26. Who were messengers of the gods?
A. Deucalion and Pyrrha
B. Pyramus and Thisbe
C. Iris and Mercury
D. Proserpina and Pluto
27. The augurs in Rome were known for their ability to
A. command the army
B. drive chariots
C. collect money
D. interpret omens
28. Who wrote ab urbe condita, an early history of Rome?
A. Caesar
B. Cicero
C. Tacitus
D. Livy