Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudābam
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative (contract) ἠγαπώμην
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative, to be, ἤμην
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mittō
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Future Middle/Passive λύσομαι
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative contract ἐπλήρουν
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mittam
Classical Latin
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative (contract) ἐποίουν
This is the Prose test for 2005. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 28 questions
1. Multos hostes extra hanc provinciam habemus.
A. in front of
B. outside
C. near
D. within
2. Meus filius equos in campo ____ monstravit.
A. te
B. tuum
C. tui
D. tibi
3. Lesbia, quacum Catullus sedebat, carmina in horto audiebat.
A. by whom
B. with whom
C. of whom
D. for whom
4. C. Plinius, incolas e periculo erepturus, navem conscendit.
A. rescues
B. intending to rescue
C. having been rescued
D. rescuing
5. "mihi sunt," Marcus Tullius dixit, "magnae villae per multas regiones Italiae!"
A. I have
B. I expect
C. I need
D. I want
6. Imperator tot Gallos QUOT arbores in magna silva conspexit.
A. both … and
B. so much … that
C. not only … but also
D. as many … as
7. Oppugnavisse illam urbem fuit stultissimum!
A. To attack
B. To be about to attack
C. To be attacked
D. To have attacked
8. Quam ingratus princeps erat Tiberius!
A. When
B. Why
C. How
D. Where
9. Regulus honoris gratia Carthaginem rediit.
A. with honor and grace
B. for the sake of honor
C. instead of honor
D. by means of honor
10. Licet omnibus servis magno cum gaudio celebrare Saturnalia.
A. It is agreed
B. It is suggested
C. It is tiresome
D. It is permitted
11. Dux Troianus timet ne tempestas naves submergat.
A. that the storm has sunk the ships
B. that the storm was sinking the ships
C. that the storm had sunk the ships
D. that the storm is sinking the ships
12. Styx est flumen deis immortalibus sacerrimum.
A. very sacred
B. sacred
C. less sacred
D. rather sacred
13. Mors, mi amice, non nobis METUENDA EST!
A. is not fearing
B. was not fearing
C. must not be feared
D. has not been feared
14. Si pater dives essem, tunicas novas meis filiis emerem.
A. I would buy
B. I had bought
C. I was buying
D. I will have brought
15. Tribunus cives in Foro brevius quam senator adlocutus est.
A. briefly
B. very briefly
C. more briefly
D. brief
16. What figure of speech is illustrated by the Latin quotation portae patent, PROFICISCERE?
A. chiasmus
B. alliteration
C. simile
D. oxymoron
17. Octavius loquendo ex animo populum tranquillabat.
A. by speaking
B. was speaking
C. about to speak
D. to have spoken
18. Nescivi quomodo equi effugissent.
A. would escape
B. were escaping
C. had escaped
D. are escaping
19. What Latin expression refers to a criminal's pattern of behavior?
A. modus operandi
B. sine die
C. infra dignitatem
D. summum bonum
20. What great Roman general rid the Mediterranean Sea of pirates, defeated Mithridates, and joined the triumvirate with Caesar and Crassus?
A. Pompey
B. Lucullus
C. Sulla
D. Marius
21. In ancient Rome, on what day of the month did the nones usually fall?
A. 1st
B. 5th
C. 13th
D. 30th
22. Naiads, DRYADS, and OREADS, the beautiful divinites in Greek mythology who inhabit rivers, trees, and mountains, are known today as
A. Sirens
B. Gorgons
C. Muses
D. Nymphs
23. The words orient and OCCIDENT come from Latin words that mean
A. far, near
B. rising, falling
C. head, foot
D. left, right
24. The de bello civili and DE BELLO GALLICO were commentaries written by
A. Sallust
B. Ovid
C. Julius Caesar
D. Livy
25. What Titan created mankind out of clay and stole fire for him from Mt. Olympus?
A. Sisyphus
B. Prometheus
C. Midas
D. Prometheus
26. Flamines, SALII, and the PONTIFEX MAXIMUS were different types of Roman
A. gladiators
B. engineers
C. priests
D. soldiers
27. In 27 bc, the Senate granted to Octavian Caesar the title
A. Celer
B. Pius
C. Augustus
D. Magnus
28. What place was considered the center of the universe and contained an oracle of the god Apollo?
A. Delphi
B. Athens
C. Olympia
D. Mycenae