Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
The Intensive Adjective - ipse
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson XVIII Pluperfect Active ἐλελύκη
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation monēbam
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active Indicative nōlēbam
Mounce Second Aorist Middle Indicative ἐγενόμην
Classical Latin
This is the Prose test for 2003. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 28 questions
1. Quot bonos libros hoc ____ leges?
A. annus
B. anno
C. annum
D. annorum
2. Nolite currere. Ambulate!
A. I never run
B. That he not run
C. Run now
D. Don't run
3. Romani erant fortiores quam ____.
A. Gallis
B. Gallos
C. Gallo
D. Galli
4. Duo consules hoc anno deligendi sunt.
A. must be elected
B. had been elected
C. are elected
D. will be elected
5. Quae cum ita essent, profecturus est.
A. he will leave
B. he should leave
C. he is leaving
D. he left
6. Si in Foro Romano adfuisses, clarissimas orationes Ciceronis audivisses.
A. you would hear
B. you would have heard
C. you heard
D. you will hear
7. Ille tam territus erat ut loqui, non posset.
A. he was not able
B. he is not able
C. he had not been able
D. he will not be able
8. Miles dixit, "Si ___ desideras, deinde praepara bellum."
A. pax
B. pace
C. pacem
D. paci
9. Marcus ad aram processit sacrificii faciendi causa.
A. for the sake of making a sacrifice
B. although he had already made a sacrifice
C. after he had made a sacrifice
D. without making a sacrifice
10. Quisque fabulam narrabat.
A. Which
B. Whatever
C. The same one
D. Each one
11. Discipuli, a magistro moniti, diligentius laboraverunt.
A. very carefully
B. most carefully
C. more carefully
D. carefully
12. Cincinnatus domo cras discedet.
A. from his home
B. by his home
C. of his home
D. through his home
13. Magister discipulum rogavit, "quando Scipio tandem Hannibalem vicit?"
A. Where
B. Why
C. How
D. When
14. Eamus ad forum quam celerrime.
A. We are going
B. We went
C. Let's go
D. We will go
15. Magna tempestate orta, nautae ad Graeciam navigare noluerunt.
A. After a big storm had arisen
B. Before a big storm arises
C. In order to raise a big storm
D. Through the rising big storm
16. Imperator laudavit milites ___ in proelio pugnaverant.
A. quem
B. quae
C. quorum
D. qui
17. Caesar flumen transiturus erat.
A. wanted to cross
B. were crossing
C. was about to cross
D. had crossed
18. Discipuli rogaverunt cur fratres Gracchi interfecti essent.
A. will be killed
B. are killed
C. had been killed
D. would be killed
19. Cicero was a Roman statesman during the political chaos of the ___ century B.C.
A. 4th
B. 3rd
C. 2nd
D. 1st
20. A magician might be called a prestidigiator. PRESTI means "ready" and DIGITI means
A. feet
B. hands
C. fingers
D. ears
21. What mythological group measures out the life-span of each human being?
A. Muses
B. Fates
C. Gorgons
D. Graces
22. Actium, where Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra in a naval battle, was located on the Ionian Sea on the west coast of ___.
A. Sicily
B. Carthage
C. Greece
D. Italy
23. The fasces, symbols of Roman power, were carried by
A. generals
B. priests
C. lictors
D. soldiers
24. If everyone in a group expresses a different opinions about a controversial issue, the conversation could be concluded by saying
A. caveat emptor
B. exempli gratia
C. suum cuique
D. de facto
25. "King Minos may block my way by land or across the ocean, but the sky is open to everybody and that is how we plan to go," said ___ to his son Icarus.
A. Theseus
B. Jason
C. Narcissus
D. Daedalus
26. When the book sale was about to start, the manager augmented the staff of his shop.
A. trained
B. increased
C. rewarded
D. praised
27. What is the appropriate answer to: potesne latine loqui?
A. Audio.
B. Habeo unam sororem.
C. Gaudeo.
D. Possum.
28. Who provided the historian Tacitus with an eyewitness account of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius?
A. Livy
B. Julius Caesar
C. Pliny the Younger
D. Cicero