Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation capiō
Classical Latin
Mounce First Aorist Active Indicative ἒλυσα
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension πόλις
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
This is the Prose test for 1999. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. Hostes Romanorum bellum gerere certe volunt.
A. will want
B. wanted
C. want
D. had wanted
2. Dea Minerva sapientior iunone esse dicitur.
A. than Juno
B. with Juno
C. by Juno
D. from Juno
3. Publius Cornelius Scipio cum copiis multis carthaginem navigavit.
A. in Carthage
B. from Carthage
C. with Carthage
D. to Carthage
4. Ibi sunt arma quae Romani ceperunt.
A. who
B. which
C. whose
D. whom
5. Romam mox visuri sunt.
A. they are seen
B. while they see
C. they are seeing
D. they are going to see
6. Cras ad Forum ibo. quo ibis?
A. who
B. where
C. when
D. why
7. Tot naves iam appropinquabant UT nulla spes victoriae nobis maneret.
A. Too many … to
B. As many .. As
C. So many … that
D. As many … as possible
8. Est mihi magna villa rustica.
A. My villas are in the country.
B. My farm is growing large.
C. I sold a farm.
D. I have a large farm.
9. You see this international motto every four years: "Citius, altius, fortius."
A. high
B. very highly
C. higher
D. highest
10. Si heri advenissent, imperatorem Tiberium vidissent.
A. they would arrive
B. they had arrived
C. they arrive
D. they arrived
11. Dux Romanus, cum in illo proelio victor fuisset, tamen copias non dimisit.
A. although
B. since
C. with
D. whenever
12. Nos consulem ipsum salutabimus.
A. ourselves
B. the same
C. himself
D. each one
13. Navibus aedificatis, ___.
A. flores vendiderunt
B. fabulam scripserunt
C. trans mare iter fecerunt.
D. gladios strinxerunt.
14. Licetne vobis natare alto in mari?
A. Will you go
B. Do you like
C. Are you permitted
D. Are you sorry
15. Carmina Catulli audiamus.
A. We are listening to
B. We listen to
C. We shouldn't listen to
D. Let's listen to
16. Quidam mercator in tabernam intravit.
A. A certain
B. The same
C. That very
D. Which
17. ______ utiles sunt ad civitatem regendam.
A. Magnae arbores
B. Optimae cenae
C. Noctes longae
D. Bonae leges
18. Librum amissum invenire conabimur.
A. We were trying
B. We were being tried
C. We will try
D. We are trying
19. When the Argonauts came to the island of the blind king Phineus, they found themselves tormented by huge bird-woman creatures called
A. Amazons
B. Harpies
C. Furies
D. Gorgons
20. Definite, INFINITIVE, and REFINED are derived from the Latin word that means
A. circular, round
B. straight, linear
C. end, limit
D. smooth, polished
21. Whose letters provide an eyewitness of the acount of the Civil War between Pompey and Caesar?
A. Pliny
B. Plautus
C. Nero
D. Cicero
22. Per contra (Latin) and AU CONTRAIRE (French) are both used to mean
A. most of the time
B. quite the opposite
C. I agree completely
D. please be patient
23. Which of these works of Cicero was familiar and most useful to the Founding Fathers as they planned the government of the United States?
A. De Amicitia
B. De Republica
C. De Senectute
D. De Natura Deorum
24. The mare tyrrhenum, MARE ADRIATICUM, and MARE AEGEUM are parts of the
A. Atlantic Ocean
B. Black Sea
C. Arabian Gulf
D. Mediterranean Sea
25. "Patria nostra nos magna voce vocat." This is an example of
A. personification
B. anaphora
C. litotes
D. onomatopoeia
26. Conclusion, RECLUSE, and CLOISTER are derived from the Latin word
A. clades, slaughter
B. claresco, shine
C. claudeo, limp
D. claudo, close
27. What extraordinary magistrate was authorized by the senate to command in times of military and domestic crises?
A. consul
B. tribune
C. dictator
D. praetor
28. Which Pontifex Maximus was responsible for a badly needed revision of the calendar in 46 B.C.?
A. Julius Caesar
B. Nero
C. Tiberius
D. Caligula
29. If you are looking for a job, you might be asked to submit an account of your qualifications, called a
A. pro forma
B. dramatis personae
C. habeas corpus
D. curriculum vitae
30. What Olympian fits this description: "wife of Vulcan, lover of Mars, mother of Aeneas and Cupid, frequent visitor to Cythera and Cyprus"?
A. Minerva
B. Venus
C. Vesta
D. Juno