Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson XI First Declension Masculine
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audiēbam
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 16
Mounce Perfect Middle-Passive Indicative λέλυμαι
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension θύγατερ
Homeric Greek Lesson VI Second Declension θυμός
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudābō
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
This is the Prose test for 1998. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Orator hostem patriae persecutus est.
A. will pursue
B. had pursued
C. pursued
D. is pursuing
2. Stella mirabili visa (all final vowels are long), rex oraculum statim consuluit.
A. He will see the strange star
B. When a strange star had been seen
C. See the strange star
D. He must see a strange star
3. Cura matri erat magna.
A. Take care of your mother
B. The mother had great concern
C. I am concerned about mother
D. The greatest care is their mother
4. Quisque suum librum tulit.
A. Who
B. No one
C. Each one
D. Which
5. Claudius erat tam superbus ut sine auxilio deorum bellu gerere temptaret.
A. that
B. when
C. in order to
D. how
6. Achilles honoris causa victoriam petivit.
A. for the sake of honor
B. in an honorable cause
C. to honor his cause
D. in case of honors
7. Discipuli a Iudis discedere nolebant.
A. wanted
B. were unwilling
C. promised
D. became
8. Romulus erat rex magna virtute.
A. of great courage
B. for great courage
C. about great courage
D. from great courage
9. Verum dicere oportet.
A. To speak the truth brings opportunity.
B. It is necessary to speak the truth.
C. TruE opportunity always speaks.
D. This is the importance of speaking the truth.
10. Horatius ipse sororem occidit.
A. his
B. himself
C. the same
D. that
11. Cum Fabricius neque regnum neque pecuniam cupiat, rex tamen multa dona offert.
A. Although
B. Since
C. With
D. When
12. Cena servis paranda est.
A. The dinner had been prepared by the slaves.
B. The dinner must be prepared by the slaves.
C. The dinner is being prepared by the slaves.
D. The dinner will be prepared by the slaves.
13. Tullia erat ciceroni cara.
A. to Cicero
B. by Cicero
C. with Cicero
D. from Cicero
14. Nonne erat Brutus sapientior comitibus?
A. with his companions
B. by his companions
C. of his companions
D. than his companions
15. Vidimus illum virum litteras scribentem.
A. to write
B. having written
C. writing
D. written
16. Let'S TEACH all our friends Latin!
A. Docebamus
B. Docuimus
C. Doceamus
D. Docemus
17. Romani artem bene dicendi laudabant.
A. of speaking
B. about to speak
C. having been spoken
D. by speaking
18. Cato scivit quae Catilina fecisset.
A. does
B. had done
C. was doing
D. will do
19. Rumor quam celerrime volat.
A. more swiftly
B. as swiftly as possible
C. too swiftly
D. rather swift
20. Plinius epistulam scripsit ut Tacitus de Vesuvii eruptione intellegeret.
A. had understood
B. might understand
C. has understood
D. while understanding
21. Which day would be the Kalends of May?
A. May 1
B. May 15
C. May 30
D. May 9
22. Achilles' tutor Chiron, who was half-man and half-horse, was a
A. satyr
B. nymph
C. sea monster
D. centaur
23. Julius Caesar was the author of de bello gallico and DE BELLO CIVILI, works of
A. oratory
B. lyric poetry
C. history
D. tragedy
24. Hadrian's Wall was intended to keep the barbarians out of
A. Germany
B. Roman Britain
C. Roman Gaul
D. Greece
25. A PERSPICACIOUS person is one who
A. sees right to the heart of the matter
B. does not understand
C. betrays his friends
D. shows great generosity
26. The motto aut viam inveniam aut faciam expresses
A. honesty
B. determination
C. fear
D. joy
27. The Greek hero who fought the Minotaur in Crete is
A. Jason
B. Theseus
C. Perseus
D. Odysseus
28. The words incipient, DECEPTIVE, and CAPTIVATING all have a common Latin root which means
A. change
B. search
C. ride
D. take
29. The Fates were portrayed as
A. women with thread and scissors
B. birds that grab people's food
C. monsters that wreck ships
D. warriors armed with swords
30. In order to discern the will of the gods, a Roman priest might
A. play dice games
B. observe the livers of animals
C. search fo a golden apple
D. look into a cup of wine
31. Caesar's message veni, VIDI, VICI is memorable for its
A. alliteration
B. polysyndeton
C. anaphora
D. chiasmus
32. Cicero's in catilinam, PRO ROSCIO, and IN VERREM are examples of
A. essays
B. letters
C. speeches
D. poems