Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular nōlō present active I do not desire
Mounce Future Middle-Passive Indicative πορεύσομαι
Mounce Second Future Passive Indicative ἀποσταλήσομαι
Mounce Perfect Middle-Passive Indicative λέλυμαι
Mounce First Aorist Middle Indicative ἐλυσάμην
Classical Latin
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative contract ἐπλήρουν
Classical Latin
This is the Prose test for 1997. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Noli me rogare!
A. I don't want to ask
B. Ask me now
C. No one asks me
D. Don't ask me
2. Principem ipsum in Circo Maximo vidi.
A. myself
B. himself
C. yourself
D. the same
3. Decem dies nuntius equo iter faciebat.
A. For ten days
B. On the tenth day
C. In ten days
D. After ten days
4. Quos senatores in foro heri audivisti?
A. Where
B. Who
C. Which
D. Whose
5. Me rogavit quo tempore Cornelia advenisset.
A. was arriving
B. must arrive
C. had arrived
D. to arrive
6. Puerum in via ludentem monui.
A. playing
B. having played
C. to play
D. about to play
7. Ille orator de rostris cives saepe hortatus est.
A. urges
B. urged
C. had urged
D. will have urged
8. Has litteras date viro rem publicam amanti.
A. having been given
B. to give
C. while giving
D. give
9. Catilina erat vir ferocis animi.
A. whose fierce spirit
B. by fierce spirit
C. of fierce spirit
D. fierce spirits
10. Erant romae aedificia multa et mirabilia.
A. to Rome
B. at Rome
C. Roman
D. from Rome
11. Mater sororque ad Hispaniam navigaturae sunt.
A. are sailing
B. have sailed
C. are about to sail
D. were sailing
12. Pompeius non credidit Caesarem fluvium transivisse.
A. to cross
B. would cross
C. had crossed
D. was crossing
13. Sum multo altior meo fratre.
A. taller
B. much taller
C. as tall as
D. the tallest
14. Alexandria est nobis videnda.
A. Alexandria was visible to us
B. We want to see Alexandria
C. We have seen Alexandria
D. We must see Alexandria
15. Haec est porta qua urbem intrabimus.
A. which
B. by which
C. whose
D. into which
16. His verbis dictis, Cicero e senatu discessit.
A. When these words had been said
B. By speaking these words
C. These words will be said
D. Which words were said
17. Virtutes antiquas doceamus.
A. we are teaching
B. we shall teach
C. we used to teach
D. let us teach
18. Iste novus homo se semper laudat.
A. him
B. themselves
C. her
D. himself
19. Fabius cunctando Hannibalem superare volebat.
A. having delayed
B. by delaying
C. to delay
D. about to delay
20. Quam pulchra est nostra patria!
A. As lovely as possible
B. Lovelier than
C. How lovely
D. Most lovely
21. Which member of the First Triumvirate, nicknamed Dives (Wealthy), was killed fighting the Parthians in the East?
A. Antony
B. Crassus
C. Octavian
D. Lepidus
22. Soliloquy, LOQUACITY, and CIRCUMLOCUTION are compounds of the Latin verb meaning
A. speak
B. place
C. travel
D. follow
23. Cannae, PHARSALUS, and ACTIUM are famous _____ in Roman history.
A. rivers
B. orators
C. philosophers
D. battles
24. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the Latin de mortuis nihil nisi bonum?
A. Speak only good about the dead
B. Good always triumphs over wrong
C. Only the good die young
D. Good actions never die
25. The Roman emperor Commodus wore a lion's skin and carried a club in an attempt to imitate which legendary hero?
A. Theseus
B. Hercules
C. Bellerophon
D. Romulus
26. When he went from Spain to Gaul, which mountain range did Hannibal have to cross?
A. Caucasus
B. Pyrenees
C. Apennines
D. Atlas
27. In Greek and Roman mythology, Charon, Proserpina, and Sisyphus were to be found
A. in Greece
B. on Olympus
C. in the Underworld
D. in Asia Minor
28. Multa de Vesuvii eruptione in meis litteris scripsi. Quis sum?
A. Plinius
B. Livius
C. Sallustius
D. Tacitus
29. Where would one usually encounter a magister bibendi in Roman society?
A. on a military campaign
B. at a banquet
C. in the arena
D. at a school
30. For Cicero, this building in the Forum was very familiar as the regular meeting place of the Roman Senate.
A. rostra
B. carcer
C. curia
D. taberna
31. In the Roman calendar, what term was used for the 13th or 15th day of the month?
A. Pridie
B. Nones
C. Ides
D. Kalends
32. The Roman magistrate who had the power to count citizens and oversee public morals was the
A. censor
B. tribune
C. consul
D. Pontifex Maximus