Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 1st Conjugation parābō
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mittēbam
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audiam
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mittō
Classical Latin
Mastronarde-Pres Midd/Pass Ind πείθομαι
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular nōlō present active I do not desire
This is the Prose test for 1996. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Cives animalia in Colosseo saepe viderant.
A. will see
B. used to see
C. had seen
D. saw
2. Discipuli suam magistram de fabula antiqua rogaverunt.
A. your
B. her
C. their
D. our
3. Rex filiam maxime amabat.
A. much
B. very much
C. more
D. very large
4. Templum _____ Augustus aedificavit pulcherrimum erat.
A. quo
B. quod
C. cui
D. cuius
5. Noster amicus ad portum cras perveniet.
A. arrives
B. has arrived
C. was arriving
D. will arrive
6. Orpheus pulchre cantare potuisse dicitur.
A. will be able
B. to have been able
C. was able
D. to be able
7. lex : legum : : impetus : _____
A. impetu
B. impetui
C. impetibus
D. impetuum
8. Let the consul beware of certain unscrupulous citizens.
A. Consul caveat
B. Consulem cave
C. Consul cavet
D. Consul cavebit
9. Orator civibus leniter dixit.
A. softest
B. soft
C. softly
D. too softly
10. Viator Romam iter fecit ut ad Siciliam NAVIGARET.
A. as he must sail
B. while sailing
C. since he sailed
D. in order to sail
11. The king asks the old man where he hid the money.
A. celat
B. celaverit
C. celavisset
D. celavit
12. Magister illi chartam dedit.
A. to him
B. by him
C. from him
D. with him
13. Venator animalia fugientia trans campos sequebatur.
A. to flee
B. about to flee
C. fleeing
D. having fled
14. Venus erat pulchrior iunone.
A. by Juno
B. from Juno
C. to Juno
D. than Juno
15. Cicero dicit se patriam amare.
A. loves
B. loved
C. will love
D. had loved
16. Infans erat carissimus matri.
A. of (his) mother
B. to (his) mother
C. by (his) mother
D. from (his) mother
17. Si piscem ex flumine cepisset eum edisset.
A. he would have eaten
B. he will eat
C. he was eating
D. he had eaten
18. Omnes libri hodie movendi sunt.
A. will be moved
B. are being moved
C. have been moved
D. must be moved
19. Senatores sunt tam laeti de victoria Romana ut ducem LAUDENT.
A. that they must praise
B. that they had praised
C. that they praise
D. that they praised
20. Claudius navem defendere conatus est, sed hostes erant potentiores.
A. will try
B. is trying
C. had tried
D. tried
21. "Quae cum ita sint" an expression often used by Cicero means
A. What about these things
B. Since these things are so
C. Bear with these things
D. There are many such things
22. A Roman would travel from Rome to Brundisium, and then across the Adriatic Sea in order to reach
A. Greece
B. Spain
C. Egypt
D. Britain
23. The established succession of offices which Cicero held on his way to becoming consul was the
A. toga praetexta
B. pedites
C. cursus honorum
D. decemviri
24. The abbreviation et seq. means
A. and others
B. it does not follow
C. and the following
D. in the same place
25. The words confide fiduciary and PERFIDIOUS share a common Latin root having to do with
A. money
B. health
C. trust
D. bravery
26. Chiron, who had the body of a horse and the head of a man and was the teacher of heroes was a
A. gorgon
B. satyr
C. minotaur
D. centaur
27. Cicero gave the First Oration against Catiline on october 21 63 B.C.
A. pridie Non. Oct.
B. a.d. XII Kal. Nov.
C. a.d. VII Id. Oct.
D. Id. Oct.
28. A typical Roman citizen often visited the thermae.
A. baths
B. markets
C. taverns
D. lawcourts
29. The father was incredulous at the girl's tale. He
A. laughed
B. didn't believe it
C. grew angry
D. started to cry
30. What literary device does the quote cum tacent clamant contain?
A. simile
B. oxymoron
C. anaphora
D. metonymy
31. The three old women known as the parcae control
A. the direction of the winds
B. song and memory
C. the Underworld
D. the thread of human destiny
32. What Roman author wrote a letter detailing the eruption of Vesuvius?
A. Cicero
B. Caesar
C. Sallust
D. Pliny