Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension νηῦς
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation moneō
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 7
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension βασιλεύς
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative ἐλυόμην
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension παῖς
Mounce 1st and 2nd Declension Adjective ἀγαθός
Homeric Greek Lesson XVII Aorist Middle/Passive ἐλυσάμην
Classical Latin
This is the Prose test for 1995. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Caesar ipse salutem mihi dixit.
A. himself
B. itself
C. the same
D. myself
2. Legati Romam venerunt ut senatores laudarent.
A. where they praised the senators
B. that they were praising the senators
C. as they praised the senators
D. in order to praise the senators
3. "Manete domi!" mater liberos monuit.
A. at home
B. from home
C. to the home
D. of the home
4. Felicior illo homine sum.
A. with that man
B. by that man
C. than that man
D. for that man
5. Si Icarus patrem audivisset, in mare non cecidisset.
A. he should not fail
B. he would not have fallen
C. he is not failing
D. he did not fail
6. Ignorantia legis excusat neminem.
A. of the law
B. the laws
C. with the law
D. to the laws
7. Cicero orationibus suis clarissimus factus est.
A. becomes
B. will become
C. became
D. may become
8. Libertas omnibus petenda est.
A. has been sought
B. is sought
C. must be sought
D. will be sought
9. Non intellego quid dicas.
A. what you are saying
B. what you might have said
C. what you were saying
D. what you had said
10. Matrona tabernam cibi emendi causa intravit.
A. having bought food
B. for the sake of buying food
C. why food was bought
D. by buying food
11. Oratione consulis audita, cives clamaverunt.
A. When the consul had heard the speech
B. When the speech of the consul had been heard
C. When the speech had been heard by the consul
D. When the consul was hearing the speech
12. Novus tribunus est vir magna (final long a) POTESTATE.
A. for great power
B. very powerfully
C. as powerfully as possible
D. of great power
13. Pater putat filios fuisse fortes in proelio.
A. will be
B. were
C. are
D. ought to be
14. Haec est urbs _____ saepe vidi.
A. cui
B. qui
C. cuius
D. quam
15. Pueros laborantes in agris spectavimus.
A. working
B. must work
C. to work
D. about to work
16. Quis nostrum omnia scit?
A. us
B. for us
C. by us
D. of us
17. Optimi viri se non laudant.
A. him
B. them
C. himself
D. themselves
18. Illae fenestrae claudi non possunt.
A. to have been closed
B. to close
C. to be closed
D. about to close
19. Mater cuique filio librum dedit.
A. to each son
B. to which son
C. to her son
D. to the other son
20. Discipuli magistrum secuti sunt.
A. will follow
B. had been followed
C. followed
D. are followed
21. Which Roman emperor was noted for building a wall in Britain and a mausoleum in Rome?
A. Hadrian
B. Nero
C. Augustus
D. Trajan
22. A LATENT talent is one that is
A. inherited
B. hidden
C. profitable
D. unusual
23. Who was the member of the first triumvirate whose defeat at Pharsalia and subsequent death gave Caesar uncontested control of Rome?
A. Sulla
B. Tiberius
C. Cicero
D. Pompey
24. The Decemviri were in charge of the Twelve Tables, tablets which contained
A. codified laws
B. instructions on augury
C. peace terms with the enemy
D. trade agreements
25. Which goddess, born from the foam of the sea and attended by the three Graces, was known for her beauty?
A. Minerva
B. Vesta
C. Juno
D. Venus
26. The Curia, located in the Roman Forum, was the scene of
A. senate meetings
B. gladiatorial contests
C. chariot races
D. public bathing
27. In a Latin passage, A.D.iv non. refers to
A. the time of day
B. a measure of distance
C. a calendar date
D. the miles marched by a legion in one day
28. Esse quam videri, the motto of the state of North Carolina, is closest in meaning to
A. Mens sana in corpore sano
B. Facta non verba
C. E pluribus unum
D. Ad astra per aspera
29. Sacerdotes, AUGURES, and PONTIFICES were titles associated with Roman _____ institutions.
A. judicial
B. military
C. political
D. religious
30. The citizens assembled to discuss the consul's nefarious behavior.
A. egotistical
B. generous
C. wicked
D. foolish
31. What did Pandora give to the human race when she opened the box?
A. fire
B. evils
C. music
D. charm
32. Put the following names in the correct chronological order: 1) Nero 2) Cincinnatus 3) Augustus 4) Romulus
A. 4,1,2,3
B. 1,2,3,4
C. 4,2,3,1
D. 4,2,1,3