Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension βασιλεύς
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension ἄναξ
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audiō
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation regō
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation iēcī
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative contract ἐπλήρουν
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
This is the Prose test for 1994. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Spectatores leonem moventem viderunt.
A. moved
B. having moved
C. moving
D. about to move
2. Puer nesciebat quot animalia ____.
A. vulnerata erant
B. vulnerata sunt
C. vulnerata erunt
D. vulnerata essent
3. "quam felix sum!" exclamavit Rex Midas.
A. Why
B. Who
C. Where
D. How
4. We arrived ahead of everyone by running.
A. currentem
B. currendo
C. currendi
D. currendum
5. "Nolite cadere, children, in mare!" monuit pager.
A. liberorum
B. liberi
C. liberis
D. liberos
6. Multi cives convenerunt ut clarum virum VIDERENT.
A. when they saw
B. in order to see
C. who had seen
D. no one saw
7. Clamoribus auditis, servi in vias cucurrerunt.
A. About to hear the shouts
B. After the shouts had been heard
C. With many shouts
D. By shouting loudly
8. Multi laudari cupiunt.
A. to have been praised
B. will have praised
C. to be praised
D. about to praise
9. Quid nobis agendum est?
A. must be done
B. is being done
C. will be done
D. had been done
10. Iuvenes se laudaverunt.
A. themselves
B. him
C. them
D. her
11. Scimus urbem non uno die constructum esse.
A. will not be built
B. did not build
C. must not be built
D. was not built
12. Dolor matris tantus erat ut loqui non _____.
A. possit
B. potest
C. posset
D. poterat
13. Quattuor diebus eos videbimus.
A. on the fourth day
B. for four days
C. after four days
D. within four days
14. Mirati sunt quae causa difficultatis esset.
A. They wonder
B. They will wonder
C. They wondered
D. They had wondered
15. Ex urbe quam celerrime discedunt.
A. quickly
B. more quickly
C. as quickly as possible
D. quicker
16. Cui victoriam nuntiavistis?
A. By whom
B. To whom
C. About whom
D. From whom
17. Mea domus est amplior quam _____.
A. tuos
B. tuis
C. tua
D. tuorum
18. Multa monumenta athenis videre potes.
A. in Athens
B. concerning Athens
C. toward Athens
D. Athens
19. Let us not discuss the matter now.
A. Non disputamus
B. Non disputare
C. Ne disputemus
D. Noli disputare
20. Si multam pecuniam haberemus, laeti essemus.
A. we are
B. we would be
C. we will be
D. we were
21. The English word ferromagnetic refers to:
A. wood
B. cloth
C. concrete
D. iron
22. "Delenda est Carthago" is a famous phrase uttered by the Censor Cato with reference to:
A. the eruption of Vesuvius
B. the Punic Wars
C. the fall of the Roman Republic
D. the plot against Julius Caesar
23. Which Roman office was established to protect the rights of the plebeians with the power of veto?
A. censor
B. consul
C. praetor
D. tribune
24. What was the role of the nine Muses in mythology?
A. to spin, measure, and cut the thread of life
B. to care for the gods and goddesses
C. to inspire artists and intellectuals
D. to cause trouble for mortals
25. The new terms of the agreement referred to piscatory rights. The term piscatory refers to
A. voting
B. fishing
C. farming
D. building
26. The pontifex maximus was in charge of
A. the census
B. religion
C. fire protection
D. public games
27. An editor uses the term errata to denote
A. mistakes in the text
B. items of particular interest
C. an original source
D. other sources available
28. The significance of Caesar's crossing the Rubicon River was that
A. his army refused to obey him for the first time
B. he was acknowledging his defeat by the Gauls
C. the entire army had to swim across
D. he was making a decision that could not be changed
29. The terms legio, CENTURIO, and COHORS refers to the
A. laws of the Twelve Tables
B. divisions of a Roman army
C. positions in the Roman Senate
D. principal agricultural regions
30. The city of Alexandria and the Nile river are located in
A. Graecia
B. Gallia
C. Hispania
D. Aegyptus
31. In Roman society, the Lares and Penates would be found
A. inside the baths
B. on a student's desk
C. in a Roman household
D. at a gladiatorial game
32. The modern message conveyed by the Latin expression ars longa, VITA BREVIS is
A. Life imitates art
B. Art outlasts the human life
C. Art can threaten life
D. Life and art are inseparable