Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Future Active Indicative liquid μενῶ
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation moneō
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation monēbō
Mounce Future Active Indicative εἰμί
Mounce Second Future Passive Indicative ἀποσταλήσομαι
Homeric Greek Lesson XVII Aorist Middle/Passive ἐλυσάμην
Classical Latin
Verb esse Future Active Indicative to be
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation -io iaciam
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
This is the Prose test for 1990. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Linguam Latinam quattuor annos legistis.
A. in four years
B. for four years
C. after four years
D. within four years
2. In primo labore, Hercules _____ necavit.
A. leonem Nemaeum
B. leo Nemaeus
C. leonis Nemaei
D. leone Nemaeo
3. Quomodo Catilina Ciceronem interficere conatus est?
A. Who
B. Why
C. How
D. When
4. Iason ad Colchidem navigavit ut vellus aureum _____.
A. quaerat
B. quaerebat
C. quaerit
D. quaereret
5. If I SHOULD SEE that famous writer, I would ask him about his book.
A. vidissem
B. viderem
C. viderim
D. videam
6. Pennis collectis, Daedalus et Icarus e Creta alis fugerunt.
A. by means of wings
B. wings
C. of wings
D. for wings
7. Catilina epistulas manlio qui erat in castris dedit.
A. with Manlius
B. to Manlius
C. of Manlius
D. from Manlius
8. Andromeda viro servanda est.
A. Andromeda is saving the hero.
B. The hero must save Andromeda.
C. Andromeda is going to save the hero.
D. The hero is about to save Andromeda.
9. Multi mirantur cur Aeneas Didonem reliquerit.
A. is leaving
B. will leave
C. left
D. to leave
10. They looked at his statue of Aphrodite with wonder.
A. eis
B. eius
C. eo
D. eorum
11. Vidimus multa flumina which per Italiam fluunt.
A. qui
B. quae
C. quorum
D. quos
12. Venus est pulchrior than juno.
A. Iunoni
B. Iunonem
C. Iunone
D. Iunonis
13. Having been warned a deo, dux cum sociis ab insula discessit.
A. Moniti
B. Monitorum
C. Monitus
D. Montitum
14. Ceres erat _____ Iovis et dea agriculturae.
A. sororem
B. sororis
C. soror
D. sorori
15. Medicus diligens vulnus _____ curavit.
A. gravium
B. graves
C. grave
D. gravia
16. Avus meus, vir clarissimus, orationes multas in Curia habuit.
A. rather famous
B. famous
C. very famous
D. more famous
17. Ianuis templi apertis, cives statim intraverunt.
A. While the doors of the temple were opening
B. The temple had opened its doors
C. To open the doors of the temple
D. After the doors of the temple had been opened
18. Ubi libertas amissa est, nemo libere _____ potest.
A. loquitur
B. locutus est
C. loqui
D. loquimini
19. Lucretius says that windy caverns are found throughout the earth.
A. speluncas
B. speluncae
C. speluncis
D. speluncarum
20. Nolite _____, cives, quid patria pro vobis facere possit.
A. petere
B. petite
C. petunt
D. petant
21. During the course of the Republic, two _____ were elected annually who shared equal power as the chief magistrates of the state.
A. censors
B. praetors
C. quaestors
D. consuls
22. The Latin word for compare is represented in English by the abbreviation:
A. viz.
B. ca.
C. cf.
D. Cu.
23. Aeolus, king of the winds, gave _____ a bag of winds to enable him to return home to Ithaca.
A. Aeneas
B. Ulysses
C. Perseus
D. Jason
24. He sent many petitions to his congressman.
A. requests
B. complaints
C. compliments
D. suggestions
25. Men who served as policemen and firemen in ancient Rome were called:
A. pedites
B. augures
C. magistri
D. vigiles
26. Brundisium, a seaport which became a Roman colony in 244 B.C., is located on the _____ Sea.
A. Adriatic
B. Tyrrhenian
C. Aegean
D. Black
27. Woodland creatures who were half-man, half-goat and attended the god Bacchus were:
A. centaurs
B. sphinxes
C. gorgons
D. satyrs
28. The words regression, GRADIENT, and RETROGRADE all come from the Latin verb which means:
A. walk, step
B. drag, draw
C. hurl, toss
D. think, ponder
29. "Philemon and Baucis" is one of the many stories in the Metamorphoses, which was written by:
A. Livy
B. Catullus
C. Ovid
D. Aesop
30. Cicero was the author of four orations against Catiline which:
A. saved the Republic from being overthrown
B. led to the arrest of the governor of Sicily
C. established citizenship in the provinces
D. caused the burning of the Curia
31. Vesuvius erupted on august 24, 79 A.D.
A. a.d. IX Kal. Sept.
B. a.d. V Non. Aug.
C. pridie Id. Sept.
D. Id. Aug.
32. Speeches were often delivered in the forum from the _____.
A. Temple of Vesta
B. Rostra
C. Tabularium
D. Aqua Appia
33. Quid multa? Is an example of ellipsis which is:
A. a substitution of a mild expression for an unpleasant one
B. the affirmative expressed by denying its opposite
C. the loss of a letter or syllable within a word
D. the omission of one or more words, understood from the passage
34. Jupiter : Perseus : : Aegeus : ______
A. Ulysses
B. Theseus
C. Daedalus
D. Orpheus
35. The senatus consultum was:
A. the senate house
B. the prison for political prisoners
C. a decree of the senate
D. an introductory remark by a tribune