Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson X Future Active Indicative
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension ἀνήρ II
Mastronarde-Pres Midd/Pass Ind πείθομαι
Mounce First Aorist Active Indicative (liquid) ἒμεινα
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 16
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension νηῦς
Mounce Future Middle Indicative (liquid) μενοῦμαι
This is the Prose test for 1989. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Prima luce surrexi ut duo milia passuum ante ientaculum _____.
A. currebam
B. cucurri
C. currerem
D. curram
2. Hi sunt aediles qui _____ praesunt.
A. ludis
B. ludi
C. ludos
D. ludorum
3. Custos exclusit homines _____ tu salutatum me miseras.
A. quos
B. quibus
C. qui
D. quis
4. I know why tourists spend entire days in Pompeii.
A. agunt
B. agant
C. agent
D. agerent
5. Putasne esse more difficult exitium quam initium invenire?
A. difficilius
B. difficile
C. difficillimum
D. difficilem
6. Romani sententias de candidatis in _____ aedificiorum saepe scribebant.
A. paries
B. parietis
C. parietum
D. parietibus
7. It would have been exciting to hear the famos orators speaking from the rostra in the forum.
A. dicentium
B. dicentibus
C. dicens
D. dicentes
8. Carrum novum emere non possum quod mihi satis _____ non est.
A. pecunia
B. pecuniae
C. pecuniam
D. pecunias
9. Cur putas eum mentem changed?
A. mutare
B. mutavit
C. mutavisse
D. mutat
10. Clamoribus _____, Calpurnia timere incepit.
A. audientibus
B. auditis
C. audiendis
D. audituris
11. Cum Cicero et Hortensius _____ competitores, inimici tamen non erant.
A. erant
B. fuerunt
C. essent
D. fuerint
12. Veritatem let him speak.
A. dicit
B. dicat
C. dicet
D. dixit
13. Res publica _____ liberata est.
A. magna pericula
B. magnis periculis
C. magnum periculum
D. magni periculi
14. Eram tardus hodie; _____ pudet.
A. ego
B. mihi
C. me
D. mei
15. Sunt nonnulli qui _____ potestatem esse cariorem vita.
A. censuissent
B. censuerint
C. censerent
D. censeant
16. Cicero relates that it was the Tiber "quo omnis iuventus _____ causa venit."
A. natanda
B. natando
C. natandum
D. natandi
17. Which one of the following expresses a thought completely different from the others?
A. Labor omnia vincit
B. Maxime laborandum est
C. Labor mihi non placet
D. Nihil sine magne labore
18. Spartacus erat gladiator _____.
A. ferox facies
B. feroces facies
C. feroci facie
D. ferocem faciem
19. Si loqueris Latine saepe, magistra magnopere _____.
A. gavisa erat
B. gavisa est
C. gaudebit
D. gaudebat
20. Romani gallinam piscesque edebant sed praesertim _____ fruebatur.
A. agnum
B. agni
C. agnus
D. agno
21. The winged lions with eagles' heads which kept vigil over a legendary pile of gold were:
A. Gorgons
B. Fates
C. Furies
D. Griffins
22. What Latin verb is the root of the English words innocuous, NUISANCE, OBNOXIOUS, and INNOCENT?
A. nolle
B. notare
C. noscere
D. nocere
23. Who was once a supporter of Cicero but later agreed to his assassination?
A. Pompey
B. Caesar
C. Sulla
D. Octavian
24. This statement conveys the sentiments of many Romans toward the end of the Republic: "Omnia venalia Romae."
A. Everything is for sale in Rome
B. All things come to Rome
C. Romans hunt everything
D. All roads lead to Rome
25. A news service during the early part of the Empire might have issued the bulletin: "Claudius Invades _____ 100 Years After Caesar!"
A. Sicily
B. Greece
C. Spain
D. Britain
26. Drusus crossed the _____ River to advance into Germany and as far as the Elbe River.
A. Rhone
B. Seine
C. Rhine
D. Marne
27. Circe had prophesied that _____ would encounter many perils before reaching Ithaca.
A. Aeneas
B. Orestes
C. Achilles
D. Odysseus
28. It was the duty of the _____ to warn people to stand aside and give way to the consul.
A. lictores
B. vigiles
C. aediles
D. praetores
29. The Pantheon was built in commemoration of Octavian's victory at
A. Zama
B. Actium
C. Lake Trasimene
D. Pharsalus
30. A Roman historian who lived and wrote during the Empire was:
A. Plautus
B. Cato the Elder
C. Catullus
D. Tacitus
31. The power of veto over almost all resolutions and actions of magistrates belonged to the:
A. censors
B. consuls
C. patricians
D. tribunes
32. Pompey was resolved not to allow _____ to stand for the consulship in 49 B.C. unless he disbanded his army.
A. Cicero
B. Octavian
C. Caesar
D. Crassus
33. Cicero defended _____, a poet and teacher, whose records of Roman citizenship had been destroyed by fire.
A. Molo of Rhodes
B. Archias
C. Demosthenes
D. Aristophanes
34. The Romans would have expressed april 21, the legendary date of the founding of Rome, as:
A. a.d. XI Kal. Mai.
B. a.d. V Id. Apr.
C. pridie Kal. Mai.
D. Non. Apr.
35. Her acerbic tone made him feel uncomfortable.
A. boastful
B. servile
C. bitter
D. flattering