Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson VIII Relative Pronoun ὅς
Classical Latin
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative (contract) ἐποίουν
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mittam
Mounce First Aorist Middle Indicative ἐλυσάμην
This is the Prose test for 1988. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Licuit Romanis ambulare in foro.
A. The Romans preferred to walk in the forum.
B. The Romans liked to walk in the forum.
C. The Romans were allowed to walk in the forum.
D. The Romans had to walk in the forum.
2. "Nonne frueris _____ hodie, domine?" rogat Tiro.
A. ludus
B. ludi
C. ludis
D. ludorum
3. Heri Cicero rogavit ubi Catilina _____.
A. sedeat
B. sedebat
C. sedet
D. sederet
4. A caterpillar becomes a butterfly.
A. vult
B. it
C. fit
D. fert
5. "don'T FLY too near the sun, Icarus!" warned Daedalus.
A. Num volas
B. Noli volare
C. Nonne volabis
D. ne voletis
6. Hannibal praemisit quendam militem qui aquam requireret.
A. that
B. another
C. a certain
D. each
7. Nos omnes volumus _____ linguae Latinae!
A. legere
B. studere
C. scribere
D. loqui
8. Locus ad ludos spectandos nuntiatus est.
A. a reason for games to be given
B. of those watching the games
C. the case against the spectators
D. for watching the games
9. Would that plura templa deorum superfuissent!
A. Quin
B. Ut
C. Utinam
D. Numquam
10. Thisbe scivit Pyramum eam loved.
A. amare
B. amari
C. amabat
D. amatum esse
11. Vidimus many farmers working in agris prope urbem.
A. multorum agricolarum laborantium
B. multi agricolae laborantes
C. multis agricolis laborantibus
D. multos agricolas laborantes
12. Si sol luceret, non esset frigidum.
A. If the sun should shine, it would not be cold.
B. If the sun had shone, it would not have been cold.
C. If the sun will shine, it will not be cold.
D. If the sun were shining, it would not be cold.
13. Liberi venerunt visum gladiatores.
A. at the sight of
B. to see
C. when seen
D. while seeing
14. Paulus est altior by two feet quam Lucius.
A. duobus pedibus
B. duos pedes
C. duo pedes
D. duorum pedum
15. Octavianus ab militibus certior factus est Antonium mortuum esse.
A. was informed
B. pleaded
C. was grateful
D. announced
16. Few men were equal to Caesar in courage or in wisdom.
A. virtus aut sapientia
B. virtutis aut sapientiae
C. virtutem aut sapientiam
D. virtute aut sapientia
17. Quaque nocte lucernae liberis accendendae erant.
A. Each night the children will have to light the lamps.
B. Each night the children lit the lamps.
C. Each night the children wanted to light the lamps.
D. Each night the children had to light the lamps.
18. The woman has served the Congress for many years.
A. multis annis
B. multorum annorum
C. multi anni
D. multos annos
19. Cum in exilio Tomis esset, Ovidius cupidus _____ erat.
A. uxorem videndam
B. uxoris videndae
C. uxori videndae
D. uxor videnda
20. Legamus optimos libros.
A. Let's read
B. We will read
C. We have read
D. We are reading
21. Cilicia, where Cicero served as proconsul in 51 B.C., was located in:
A. North Africa
B. Spain
C. Britain
D. Asia Minor
22. Each July the Comitia Centuriata, meeting in the Campus Martius, elected eight _____ who were responsible for the administration of justice in Rome.
A. tribunes
B. quaestors
C. praetors
D. aediles
23. Which of these words is not applicable to Roman religion?
A. cliens
B. haruspex
C. pontifex
D. flamen
24. The tabularium was the:
A. home of the Vestal Virgins
B. master's home office
C. state archives
D. exercise area for gladiators
25. What two events occurred in 63 B.C.?
A. destruction of Pompeii and the death of Pliny the Elder
B. death of Caesar and of Cicero
C. birth of Augustus and conspiracy of Catiline
D. collapse of the Republic and death of Cleopatra and death
26. The twin offspring of the goddess Latona were directly responsible for the punishment of:
A. Niobe
B. Arachne
C. Baucis and Philemon
D. Deucalion and Pyrrha
27. Which of these structures could Cicero not have seen during his lifetime?
A. Carcer Mamertinus
B. Amphitheatrum Flavianum
C. Basilica Aemilia
D. Templum Saturni
28. Cicero successfully defended the Greek poet _____, whose Roman citizenship was challenged in 62 B.C.?
A. Tiro
B. Archias
C. Androcles
D. Atticus
29. The peroratio of an oration was the:
A. introduction
B. statement of the case
C. argument
D. closing statement
30. Which of the following is not one of Cicero's comtemporaries?
A. Pompey
B. Scipio the Younger
C. Hortensius
D. Sallust
31. The second century B.C. Roman censor demanded the destruction of Carthage and is recognized as the founder of Latin prose.
A. Tiberius Gracchus
B. Plautus
C. Cato the Elder
D. Julius Caesar
32. The act of freeing a slave was called:
A. manumission
B. recession
C. capitulation
D. deification
33. The Romans would have rendered August 8 as:
A. a.d. xviii Kal. Sept.
B. Non. Aug.
C. a.d. vi Id. Aug.
D. prid. Id. Aug.
34. To which of the following Latin verbs is the English adjective perspicacious etymologically connected?
A. pecco
B. specto
C. spiro
D. parco
35. Quae femina facta est arbor?
A. Echo
B. Arachne
C. Baucis
D. Niobe