Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation moneō
Mounce First Aorist Active Indicative ἒλυσα
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 16
Classical Latin
Mounce Second Aorist Middle Indicative ἐβαλόμην
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative ἐλυόμην
Homeric Greek Lesson X Aorist Active Indicative
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudābō
This is the Prose test for 1986. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Let us begin magno cum studio.
A. inciperemus
B. incipiamus
C. incipiemus
D. incipimus
2. "don'T LOOK AT the Medusa, Perseus," said Hermes.
A. Non spectas
B. Noli spectare
C. Non spectare
D. Nolite spectare
3. Magister you aedificia antiqua demonstrabit.
A. vestris
B. vos
C. vestrum
D. vobis
4. Aries aureus ___ liberos venit. (The golden ram came to rescue the children.)
A. servate
B. servatum
C. servantes
D. servari
5. The best translation of fere omnes is:
A. all wild ones
B. bring everyone
C. almost all
D. everything made of iron
6. Hercules erat fortior quam ___.
A. fratrem
B. fratre
C. fratri
D. frater
7. Horatius asked who was willing to defend the bridge with him.
A. vellet
B. volebat
C. velit
D. voluit
8. The city which granted Archias citizenship was Heraclea.
A. cuius
B. qua
C. quam
D. quae
9. Quod animal est larger?
A. maior
B. maius
C. maiorem
D. maiorum
10. Mali comites ___ vitandi sunt. (We must avoid evil companions.)
A. a nobis
B. nos
C. nobis
D. nostri
11. Paris dixit Venerem esse ___.
A. pulcherrima
B. pulcherrimae
C. pulcherrimam
D. pulcherrimarum
12. Vespasian ruled Rome for ten years.
A. decimo anno
B. decem annis
C. decimum annum
D. decem annos
13. Ramo aureo ___, Aeneas ad Avernum descendit.
A. capiens
B. capto
C. cape
D. capiendum
14. Aegeus thought that his son had been killed.
A. interfecturum esse
B. interfecisse
C. interfectum esse
D. interfici
15. Si Sabinae domi mansissent, non raptae essent.
A. they would not be kidnapped
B. they would not have been kidnapped
C. they could not be kidnapped
D. they will not be kidnapped
16. Tiro erat servus Ciceronis, the roman consul.
A. consule romano
B. consulem Romanum
C. consulis Romani
D. consuli Romano
17. Cicero Catilinam inter senatores ___ vidit.
A. sedentium
B. sedentem
C. sedentibus
D. sedet
18. Atalanta surpassed all other mortals in running.
A. currendi
B. currendo
C. currendum
D. currens
19. Troiani timebant ___ urbs caperetur. The Trojans feared that their city would be taken.
A. ne
B. ut
C. ut non
D. quin
20. Cicero Catilinam ex urbe ___ coegit.
A. excedere
B. excedat
C. excedit
D. excessus
21. The aes, DENARIUS, and SESTERTIUS were all examples of Roman
A. ships
B. coins
C. military formations
D. footwear
22. The body of water which is enclosed by Greece, Asia Minor, and Crete is the ___ Sea.
A. Aegean
B. Black
C. Tyrrhenian
D. Adriatic
23. When Cicero said, "vixerunt," to announce that the Catilinarian conspirators had been put to death, what figure of speech was he employing?
A. praeterition
B. euphemism
C. alliteration
D. hyperbole
24. According to the historian Livy, the story of Lucretia and Sextus Tarquinius was of paramount importance in the downfall of the Roman:
A. Empire
B. Monarchy
C. Interregnum
D. Republic
25. Ixion, Tantalus, Sisyphus, and the Danaids were all:
A. killed at Troy
B. punished in Tartarus
C. judges in Hades
D. sons of Cronus
26. Commentarii de bello civili is an account of the civil war between:
A. Antony and Octavian
B. Marius and Sulla
C. Antony and Brutus
D. Pompey and Caesar
27. What famous Roman general and statesman achieved his military reputation by clearing the Mediterranean of pirates and defeating King Mithridates?
A. Augustus
B. Julius Caesar
C. Pompey
D. Marc Antony
28. Cicero studied rhetoric on the island of Rhodes. The patron deity of this island was Helios, a Greek god of the:
A. sun
B. liberal arts
C. winds
D. natural law
29. The early history of Rome, ab urbe condita, was written by:
A. Cicero
B. Caesar
C. Livy
D. Seneca
30. Agrippa and Hadrian both played an important part in the construction of the domed architectural marvel called the:
A. Parthenon
B. Circus Maximus
C. Pantheon
D. Colosseum
31. Cicero's fourteen orations called the Philippics were written to denounce:
A. Octavian
B. Brutus
C. Caesar
D. Antony
32. The son of Apollo, whom the Romans called ___, dared to bring the dead back to life.
A. Aeolus
B. Aegeus
C. Aesculapius
D. Ascanius
33. A TACITURN person is one who:
A. talks incessantly
B. displays good character
C. likes people
D. is silent
34. The pharmacist uses the abbreviation H.S. (hora somni) to instruct a patient to take his medication:
A. at breakfast
B. three times a day
C. after lunch
D. at bedtime
35. The onus probandi rests with the prosecution during criminal trials.
A. responsibility to the state
B. defendant's rights
C. burden of proof
D. legislative power