Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative (contract) ἠγαπώμην
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation monēbō
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 1
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation capiēbam
Mounce Future Middle-Passive Indicative πορεύσομαι
Mounce Present Middle-Passive Indicative Deponent ἒρχομαι
Mastronarde-Pres Act Ind πέμπω
This is the Prose test for 1985. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Aediles _____ praeerant.
A. templa
B. templorum
C. templum
D. templis
2. Ne _____ frustra!
A. morimur
B. moriamur
C. moriemur
D. mortui sumus
3. Negotio confecto, mercator home navigavit.
A. domus
B. domum
C. domo
D. domui
4. Numerus coniuratorum in dies crescit.
A. during the day
B. toward dawn
C. one day
D. day by day
5. Whose daughter was carried off by the King of the Underworld?
A. Quis
B. Qui
C. Cuius
D. Quem
6. Cerberus erat canis triceps _____ portam Orci custodiebat.
A. qui
B. quem
C. quos
D. quo
7. Mulier pulchra in speculo herself admirabatur.
A. se
B. haec
C. quaedam
D. eadem
8. Fortasse coniurati metuebant ne Cicero consilium _____.
A. patefacere
B. patefaciat
C. patefecit
D. patefaceret
9. Multi ad forum orationis _____ causa venerunt.
A. audituri
B. audiendae
C. audire
D. audientes
10. Omnes cives _____ liberati sunt.
A. periculum
B. periculo
C. periculi
D. periculorum
11. Augures credebant aves volantes futura would predict.
A. praedixerint
B. praedicere
C. praedicturas esse
D. praedixisse
12. Hortensius began to speak more quickly when he saw that the crowd was becoming restless.
A. celeriter
B. celerrime
C. quam celerrime
D. celerius
13. Cicero senatores hortatus est ut mortem Catilinae _____.
A. petere
B. petant
C. peterent
D. petivissent
14. Nemo est qui Cassandrae _____.
A. credat
B. crederet
C. credidisset
D. credere
15. _____, serve, ad me togam virilem.
A. Ferre
B. Ferte
C. Ferens
D. Fer
16. Tria milia _____ ab imperatore conscripta sunt.
A. equites
B. equitum
C. equitis
D. equitibus
17. The tourists come to Rome to see the forum. Which answer CANNOT be used to translate the underlined words?
A. visum
B. ad videndum
C. videre
D. ut videant
18. Reading is an enjoyable way to spend a rainy afternoon.
A. Legentes
B. Legendo
C. Lecturus
D. Legere
19. Daedalus gave the wings he had made to Icarus, his son.
A. filio
B. filius
C. fili
D. filium
20. Liberi viam prope flumen _____ constituerunt.
A. sequuntur
B. secutus
C. sequi
D. secuturus
21. Two characters in Greek mythology who were rewarded by Mercury and Jupiter for respecting the guest-host relationship were:
A. Castor and Pollux
B. Baucis and Philemon
C. Jason and Medea
D. Deucalion and Pyrrha
22. The fasces were carried by public servants called:
A. praetores
B. lictores
C. censores
D. augures
23. The road which can be seen in the Forum Romanum is the Via _____.
A. Flaminia
B. Appia
C. Sacra
D. Aurelia
24. During the press conference the candidate made an odious statement which had serious consequences.
A. untimely
B. unfair
C. unreliable
D. hateful
25. The phrase novus ordo seclorum, found on the U.S. dollar bill, means:
A. might makes right
B. a new order of the ages
C. one out of many
D. He has smiled on our undertakings
26. The Romans would have written the date April 5th as:
A. Id. Apr.
B. Kal. Apr.
C. a.d. III Id. Apr.
D. Non. Apr.
27. The meaning of the Latin root in the English word candor is:
A. red
B. blue
C. white
D. yellow
28. The story of Rome's beginnings has been told by the historian:
A. Caesar
B. Livy
C. Sallust
D. Cicero
29. The death of Crassus in 53 B.C. at the Battle of Carrhae marked the end of the
A. Roman Empire
B. First Triumvirate
C. Punic War
D. Monarchy
30. King Phineas told _____ the secret which enabled him to pass through the Symplegades, the clashing rocks which guarded the entrance to the Black Sea.
A. Bellerophon
B. Jason
C. Oedipus
D. Orpheus
31. Cicero and ____ are two Roman authors who reveal much about their times through their letters.
A. Pliny
B. Epicurus
C. Augustus
D. Plautus
32. On his way to the city of Thebes, _____ proved to be the only one able to solve the riddle of the Sphinx.
A. Theseus
B. Oedipus
C. Hippolytus
D. Hercules
33. The Roman Republic actually came to an end in 31 B.C. at the Battle of Actium when Marc Antony was defeated by:
A. Julius Caesar
B. Brutus
C. Octavian
D. Cicero
34. The Titans who were overcome by the cohorts of Olympian Zeus were punished by being imprisoned in:
A. Elysium
B. Vesuvius
C. Parnassus
D. Tartarus
35. Caesar, SCIPIO, and CICERO are all:
A. praenomina
B. cognomina
C. agnomina
D. nomina