Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Future Active Indicative liquid μενῶ
Classical Latin
4th Declension Masculine arcus
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular possum present active I am able
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 4th Conjugation audīrem
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 1st Conjugation portārem
Classical Latin
This is the Prose test for 1984. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 34 questions
1. If you truly wished to achieve excellence, you must work most diligently.
A. diligenter
B. diligentius
C. diligentissime
D. diligentior
2. In Foro toga _____ gerenda est.
A. cive Romano
B. civi Romano
C. civem Romanum
D. civis Romanus
3. Curemus ne poena _____ maior quam culpa.
A. esset
B. sit
C. fuit
D. est
4. Meus amicus _____ de Colosseo fructus est.
A. oratio
B. oratione
C. orationis
D. orationi
5. Illud est _____!
A. incredibilis
B. incredibile
C. incredibili
D. incredibilem
6. She said nonchantly, "I SHALL THINK about it tomorrow."
A. arbitror
B. arbitrabar
C. arbitrabor
D. arbitrer
7. Scisne cur multae leges bonae a Romanis _____?
A. scriberentur
B. scriptae sunt
C. scribebantur
D. scriptae sint
8. Sacrificio _____, navem solverunt.
A. factum
B. fecisse
C. faciens
D. facto
9. Hodie she is going to ask quid putemus.
A. rogatura erat
B. rogatura est
C. rogata est
D. rogata erit
10. After their visit to Rome, the family was eager to return to athens.
A. Athenae
B. Athenarum
C. Athenis
D. Athenas
11. An ancient election poster reads in part: "Communem nummum dividendum esse censio est." (it is my opinion that the public treasury ______.)
A. has been divided
B. must be divided
C. is divided
D. will be divided
12. Cicero putavit fortunam _____ caecam.
A. est
B. esse
C. fuit
D. erat
13. If everyone had voted, he would have been elected.
A. delectus erit
B. delectus esset
C. delectus erat
D. delectus est
14. Ea quae non intellegis tibi _____ possunt.
A. nocent
B. nocere
C. nocebunt
D. nocitura esset
15. Aegyptus erat magna regio _____ Alexander vicit.
A. quam
B. qui
C. cuius
D. cui
16. Timeo _____ Fulvia sit perfidiosa.
A. ne
B. ut non
C. quin
D. non
17. In that year there was a shortage of grain in Rome.
A. illius anni
B. ille annus
C. illum annum
D. illo anno
18. _____ Ovidius esset poeta notissimus, in exilium tamen missus est.
A. Quod
B. Si
C. Cum
D. Ubi
19. Milo dicitur insignis athleta to have been.
A. esse
B. fuisse
C. fuit
D. futurus esse
20. One would most likely see metae, OVA, SPINA, and DELPHINI at the:
A. Thermae
B. Colosseum
C. Curia
D. Circus Maximus
21. Zeus gave the aegis to ____, his wisest and most beloved daughter.
A. Hera
B. Artemis
C. Hestia
D. Athena
22. Roman law courts usually met in a:
A. basilica
B. curia
C. templum
D. atrium
23. Cicero was given the title pater patriae in recognition of his suppression of the
A. pirates
B. graft in the province of Sicily
C. Pisonian conspiracy
D. Catilinarian conspiracy
24. The expression "God willing" is a translation of
A. Nihil sine Deo
B. Deo volente
C. Deo iuvante
D. In Deo speramus
25. What day would the Romans have written A.D. vii idus decembres?
A. December 20
B. December 15
C. December 7
D. December 30
26. Cicero spent his exile in Macedonia, what was a region of:
A. Italy
B. Africa
C. Greece
D. Britain
27. Which of these would a Roman eat?
A. panis
B. pons
C. scelus
D. pilum
28. She marveled at the work of the lapidary in the shop.
A. weaver
B. stone cutter
C. painter
D. cobbler
29. Cicero's first political speech was in support of the lex manilia which gave command of the war against Mithridates to:
A. Antony
B. Pompey
C. Caesar
D. Augustus
30. Which of these Latin idioms means "caught in the act"?
A. habeas corpus
B. lapsus linguae
C. corpus delicti
D. in flagrante delicto
31. The Romans were sometimes addressed as _____, after the name given to Romulus when he was deified.
A. Optimates
B. Incolae
C. Quirites
D. Patres
32. Caesar's uncle Marius led the Populares in the Civil War against the autocratic dictator, _____.
A. Verres
B. Cassius
C. Sulla
D. Lucullus
33. Do you sometimes immure yourself so that you can really concentrate on your studies?
A. confine
B. reward
C. hypnotize
D. talk to
34. _____, a mortal woman who boasted of her beauty, wealth, and fourteen children, was turned into a weeping stone by Latona.
A. Niobe
B. Lucretia
C. Semele
D. Arachne