Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Mounce Future Active Indicative liquid μενῶ
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation capiō
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation iaciō
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation iēcī
Classical Latin
The Intensive Adjective - ipse
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Present Middle/Passive λυόμαι
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension βασιλεύς
Classical Latin
This is the Prose test for 1981. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Pompey the Great defeated Mithridates, king of Pontus.
A. regem
B. rex
C. rege
D. regis
2. Propter his courage senatus coronam civicam Caesari dedit.
A. fortitudinis
B. fortitudo
C. fortitudine
D. fortitudinem
3. Ponte Sublicio _____, Horatius ad ripam natavit.
A. destruentes
B. destruere
C. destructo
D. destructuro
4. Omnes scimus quis urbem Romam founded.
A. conderet
B. condit
C. condebat
D. condiderit
5. Classis Graeca Aulide _____ erat. The Greek fleet was about to sail from Aulis.)
A. navigatura
B. navigare
C. navigante
D. navigat
6. Paulo melior means
A. a little better
B. much smaller
C. a little honey
D. rather melodius
7. Denique Scipio Africanus _____ potitus est.
A. Carthago
B. Carthagine
C. Carthaginem
D. Carthaginis
8. Iason Argonautas ad Colchidem _____ iussit.
A. proficiscantur
B. proficisci
C. proficiscuntur
D. proficiscor
9. When Mercury arrived, Proserpina had already EATEN the pomegranate seeds.
A. ederat
B. edunt
C. edunt
D. edit
10. Cum sis meus amicus, tuas culpas tamen videre possum.
A. Since
B. When
C. Although
D. With
11. Ariadne dixit se a Theseo had been abandoned.
A. reliquisse
B. relicta esse
C. relinqui
D. relictam esse
12. Senatores Romani Catonem _____ contra Catilinam audiverunt.
A. locutus
B. loquentem
C. loquitur
D. loquens
13. Tullia, filia Ciceronis, _____ carissima erat.
A. patris
B. patre
C. patrem
D. patri
14. Fifty ex navibus Romanis in ancoris remanebant.
A. Quinque
B. Quingenti
C. Quinquaginta
D. Quindecim
15. Discipulus defessus inquit, "Utinam _____!" The weary student said, "Would that I were asleep!")
A. dormirem
B. dormio
C. dormiturus sum
D. dormiveram
16. The meaning of idem consul is:
A. a certain consul
B. that consul
C. the consul himself
D. the same consul
17. Deus _____ Hermes lyram dedit erat Apollo.
A. qui
B. cui
C. quem
D. quam
18. Non dubium est _____ Roma urbs aeterna sit.
A. ut
B. ne
C. quin
D. utinam
19. Cicero erat orator clarior than hortensius.
A. Hortensi
B. Hortensius
C. Hortensio
D. Hortensium
20. The waters of the fountains of Tivoli are cool and clear.
A. fontium
B. fontibus
C. fonti
D. fontem
21. The Roman official who could exercise the power of veto was the
A. tribune
B. aedile
C. quaestor
D. praetor
22. In the southeastern part of Italy, the chief port of departure for Greece was
A. Syracuse
B. Herculaneum
C. Brundisium
D. Ostia
23. In Rome, a sacred fire was kept ever-burning in the temple of
A. Castor and Pollux
B. Vesta
C. Jupiter Stator
D. Concord
24. The aerarium, housed in the Temple of Saturn in the Forum Romanum, was the:
A. state treasury
B. state archives
C. state prison
D. sacrificial altar
25. "Est enim mundus quasi communis deorum domus" is an example of:
A. metaphor
B. personification
C. simile
D. chiasmus
26. The Emperor Titus who dedicated the Colosseum in 80 A.D. was a member of the dynasty known as:
A. Julio-Claudian
B. Antonines
C. Sabine
D. Flavian
27. Cicero's speeches which he delivered "Ad Quirites" were addressed to
A. soldiers
B. Roman citizens
C. jurors
D. judges
28. The two famous survivors of the great mythological flood were:
A. Deucalion and Pyrrha
B. Orpheus and Eurydice
C. Pyramus and Thisbe
D. Castor and Pollux
29. The herb was thought to have a salubrious effect.
A. sleep-iinducing
B. poisonous
C. hallucinatory
D. healthful
30. The Roman soothsayers whose prophecies were based on their examination of the entrails of animals were:
A. Tonsores
B. Haruspices
C. Vestales
D. Iudices
31. The year famous in Roman history recorded as 710 A.U.C. was:
A. 27 B.C.
B. 44 B.C.
C. 313 A.D.
D. 80 A.D.
32. Cicero was executed because of the hatred of
A. M. Aemilius Lepidus
B. L. Iunius Brutus
C. M. Antonius
D. C. Iulius Caesar
33. The deity whose temple was open during times of war and closed during times of peace was:
A. Mars
B. Minerva
C. Jupiter
D. Janus
34. Carthage, Rome's enemy in the three Punic Wars, was located in
A. Asia Minor
B. Greece
C. Africa
D. Gaul
35. The twelve giants against whom Zeus successfully waged war were:
A. Gorgons
B. Titans
C. Cyclops
D. Atrides