Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension ἒπος
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 3rd -io Conjugation iacerem
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active Indicative ībam
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation regēbam
Classical Latin
This is the Prose test for 1979. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. To whom will you show your gold medal?
A. Cui
B. Qui
C. Quod
D. Cuius
2. I knew what they had done. (Scivi _____.)
A. quid facerent
B. quid faciant
C. quid fecissent
D. quid fecerint
3. Mos maiorum means
A. the month of May
B. the greatest amount
C. the custom of our ancestors
D. a greater delay
4. Res novae means
A. revolution
B. debt
C. grain
D. nine things
5. To manage affairs of state is
A. negotium gerere
B. bellum gerere
C. se gerere
D. rem publicam gerere
6. They discussed the election vehemently.
A. vehementer
B. vehementium
C. vehementissime
D. vehementiores
7. The defendant pleaded "I do not wish to contest."
A. noli tangere
B. nolo contendere
C. non sequitur
D. non possum cantare
8. Claudius effecit _____.
A. hostes victos esse
B. hostes vinci
C. ut hostes vincerentur
D. ad vincendos hostes
9. Si legatus venisset, oppidum he would have saved.
A. servare
B. servabat
C. servavisset
D. servavit
10. Oratorem in foro hodie let us listen to.
A. audiremus
B. audimus
C. audiamus
D. audivimus
11. Fas est is best translated
A. it is fatal
B. it is wrong
C. it is right
D. it is unusual
12. After they had completed the TASK, they walked to MacDonald's.
A. opere confecto
B. opus confectum
C. operum confectorum
D. operis confecti
13. They will drive out the conspirators.
A. expellunt
B. expulerunt
C. expellent
D. expellebant
14. I break : frango : : I broke : ______
A. fixi
B. frui
C. finxi
D. fregi
15. Ad pericula _____ parati sunt.
A. subeunda
B. subeundi
C. subeundo
D. subeundis
16. Sunt alii qui virtute non superent. This clause is
A. indirect question
B. clause of doubt
C. clause of characteristic
D. result clause
17. With great love, magno cum amore, is an ablative of
A. means
B. manner
C. time
D. accompaniment
18. Cicero dixit the ship incensam esse.
A. navem
B. navis
C. navibus
D. navium
19. Cupido arrows usus est ut Daphnen et Apollinem vulneraret.
A. sagittae
B. sagittaes
C. sagittarum
D. sagittis
20. Come to the Bee Gees concert, Paula!
A. venio
B. veni
C. venit
D. venite
21. Patria tacita loquitur is an example of
A. anaphora
B. oxymoron
C. syncope
D. alliteration
22. The mythological founding or Rome involves a
A. snake
B. bear
C. elephant
D. wolf
23. Delenda est carthago was the warning pronounced again and again by
A. Horatius
B. Cincinnatus
C. Brutus
D. Cato
24. The official who presided over the state treasury was a
A. censor
B. praetor
C. tribune
D. quaestor
25. The senatus consultum ultimum was
A. an indictment
B. an ordinary decree
C. a veto
D. a decree to establish martial law
26. We indentify the pax romana with
A. Augustus
B. Sulla
C. Romulus
D. Scipio
27. The sands of the river Pactolus were changed to gold when _____ bathed in it.
A. Meleager
B. Midas
C. Venus
D. Ariadne
28. Which one is not a muse?
A. Atalanta
B. Clio
C. Calliope
D. Urania
29. Nonae octobres is
A. October 1
B. October 15
C. October 31
D. October 7
30. _____ was instrumental in having Cicero's letters published.
A. Archias
B. Catiline
C. Antonius
D. Tiro
31. Natural phenomena such as lightning and eclipses were interpreted by
A. equites
B. augures
C. gladiatores
D. censores
32. The Roman author whose letter recounts the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A.D. is
A. Livy
B. Pliny
C. Horace
D. Sophocles
33. The Eumenides were also known as the
A. Furies
B. Graces
C. Gorgons
D. Muses
34. Two Roman authors who wrote accounts of the Catilinarian conspiracy were Cicero and
A. Caesar
B. Vergil
C. Phaedrus
D. Sallust
35. _____ wrote these plays: captivi, MILES GLORIOSUS, MOSTELLARIA, and MENAECHMI.
A. Aristophanes
B. Plautus
C. Aeschylus
D. Seneca