Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation habuī
Mounce First Future Passive Indicative λυθήσομαι
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension θύγατερ
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 2 Chapter 29
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudō
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Present Middle/Passive λυόμαι
Mounce First Aorist Active Indicative (liquid) ἒμεινα
Classical Latin
This is the Poetry test for 2010. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 27 questions
1. Atalanta tam celeriter in certamine cucurrit ut multos viros veloces superaret.
A. she defeated
B. she will defeat
C. she must defeat
D. she was being defeated
2. Prima luce socii in silvam venatum ibunt.
A. are hunting
B. to hunt
C. must hunt
D. by hunting
3. Classis litora nota petens vela dabat.
A. seeking the familiar shores
B. about to see the familiar shores
C. in order to seek the familiar shores
D. having sought the familiar shores
4. Poeta malus quam plurimos versus cotidie scribit.
A. very many lines
B. many more lines
C. as many lines as possible
D. many lines
5. Hic orator saepe sperabat mirifice se locutum esse.
A. that he was speaking
B. that he would speak
C. that he had spoken
D. that he was speaking to himself
6. Hoc flumen omnibus enavigandum est.
A. in all
B. of all
C. with all
D. by all
7. Gladiator leoni dixit "nunc morere!"
A. "Now die"
B. "To die now"
C. "He now died"
D. "They now die"
8. Fama vires eundo acquirit.
A. to go
B. by going
C. of going
D. about to go
9. Dum haec aguntur, dux arcem petivit.
A. While these things should be done
B. While these things had been done
C. While these things were being done
D. While these things must be done
10. Si Vergilius hodie viveret, omnia miraretur.
A. were living
B. had lived
C. would live
D. is living
11. Cedamus Phoebo et meliora sequamur.
A. better things
B. the greatest things
C. more things
D. the most important things
12. Rogabat cur umquam ex urbe cessissent.
A. they were going
B. they should go
C. they will go
D. they had gone
13. Sacerdos cives de periculo moniturus erat.
A. had warned
B. should warn
C. was warning
D. was about to warn
14. Pater felix epistulam de die natali filioli sui scripsit.
A. of his little son
B. of his nephew
C. of his daughter
D. of hs niece
15. Quaedam carmina sunt bona, plura mala.
A. Whichever poems
B. Certain poems
C. Any poems
D. Such poems
16. Tertia hora Sacra Via ibam
A. After the third hour
B. For three hours
C. At the third hour
D. After three hours
17. Quae prima exordia sumat? quid agat?
A. What is he doing?
B. What did he do?
C. What had he done?
D. What should he do?
18. Venti, velut agmine facto, fluctus ad litora volvunt.
A. after
B. because
C. just as if
D. and therefor
19. Vir magnae pietatis vi superum actus erat.
A. the god
B. of the gods
C. the gods
D. of the god
20. A FERROUS compound contains
A. lead
B. gold
C. silver
D. iron
21. What king of Mycenae was murdered by his wife Clytemnestra after he returned victorious from the Trojan War?
A. Odysseus
B. Agamemnon
C. Menelaus
D. Achilles
22. If zoologists are studying specimens in both a formicary and an AVIARY, what are they investigating?
A. ants and birds
B. spiders and birds
C. ants and apes
D. spiders and aes
23. The students shouted, "gaudeamus!" because they were
A. distraught
B. surprised
C. fearful
D. happy
24. Baucis and Philemon were turned into
A. birds
B. flowers
C. trees
D. animals
25. What philosophy is reflected in the "carpe diem" theme of many poems by Horace?
A. mysticism
B. epicureanism
C. nihilism
D. atheism
26. Ubinam gentium sunt Bithynia, Pontus, et Phrygia?
A. in Europa
B. in Gallia
C. in Germania
D. in Asia
27. Augustus took the title princeps which means
A. victorious general
B. first citizen
C. consul-elect
D. chief priest