Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudō
Classical Latin
1st Declension Feminine puella
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular possum present active I am able
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active Indicative volēbam
Classical Latin
Mastronarde-Pres Midd/Pass Ind λύομαι
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular eō present active I go
This is the Poetry test for 2009. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 27 questions
1. Te magis quam oculos meam amo.
A. as much as possible
B. the most
C. more than
D. very much
2. Habe tibi quidquid hoc libelli.
A. of a big book
B. of a little book
C. of a book
D. of such a book
3. Amor meus cecidit velut flos aratro tactus.
A. or a flower
B. after a flower
C. a flower in truth
D. just as a flower
4. Athletas pila saxave iacientes vidimus.
A. throwing javelins and rocks
B. throwing javelins as well as rocks
C. throwing javelins or rocks
D. throwing javelins but not rocks
5. Fulsere quondam candidi soles.
A. did shine
B. shine
C. to shine
D. will shine
6. Nunc scimus quid sit amor.
A. what love was
B. what love had been
C. what love is
D. what love can be
7. Iuppiter Mercurium adloquitur, "labere et defer mea dicta!"
A. Gliding and carrying down
B. Glide and carry down
C. About to glide and carry down
D. To glide and to carry down
8. Diligo feminam magnae sapientiae.
A. by great wisdom
B. from great wisdom
C. for the sake of great wisdom
D. of great wisdom
9. Multi agricolae Romam rogatum pecuniam ibant.
A. to ask for money
B. while asking for money
C. after asking for money
D. about to ask for money
10. Metu deposito, Thisbe rediit iuvenemue requirit.
A. About to put her fear aside
B. Needing to put her fear aside
C. Before putting aside her fear
D. After her fear had been put aside
11. Pater benignus dona liberis suis quam saepissime dabat.
A. as often as possible
B. very often
C. more often
D. rather often
12. Pax ducibus nostris petenda erat.
A. in our leaders
B. of our leaders
C. by our leaders
D. with our leaders
13. Vir sapiens metuendo malum vitat.
A. to fear
B. by fearing
C. after fearing
D. of fearing
14. Nautae periculum videntes effugere conantur.
A. the danger must be seen
B. the danger having been seen
C. about to see the danger
D. seeing the danger
15. Ita durus eras ut neque amore neque precibus molliri posses.
A. you are able to be softened
B. you were able to be softened
C. you had to be softened
D. you could have softened
16. Mora oratoris senatores audituros vexat.
A. the senatores having been heard
B. th senators must be heard
C. the senators listening
D. the senators about to listen
17. Tune sperasti me relinquere?
A. Did you hope?
B. Are you hoping?
C. Listening
D. Listen
18. Si puer id fecisset, prudens fuisset.
A. he was wise
B. he would have been wise
C. he used to be wise
D. he will be wise
19. Te esse fidelem putabam.
A. that your are
B. for you to be
C. that you were
D. that you will be
20. If the senate adjourns sine die, it means that
A. a treaty has just been signed
B. a bill has failed to pass
C. a new ambassador has been annointed
D. a date has not been set to meet again
21. Which mountain is sacred to Apollo and the Muses?
A. Mt. Parnnassus
B. Mt. Olympus
C. Mt. Aetna
D. Mt. Ida
22. When Horace proclaimed that his work was a monumentum aere perennius, he meant that
A. it was the work of his youth
B. it was a new construction
C. it would last a long time
D. it was written on wax tablets
23. What is kept in an apiary?
A. bees
B. ants
C. monkeys
D. spiders
24. Which of the Five Good Emperors of Rome not only built an elaborate villa at Tivoli, but also restored the Pantheon in Rome?
A. Constantine
B. Nero
C. Hadrian
D. Augustus
25. If a jewel is refulgent, it is
A. uncut
B. glittering
C. unable to be sold
D. large
26. When doctors in a hospital hear the abbreviated Latin word stat. over the loudspeaker, they should
A. write prescriptions
B. check patients' charts
C. consult a nurse
D. come immediately
27. Which Greek leader sacrificed his daughter at Aulis in order to appease the goddess Artemis and obtain favorable winds for sailing to Troy?
A. Menelaus
B. Agamemnon
C. Nestor
D. Ulysses