Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Present Middle-Passive Indicative Deponent ἒρχομαι
Classical Latin
Mounce Present Active Participle λύων
Mounce Demonstrative Pronoun ἐκεῖνος
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation habēbam
Mounce 1st and 2nd Declension Adjective ἀγαθός
Mounce Second Aorist Passive Indicative ἐγράφην
Classical Latin
This is the Poetry test for 2006. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 26 questions
1. Graeci cum Troianis tot annos bellum gesserunt.
A. in so many years
B. for so many years
C. after so many years
D. so many years ago
2. Est locus cuique suus.
A. Each one has his own place
B. Put each thing in its own place.
C. Each one has been placed there.
D. The place of each one is the same.
3. Miles moriturus in densos hostes fertur.
A. dying
B. having died
C. dead
D. about to die
4. Heri quendam in Foro ambulantem vidimus.
A. whatever
B. indeed
C. a certain one
D. although
5. Si dei me voluissent vivere, meam patriam SERVAVISSENT.
A. wished … they saved
B. should wish … they would save
C. were wishing … they would save
D. had wished … they would have saved
6. Memento aequam mentem servare.
A. Remembering
B. Remember
C. By remembering
D. To remember
7. Nautae in silvam venatum ibant.
A. hunted
B. by hunting
C. to hunt
D. hunt
8. Sive laetus Sive trisis Ovidius fabulas scribebat.
A. Whether … or
B. Not only … but also
C. Either … or
D. So much … as much
9. Nuntius dicit classem parari.
A. is being prepared
B. will prepare
C. had been prepared
D. is preparing
10. Nauta, iam certus eundi, dormire constituit.
A. by going
B. of going
C. gone
D. go
11. Dixisti nostrum amorem perpetuum futurum esse
A. would be
B. has been
C. is
D. had been
12. Vidi ipse Priamum sanguine foedantem ignes quos ipse sacraverat.
A. having been polluted
B. about to pollute
C. polluting
D. must be polluted
13. Ad claras urbes Asiae navigemus.
A. We are sailing
B. We shall sail
C. We sailed
D. Let us sail
14. Lesbia mentita, Catullus lacrimat.
A. Since Lesbia lied
B. Because he had lied to Lesbia
C. Without Lesbia's lying
D. Although suspicious of Lesbia's lying
15. Sequere Italiam ventis; pete regna per undas.
A. Follow
B. To follow
C. Following
D. Having been followed
16. Dulce ridentem puellam amabo.
A. as sweetly as possible
B. sweeter
C. sweetest
D. sweetly
17. What poet, the author of the Metamorphoses, was banished by Augustus to Tomi on the shores of the Black Sea?
A. Martial
B. Vergil
C. Ovid
D. Propertius
18. What Roman goddess, known to the Greeks as Eos, ushered in the dawn?
A. Iris
B. Aurora
C. Flora
D. Fortuna
19. The sergeant's ne plus ultra act of heroism was credited with saving the lives of his men.
A. unsurpassed
B. timely
C. modest
D. unintentional
20. What Greek commander had to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia before setting sail to Troy?
A. Menelaus
B. Agamemnon
C. Odysseus
D. Achilles
21. The Latin ending -osus, found in English derivatives such as odious, lacrimose, copious, and glorious, means
A. without
B. constantly
C. full of
D. rarely
22. Luna and Hecate were other personae of the goddess
A. Juno
B. Venus
C. Diana
D. Vesta
23. The words qualis, VELUT, and SICUT are signals for
A. ellipsis
B. alliteration
C. simile
D. hendiadys
24. The prima facie evidence led the police to a quick arrest.
A. abundant in details
B. proven by testing
C. out of the ordinary
D. convincing at first appearance
25. In what part of the Roman world would you find Bithynia, Ephesus, and Pergamum?
A. Asia
B. Gaul
C. Africa
D. Greece
26. Remuneration, meaning "compensation," comes from the Latin word munus, meaning
A. gift
B. hand
C. wall
D. world