Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active possum I am able
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active Indicative nōlēbam
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation parāvī
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 2 Chapter 29
Classical Latin
This is the Poetry test for 2005. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 26 questions
1. Iam te premet nox et fabulae manes.
A. is overwhelming
B. will overwhelm
C. has overwhelmed
D. is overwhelmed
2. Quid magis durum est saxo, quid mollius unda?
A. softest
B. soft
C. so soft
D. softer
3. Augustus erat princeps cui epistulas Ovidius scripsit.
A. to whom
B. who
C. of whom
D. whom
4. Romanis appropinquantibus, hostes metu fugerunt.
A. of their fear
B. because of fear
C. without fear
D. to fear
5. Milites matronam rogaverunt quo iret.
A. where she was going
B. when she would go
C. why she was going
D. how she is going
6. Mensa remota, senes somnum petivere.
A. you will seek
B. seek
C. sought
D. to be sought
7. Ego rus ibo atque ibi manebo.
A. in the countryside
B. of the countryside
C. from the countryside
D. to the countryside
8. Quis est tam demens ut libenter ad regna Plutonis descendat?
A. that
B. like
C. how
D. lest
9. Senatoribus loquentibus, omnes cives tacebant.
A. after the senators spoke
B. the eloquence of the senators
C. speaking to the senators
D. while the senators were speaking
10. Ovidius uxori et filiae nuntiavit se discessurum esse.
A. he
B. she
C. it
D. they
11. Exegi monumentum regali situ pyramidum altius.
A. than the regal site
B. of the regal site
C. from the regal site
D. for the regal site
12. Lucius erat quaestor abhinc annos quattuordecim.
A. in fourteen years
B. fourteen years ago
C. within fourteen years
D. for fourteen years
13. Sic fatus validis ingentem viribus ut hastam constorsit.
A. Having spoken thus
B. Thus my fate
C. About to say this
D. As if he spoke
14. Hominis mens et discendo et cogitando alitur.
A. I thought
B. of thinking
C. must be thought
D. by thinking
15. Simul atque haec dixit, orator scivit se erravisse.
A. had been wrong
B. will be wrong
C. is wrong
D. would be wrong
16. Nisi anseres strepitum fecissent, urbs Roma non servata esset.
A. did not save
B. had not saved
C. would not have been saved
D. is not being saved
17. What sort of gift is a munusculum?
A. official document of thanks
B. deed to property
C. small present
D. useful tool
18. The words imber, NEBULA, NIVES, and TONITRUS, often seen in poetry, are concerned with
A. death
B. military glory
C. weather
D. unrequited love
19. The words conjugation and CONJUGAL come from the Latin verb meaning
A. join
B. solve
C. try
D. throw
20. Delos, the birthplace of Apollo and Diana, is a small island in the
A. Adriatic Sea
B. Aegean Sea
C. Black Sea
D. Atlantic Ocean2
21. C. Julius Caesar and M. Tullius Cicero lived duriing the Roman
A. Monarchy
B. Republic
C. Archaic Period
D. Empire
22. When a character in a play by Plautus says, "eamus!" he means
A. So long!
B. Let's eat!
C. Let's go!
D. Hurrah!
23. Martial and Juvenal wrote epigrams which often
A. were funny and satirical
B. described Stoic philosophy
C. were sacred hymns
D. told Rome's early history
24. Who was Helen's husband who insisted that the Greeks go to war against Troy to get her back?
A. Achilles
B. Menelaus
C. Agamemnon
D. Ulysses
25. To the Romans, the words di penates meant
A. most sacred days
B. household gods
C. high priests
D. divine punishments
26. Just before he died, Augustus is said to have uttered, "acta est fabula," which means
A. Hear my story
B. My actions will be legendary
C. The drama is finished
D. All of you have acted in my comedy