Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension Adjective πᾶς
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation monēbō
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension πόλις
Mounce Second Aorist Middle Indicative ἐβαλόμην
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
This is the Poetry test for 2002. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 27 questions
1. De moenibus Andromache milites oppugnantes spectavit.
A. who had been attacked
B. about to attack
C. as they were attacking
D. about to be attacked
2. Venus ab Olympo proficiscitur ut filium iuvet.
A. was setting out
B. did set out
C. to set out
D. is setting out
3. Atalanta velocius quam Hippomenes cuccurrit.
A. quickly
B. so quickly
C. more quickly
D. most quickly
4. Cui dono hoc libellum?
A. To whom
B. Who
C. Whose
D. By whom
5. In rebus hominum di saepe se imposuerunt.
A. to the gods
B. of the god
C. by the god
D. the gods
6. Alis sumptis, Amor ad arcem reginae advolavit.
A. as he put on his wings
B. would put on his wings
C. after his wings had been put on
D. to put on his wings
7. Athena irata dixit se puellam in araneam mutaturam esse.
A. would change
B. is changing
C. had changed
D. was changing
8. Heracles multo fortior quam Cacus erat.
A. stronger
B. much stronger
C. a little stronger
D. no stronger
9. Si possem, sanior essem.
A. If it is possible, I am healthier.
B. If I were able, I would be healthier.
C. If I had been able, I would have been healthier.
D. I will be no healthier, if I am able.
10. Rogavi utrum viveret an periisset.
A. whether he was living or had died
B. although he lives, he must die
C. if he was alive, he would die
D. he lives in order to die
11. Pegasus quasi avis per caelum volavit.
A. as if
B. and
C. although
D. because
12. Ille primus me sibi iunxit.
A. to them
B. to himself
C. to someone
D. to herself
13. Ferte, coloni, arma ad portum!
A. You have brought
B. To bring
C. I will bring
D. Bring
14. Mutavitne Iuno puellam in vaccam piscemVE?
A. or
B. and
C. but
D. neither
15. Laeti nautae coronas in naves imposuere.
A. had placed
B. are placing
C. will placed
D. placed
16. Dea Ceres per multas regiones filiae reperiendae causa erravit.
A. finding her daughter
B. for the sake of finding her daughter
C. having found her daughter
D. for her daughter's cause
17. Theseus labyrinthum intravit ut minotaurum interficeret.
A. in order to kill the Minotaur
B. having killed the Minotaur
C. after he kills the Minotaur
D. as he kills the Minotaur
18. How many elisions occur in this line from Vergil? desuper infundam et tonitru CAELUM OMNE CIEBO.
A. none
B. one
C. two
D. three
19. "_____ ne credite, Teucri. Quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentes."
A. Equo
B. Equi
C. Equorum
D. Equus
20. Which one of these Greek writers had the greatest influence on Roman lyric poets?
A. Sophocles
B. Sappho
C. Euripides
D. Plato
21. The region of Colchis is located on the coast of the
A. Mediterranean Sea
B. Black Sea
C. Atlantic Ocean
D. Tyrrhenian Sea
22. In the spring efflorescence delights us all.
A. nesting of birds
B. unfolding of flowers
C. walking on the beach
D. baking bread
23. The Battle of Philippi in 42 B.C. marked
A. the victory of Julius Caesar over Vercingetorix
B. Constantine's victory over Maxentius
C. defeat of the Roman forces by Hannibal
D. the victory of Octavian and Antony over the assassins of Julius Caesar
24. You might say mirabile visu if you
A. mourned the death of a pet
B. worked as a slave
C. saw the pyramids
D. won a race
25. Whom did the musician Orpheus hope to rescue by descending into the Underworld?
A. Eurydice
B. Clytemnestra
C. Helen
D. Scylla
26. The tossing of a golden apple into a wedding banquet of Peleus and Thetis was the event which
A. brought to an end the Roman monarchy
B. led to the Trojan War
C. signaled the fall of the Roman Empire
D. foretold the ultimate defeat of Hannibal
27. Cumae, Delphi, and Dodona were sites of ancient
A. libraries
B. military camps
C. oracles
D. shipbuilding centers