Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation moneō
Mounce Second Aorist Passive Indicative ἐγράφην
Mounce Second Aorist Active Indicative ἒλαβον
Mounce Present Active Indicative contract verb -έω
Classical Latin
Mounce Present Active Participle of εἰμί
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension παῖς
Mounce 1st and 2nd Declension Adjective ἀγαθός
Classical Latin
This is the Poetry test for 2001. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 27 questions
1. Cuius carmina legere potes?
A. Whom
B. Whose
C. Which
D. To whom
2. Putasne Ovidium esse meliorem poetam vergilio?
A. by Vergil
B. of Vergil
C. than Vergil
D. with Vergil
3. Cicerone consule, Augustus natus est.
A. When Cicero was consul
B. By the consul Cicero
C. On the advice of Cicero
D. After consulting Cicero
4. Horatius iuvenis athenis habitabat.
A. to Athens
B. from Athens
C. the Athenians
D. in Athens
5. Miser Pyramus Thisben mortuam esse credidit.
A. would die
B. had died
C. was dying
D. dies
6. Haec sunt verba ipsa Caesaris.
A. those
B. the same
C. the very
D. of that
7. Scire vult quanti constet haec toga.
A. when one wears this toga
B. how much this toga costs
C. where to find this toga
D. who would wear this toga
8. Agite, omnes! eamus ad bibliothecam.
A. We'll go
B. We are going
C. Let's go
D. We went
9. Spectatores, ludum comicum spectantes, saepe plaudebant.
A. while watching
B. about to watch
C. in order to watch
D. having watched
10. Poetae scribunt ne virorum antiquorum OBLIVISCAMUR.
A. so we don't forget ancient heroes
B. who might forget ancient heroes
C. so ancient heroes don't forget
D. that men forget ancient times
11. Cleopatra victa, nunc vinum nobis bibendum est!
A. wine has been drunk by us
B. we must drink wine
C. we are drinking wine
D. we shall drink wine
12. Si daphne effugiat, SEQUATUR APOLLO?
A. If Daphne flees, will Apollo follow?
B. If Daphne were fleeing, would Apollo be following?
C. If Daphne should flee, would Apollo follow?
D. If Daphne had fled, would Apollo have followed?
13. Utinam legisses hos versus pulcherrimos!
A. You should read
B. If you read
C. If only you had read
D. Don't read
14. Ariadne, cum Graecis profecta, in insula relicta est.
A. is setting out
B. having set out
C. to set out
D. about to set out
15. Vergilius ab Italia navigaverat graeciae videndae gratia.
A. to see Greece
B. by seeing Greece
C. Greece having been seen
D. is going to see Greece
16. Dido, insignis forma menteque, Troianos benigne accepit.
A. with a form in her mind
B. she was mindful of her form
C. who had made up her mind
D. in her form and mind
17. Si quis panem et circenses desiderat, Romam venire oportet.
A. Whenever
B. If anyone
C. Whoever
D. If ever
18. Poeta negat crines gallae esse SUOS can best be interpreted to mean that
A. Galla things the poet has nice hair
B. the poet doesn't like Galla's hair
C. Galla doesn't take care of her hair
D. the poet says Galla's hair is not her own
19. Which goddess, called Cytherea because of her birthplace, was born from the foam of the sea and is sometimes attended by the three Graces?
A. Diana
B. Vesta
C. Juno
D. Venus
20. Which Greek poet exerted the greatest influence on Vergil's aeneid?
A. Sophocles
B. Euripides
C. Homer
D. Aeschylus
21. The scene on the vase showed a warrior and a priest making a libation.
A. magical curse
B. offering of wine
C. battle plan
D. throw of the dice
22. In which city of the ancient world would you have found a famous lighthouse, library, and museum?
A. Rome
B. Athens
C. Alexandria
D. Carthage
23. What is the metrical pattern of the first four feet in Ovid's line anticipata via est dominum RETINENTIBUS ILLIS?
24. The onus of providing refreshments fell to the hostess.
A. responsibility
B. urgency
C. joy
D. privilege
25. What literary genre that aims to expose human weakness by ridicule was perfected by such Romans as Horace, Juvenal, and Martial?
A. epic
B. comedy
C. lyric
D. satire
26. Which of these Vergilian phrases contains a simile?
A. qualis equos Threissa fatigat Harpalyce
B. Quos ego - ! Sed motos praestat
C. tantaene animis caelestibus irae?
D. magno miscere murmure pontum
27. Augustus anno dcclxvii a.U.C. MORTUUS EST. A.U.C. here means
A. from the founding of Rome
B. in the year of the Lord
C. in a year of the Olympic Games
D. in his 67th year