Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 1st Conjugation parābō
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension θύγατερ
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mittēbam
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson VIII Article ὁ
Classical Latin
This is the Poetry test for 2000. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 27 questions
1. O fortunati, quorum iam moenia surgunt!
A. whose
B. whom
C. who
D. to whom
2. Vates Priamo dixit, "Hic puer erit pestis urbi."
A. has been
B. will be
C. had been
D. will have been
3. Ille mi par esse deo videtur.
A. with me
B. my
C. to me
D. myself
4. Theseus ad Cretam navigavit ut minotaurum necaret. The capitalized clause could also be written.
A. ad Minotaurum necandum
B. Minotauro necato
C. si Minotaurum necat
D. necans Minotaurum
5. Baucis Philemonem tantum amavit QUANTUM ab eo amata est.
A. where … as
B. as much … as
C. not only … but also
D. just as … when
6. Horatius praedixit se clarum futurum esse.
A. they
B. he
C. she
D. we
7. Ne lacrimemus. Sol lucet!
A. We never cry
B. We will not cry
C. Let us not cry
D. We are not crying
8. Helena tam pulchra erat ut multi videre eam _____.
A. cuperent
B. cupiverunt
C. cupere
D. cupiunt
9. Quem Venus dicet arbitrum bibendi?
A. are drinking
B. having been drunk
C. going to drink
D. of drinking
10. Medea Jasoni imperavit ut quam celerrime navigaret.
A. how swiftly
B. as swiftly as possible
C. more swiftly than
D. too swiftly
11. Neptunus classem disiectam in toto aequore videt.
A. scattering
B. scattered
C. to scatter
D. about to be scattered
12. Apollo tandem scit Cassandram se non amare.
A. will not love
B. did not love
C. cannot love
D. does not love
13. Horatius arbitratus est vitam debere simplicem esse.
A. thought
B. thinks
C. was thinking
D. will think
14. Si Troiani equum in urben non tulissent, Troia hodie staret.
A. will stand
B. is standing
C. would be standing
D. had stood
15. Magnum templum athenis aedificatum est.
A. of Athens
B. Athens
C. from Athens
D. in Athens
16. "me duce, carpe viam," Daedalus Icaro dixit.
A. I shall lead
B. With me as leader
C. My leader
D. He led me
17. Dulce ridentem feminam amabo.
A. about to laugh
B. laughed at
C. must be laughted at
D. laughing
18. Horace's expression ab ovo usque ad mala refers to
A. an elegant dinner
B. a decisive military victory
C. a moving religious experience
D. a moment of doubt
19. In his search for the Golden Fleece, Jason sailed through the Aegean Sea and the Hellespont to Colchis on the eastern shore of the
A. Atlantic Ocean
B. Nile River
C. Black Sea
D. River Styx
20. The physician prescribed an expectorant because his patient was suffering from a
A. chest cold
B. sprained ankle
C. headache
D. broken wrist
21. In what direction would you travel from Sicily to the provinces of Mesopotamia, Syria, and Phoenicia?
A. north
B. east
C. south
D. west
22. The English words music and MUSEUM are derived from the name of
A. the instrument played by Apollo
B. the river in the Elysian fields
C. the nine goddesses who inspire creativity
D. the wife of Orpheus
23. The tragic love portrayed in romeo and juliet and WEST SIDE STORY is based on the tale of
A. Psyche and Cupid
B. Helen and Paris
C. Dido and Aeneas
D. Pyramus and Thisbe
24. The motto famam extendimus factis would most appropriately be used in which situation?
A. at the conclusion of a successful project
B. upon selling your house
C. as a warning to trespassers
D. as advice to the lovelorn
25. In what meter were all of the following epics written: Homer's iliad, Vergil's AENEID, and Lucretiuis' DE RERUM NATURA?
A. elegiac couplet
B. dactylic hexameter
C. hendecasyllabic
D. Sapphic
26. The English word infant, derived from the Latin verb FOR, FARI, originally meant one not able to
A. eat
B. walk
C. speak
D. stand
27. This city called Byzantium by the Greeks and Constantinople by the Romans is today called
A. Alexandria
B. Istanbul
C. Athens
D. Naples