Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Present Middle-Passive Indicative Deponent ἒρχομαι
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 1
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension ἄναξ
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audiam
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation habēbō
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation monuī
This is the Poetry test for 1999. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. Psyche deum ____ vidit.
A. dormienti
B. dormientibus
C. dormientes
D. dormientem
2. Lesbia mi dicit semper male.
A. from me
B. for me
C. to me
D. by me
3. Conticuere omnes, intentique ora tenebant.
A. all became silent
B. all will become silent
C. all would become silent
D. all are becoming silent
4. Carthago deae Iunoni carissima erat.
A. about the goddess Juno
B. to the goddess Juno
C. from the goddess Juno
D. with the goddess Juno
5. Fari de laboribus Troiae difficile est.
A. I shall speak
B. We have spoken
C. About to speak
D. To speak
6. Venus et Minerva erant deae quas multi adorabant.
A. whom
B. to whom
C. by whom
D. whose
7. Ariadne filum Theseo ad eum iuvandum dedit.
A. with his help
B. to help him
C. having helped him
D. by helping him
8. Dido moritura haec locuta est.
A. which things
B. that thing
C. these things
D. the same thing
9. Mus rusticus erat pauperior mure urbano.
A. the city mouse
B. from the city mouse
C. than the city mouse
D. to the city mouse
10. Lugete, O Veneres Cupidinesque.
A. To mourn
B. You are mourning
C. By mourning
D. Mourn
11. Uxor viro persuasit ne illo die PROFICISCERETUR.
A. why he was setting out
B. not to set out
C. she is not setting out
D. when he was setting out
12. Poeta dicit hospitem mappam suam ad cenam tulisse.
A. will bring
B. brought
C. was brought
D. brings
13. Hic senator locutus est diutius quam ille.
A. for a longer time
B. a long time
C. how long
D. a very long time
14. P. Ovidius Naso saepe rogabat quo tempore Romam redire posset.
A. he might be able
B. he is able
C. to be able
D. he had been able
15. Cum Pandora arcam aperiret, omnia mala effugerunt.
A. opens
B. will open
C. was opening
D. had opened
16. Si nautae pericula intellexissent, in porcos non mutati essent.
A. they were not changed
B. they do not change
C. they will not be changed
D. they would not have been changed
17. Attoniti ab oraculo, Troiani sacerdotem ipsum petiverunt.
A. this priest
B. the priest himself
C. the priest alone
D. the same priest
18. Servi saepe libertini fiunt.
A. have become
B. will have become
C. had become
D. become
19. Some consider Homer's iliad to be his
A. magnum opus
B. corpus delicti
C. mirabile dictu
D. terra incognita
20. What mountain range in North Africa was named for the Titan who holds up the sky?
A. Parnassus
B. Apennines
C. Atlas
D. Aetna
21. Vergil speaks of the Labyrinth of King Minos, a mythical king who lived on ____.
A. Sicily
B. Sardinia
C. Crete
D. Delos
22. What Greek hero killed Hector and was later killed by Paris?
A. Achilles
B. Jason
C. Theseus
D. Menelaus
23. Narcissus looked into the pellucid waters at his handsome image.
A. very dark
B. very deep
C. very clear
D. very blue
24. Ovid wrote the tristia at Tomi on the Black Sea when he was
A. serving as ambassador
B. celebrating his triumph
C. studying rhetoric
D. banished from Rome
25. What Roman poet, in his odes, advised his readers to "carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero"?
A. Vergil
B. Ovid
C. Lucretius
D. Horace
26. Put these events in chronological order: 1. assassination of Julius Caesar 2. battle of Actium 3 arrival of Aeneas in Italy 4. Punic Wars
A. 4,3,2,1
B. 3,4,1,2
C. 1,3,2,4
D. 2,3,4,1
27. Which one of the following was the leader of the Greek forces in the Trojan War
A. Agamemnon
B. Priam
C. Hector
D. Telemachus
28. Olympia, Sparta, and Mycenae are cities locted in
A. Asia Minor
B. Italy
C. North Africa
D. Greece
29. Which of the following Latin sayings offers encouragement to a troubled person?
A. nil desperandum
B. ne credite equo
C. caveat emptor
D. de gustibus non est disputandum
30. What literary patron supported Augustus' wish to bring about a renaissance in literature?
A. Suetonius
B. Brutus
C. Maecenas
D. Lepidus