Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson VIII Relative Pronoun ὅς
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation regēbam
Mounce Second Aorist Passive Indicative ἐγράφην
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active Indicative volēbam
Homeric Greek Lesson VI Adjective καλός
Mastronarde-Pres Midd/Pass Ind λύομαι
Mastronarde-Fut Act Ind ἀκούσομαι
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mīsī
This is the Poetry test for 1997. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Honestas pretiosior auro est.
A. most preciously
B. preciously
C. very precious
D. more precious
2. Deus carrum trans caelum agens ad terras lucem fert.
A. about to drive
B. driving
C. must be driven
D. driven
3. Augustus multos annos romae habitavit.
A. of Rome
B. to Rome
C. at Rome
D. from Rome
4. Si Theseus Ariadnam amavisset, mansisset.
A. he must stay
B. he may stay
C. he would have stayed
D. he stayed
5. Homines ____ dei amant bene vivunt.
A. quae
B. quos
C. quem
D. cui
6. Dido cives convocavit ut navigarent.
A. as they were sailing
B. that they will sail
C. when they are sailing
D. so that they might sail
7. Erant Iunoni septem pulcherrimae nymphae.
A. Juno had seven very beautiful nymphs
B. Juno was more beautiful than seven nymphs
C. The nymphs are seven times more beautiful than Juno
D. Juno was one of seven very beautiful nymps
8. Apollo Cassandram eum amaturam esse sperat.
A. had loved
B. was loved
C. loves
D. will love
9. Equo in urbem TRACTO, Troiani celebraverunt.
A. From dragging the horse
B. About to drag the horse
C. When the horse had been dragged
D. Dragging the horse
10. Rex Achillem oravit ut corpus fili redderetur.
A. so that his sons might return the body
B. as the body was being returned to his son
C. that his sons might return with the body
D. that the body of his son be returned
11. Apollo sequi Daphnen quam celerrime constituit.
A. as swiftly as possible
B. who was very swift
C. swifter than she
D. the swiftest of whom
12. Eratne Vergilius maior poeta horatio?
A. as Horace
B. from Horace
C. than Horace
D. by Horace
13. Rogo cur tu me non _____.
A. amas
B. ames
C. amabas
D. amabis
14. Edimus ad vivendum.
A. to live
B. by living
C. when they had lived
D. about to live
15. Agamus gratias deis nam nostros hostes superavimus.
A. We give
B. Let us give
C. We will give
D. We have given
16. Homines se intellegere debent.
A. themselves
B. him
C. it
D. herself
17. Puer, cum parvus sit, fortissimus tamen est.
A. although
B. when
C. since
D. until
18. Ovidius carmina scripsit de arte amandi.
A. to loving
B. by loving
C. for loving
D. of loving
19. Licetne mihi spectare ludos?
A. Do I have to?
B. When can I?
C. Am I permitted?
D. Why can't I?
20. Eratne Aeneas similis _____?
A. patres
B. patri
C. patrem
D. patre
21. In a line of Latin poetry docuerunt might be written in the alternate form.
A. docuere
B. docueris
C. docuisse
D. docuerant
22. Which Latin motto could well have been uttered by the Trojans as their city fell in flames around them?
A. Mens sana in corpore sano
B. Possunt quiz posse videntur
C. Sic transit gloria mundi
D. Festina lente
23. Cui dono novum libellum? The use of LIBELLUM instead of the more conventional LIBRUM indicates
A. the author's feelings toward his little work
B. the number of copies published
C. the expensive papyrus on which the work was published
D. the popularity of the author
24. Scan the first four feet of this dacytylic hexameter line: tum pater aeterno fatur DEVINCTUS AMORE
25. The professor at the medical school lectured on organ ablation.
A. failure
B. function
C. examination
D. removal
26. These famous siblings of Helen and Clytemnestra became the constellation Gemini.
A. Iphigenia and Orestes
B. Paris and Hectore
C. Menelaus and Agamemnon
D. Castor and Pollux
27. What was the literary name given by Catullus to the woman who inspired his most passionate poems?
A. Lesbia
B. Lydia
C. Claudia
D. Corinna
28. In what general direction did the Phoenicians travel from Tyre and Sidon to found Carthage?
A. north
B. south
C. east
D. west
29. The buzzing of the pestiferous mosquitoes filled the damp night air.
A. extremely noisy
B. plague-bearing
C. very active
D. surprisingly small
30. In this example of ellipsis, dux femina facti, what Latin word has been omitted?
A. cum
B. et
C. quae
D. est
31. The "Circle of Maecenas" was a
A. Roman geometrical theorem
B. group of Augustan writers
C. political party
D. company of Greek actors
32. Which god invented the lyre, which he presented as a gift to his brother Apollo?
A. Vulcan
B. Jupiter
C. Mercury
D. Neptune