Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudō
Mounce Present Middle-Passive Indicative λύομαι
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative contract ἐπλήρουν
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 1st Conjugation parō
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active Indicative nōlēbam
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
This is the Poetry test for 1996. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Prima luce laboremus et post meriediem ludamus.
A. we work
B. we shall work
C. work
D. let's work
2. Donum natale _____ misit libentissime accepi.
A. quorum
B. quibus
C. quae
D. quod
3. Putasne _____ in arboribus crescere?
A. pecunia
B. pecuniam
C. pecuniae
D. pecuniis
4. Hae quaestiones nobis faciles videntur.
A. from us
B. with us
C. by us
D. to us
5. Cum senator hodie sit aeger, ad Forum non ibit.
A. has been
B. was
C. can be
D. is
6. Scisne quid princeps mihi _____ ?
A. dicit
B. dicens
C. dicat
D. dicere
7. Narcissus in aqua placida _____ spectavit.
A. sibi
B. se
C. eius
D. sui
8. Meus pater mihi saepe dicit, "te festinare oportet."
A. you will hurry
B. you wish to hurry
C. you are hurrying
D. you ought to hurry
9. Quis est prudentior matre?
A. than mother
B. of mother
C. to mother
D. with mother
10. Ludi mox incipient! Sacrificium deis facturus est.
A. He is making
B. He wants to make
C. He must make
D. He is about to make
11. Ad ducem _____ properavimus.
A. salutandum
B. salutando
C. salutandi
D. saluntanda
12. LiberI, nolite _____ sub arbore per tempestatem.
A. statis
B. stare
C. stetisse
D. stabitis
13. Aeneas proficiscens ex urbe Troia Penates portat.
A. has set out
B. will set out
C. setting out
D. to set out
14. Si mea soror praemium capiat, cum gaudio clamet.
A. she would shout
B. she shouted
C. she had shouted
D. she is showing
15. Eum monuimus ne ab urbe DISCEDERET.
A. as he was leaving
B. not to leave
C. so that he would leave
D. before he left
16. urbs : urbium :: dies : _____
A. diem
B. dierum
C. diebus
D. diei
17. Militibus ex urbe EXPULSIS, cives gaudebant.
A. driving the soldiers
B. the soldiers are driven
C. so that they might drive the soldiers
D. after the soldiers had been driven
18. Narra mihi fabularm de equo ______.
A. fortis
B. fortibus
C. forti
D. fortes
19. Cornelia erat tam attonita ut loqui non _______.
A. potest
B. potuit
C. posset
D. potuerit
20. Hic liber clarus discipulis legendus est.
A. must be read
B. will read
C. had been read
D. is about to read
21. Fiduciary, PERFIDIOUS, and CONFIDE share a common Latin root having to do with:
A. money
B. health
C. bravery
D. trust
22. What two lovers were delighted to find a crack in the wall between their houses?
A. Cupid and Psyche
B. Pyramus and Thisbe
C. Orpheus and Eurydice
D. Baucis and Philemon
23. Achilles : the Greeks :: ______ : the Trojans
A. Priam
B. Hector
C. Paris
D. Menelaus
24. How many dactyls in this hexameter line? cur non ipsa venit cur haec CERTAMINE VITAT
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
25. What poet and friend of Vergil wrote odes, EPodes, and the ARS POETICA?
A. Homer
B. Plautus
C. Horace
D. Catullus
26. The Muses were instrumental in mythology as beings who
A. foretold the future
B. escorted the dead to the Underworld
C. inspired artists and poets
D. tended Vesta's eternal flame
27. Who suffered the wrath of Zeus for giving fire to mankind?
A. Atlas
B. Prometheus
C. Cerberus
D. Ganymede
28. "Propter carmen et errorem, Augusto iubente, mihi necesse erat in longum exiliuim abire." Quis sum?
A. Vergilius
B. Ovidius
C. Horatius
D. Catullus
29. A Roman would travel from Rome to Brundisium, and then across the Adriatic Sea in order to reach
A. Spain
B. Greece
C. Egypt
D. Britain
30. Of Augustus' many titles, that of imperator signified control of
A. the laws
B. religion
C. the army
D. education
31. The example of anaphora in the line per mare, PER TERRAS, PER TERTIA NUMINE IURO is characterized by
A. an implied comparison
B. the affirmative expressed by denying its opposite
C. substitution of one word fo another of close meaning
D. repetition of the same word at the beginning of successive clauses or phras
32. What is the meaning of the Latin verb at the root of impatient, DISPASSIONATE, and PASSIVE?
A. suffer
B. sit
C. seek
D. send