Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation habēbō
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 13
Homeric Greek Lesson X Future Active Indicative
Homeric Greek Lesson III First Declension βουλή
Classical Latin
Verb esse Perfect Active Indicative to be
Mounce Future Middle Indicative (liquid) μενοῦμαι
This is the Poetry test for 1995. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Patrum nomina cognoverunt.
A. of the fathers
B. the father
C. to the fathers
D. from the father
2. Consilium adulescenti a patre datum est.
A. to the young man
B. by the young man
C. of the young man
D. with the young man
3. Lepus citius quam canis cucurrit.
A. swiftly
B. more swiftly
C. very swiftly
D. swiftest
4. Natare in flumine saepe periculosum est.
A. Swimming
B. While swimming
C. During the swim
D. By swimming
5. Speravit se amicum mox visurum esse.
A. having seen
B. would see
C. had seen
D. saw
6. Erant monstro tria capita.
A. The monster followed three routes.
B. The three heads were horrible.
C. The monster had three heads.
D. There were three large monsters.
7. Tota re explicata, omnes discesserunt.
A. After the whole matter had been explained
B. While explaining the whole matter
C. As he was explaining the wole matter.
D. as he was about to explain the whole matter
8. Matrona e somno excitata servos loquentes audivit.
A. speaking
B. having spoken
C. spoke
D. spoken
9. Niobe tot filias QUOT filios habet.
A. some … others
B. not only … but also
C. so great … as
D. as many … as
10. Dionysus nautis imperavit ut ad insulam _____
A. redirent
B. redire
C. redeunt
D. rediverunt
11. The suffix -ula indicates that the noun NAVICula is
A. small
B. old
C. damaged
D. beautiful
12. Ne credite regi!
A. Trust no king!
B. Don't trust the king!
C. The king is untrustworthy!
D. The king trusts non one!
13. The verb forms amasset, EXPLICASSET, and IMPLESSEM are syncopated forms missing the letters
A. -ere-
B. -nt-
C. -vi-
D. -ba-
14. Si Catullus dicat, omnes audiant.
A. should speak
B. is speaking
C. has spokent
D. must speak
15. Poeta intelligi non potest.
A. to understand
B. I understand
C. having understood
D. to be understood
16. Publius in bibliothecam ad legendum venit.
A. by reading
B. for the purpose of reading
C. through reading
D. of reading
17. Pygmalion Galateam, _____ silvarum, amavit.
A. nYmpha
B. nymphae
C. nympham
D. nymphis
18. Proserpina erat femina ____ sex menses sub terra agebat.
A. quae
B. cuius
C. quam
D. qua
19. Petamus pacem.
A. Having sought
B. We have sought
C. Let us seek
D. Let them seek
20. Aliquis eos in hortum secutus est.
A. That one
B. The man himself
C. The same man
D. Someone
21. As a reward for their generosity toward Jupiter and Mercury, Baucis and Philemon were:
A. turned into intertwined trees
B. saved from starvation
C. turned into a constellation
D. given a rich kingdom
22. Her lacrimal condition caused her to be unable to
A. walk
B. cry
C. shout
D. taste
23. In mythological stories, Sisyphus, Tantalus, Pirithous, and Ixion would all be found
A. on Mount Olympus
B. at Delphi
C. in the Underworld
D. on Crete
24. Which Roman goddess was so jealous that she ordered the monster Argus to guard the nymph Io?
A. Venus
B. Minerva
C. Juno
D. Ceres
25. The story of King Agamemnon's sacrifice of his daughter, Iphigenia, is a prelude to
A. Jason's voyage
B. the slaying of the Minotaur
C. the Trojan War
D. the kidnapping of Persephone
26. Boreas, Notus, Zephyrus, et Eurus erant
A. montes
B. venti
C. insulae
D. flumina
27. The phrase maior natu refers to
A. intelligence
B. height
C. age
D. weight
28. The incendiary tone of the editorial surprised most of the readers.
A. congratulatory
B. friendly
C. fiery
D. negative
29. Parnassus, Helicon, and Aetna were all
A. monsters in Roman legends
B. famous battle sites
C. mortals that were turned to statues
D. mountains prominent in mythology
30. In the poetic line, adspirate meis primaque ab ORIGINE MUNDI, elision occurs between
31. The words sicut and velut are likely to introduce the rhetorical figure known as
A. oxymoron
B. alliteration
C. anaphora
D. simile
32. Plautus: comedy :: Ovid : _______
A. history
B. poetry
C. drama
D. oratory