Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Demonstrative Pronoun οὗτος
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension θύγατερ
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audiam
Mounce First Aorist Middle Indicative ἐλυσάμην
Homeric Greek Lesson III First Declension βουλή
Classical Latin
Mastronarde-Pres Act Ind πέμπω
Mounce Present Active Indicative contract verb -όω
Classical Latin
This is the Poetry test for 1993. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Cenabis bene, mi Fabulle.
A. You dine
B. You have dined
C. You were dining
D. You will dine
2. Persarum rege beatior eram.
A. a king
B. from a king
C. than a king
D. to a king
3. Haec fuit navium celerrima.
A. of the ships
B. to the ships
C. the ships
D. than the ships
4. Ilium omnes risere.
A. laughed at
B. laughing at
C. laughs at
D. will laugh at
5. Oculi spectando dolent.
A. having looked
B. must look
C. from looking
D. about to look
6. Ad fontem cervus, cum bibisset, restitit.
A. with
B. where
C. how
D. when
7. Sunt mihi duo canes.
A. I have two dogs.
B. They were my two dogs.
C. I wish I had two dogs.
D. They have my two dogs.
8. Pater Aeneas haec dixit.
A. that thing
B. she
C. these things
D. her
9. Fama loquetur.
A. speaks
B. has spoken
C. may speak
D. will speak
10. O fortunatam natam me consule Romam!
A. while I was consul
B. my consul
C. by consulting me
D. to consult me
11. Ridentem puellam amabo.
A. laughs
B. laughing
C. must laugh
D. might laugh
12. Rusticus urbanum murem mus paupere fertur accepisse cavo.
A. brings
B. are carried
C. is said
D. will bear
13. Uxor, VIVAMUSque ut viximus.
A. we have lived
B. we live
C. we shall live
D. let us live
14. Hanc deam cave.
A. I am aware of
B. Beware of
C. She is careful about
D. I was careful about
15. Sic fatus, abit.
A. about to speak
B. having spoken
C. is said
D. had been spoken
16. "Ubi es, _____ ?" dixit Daedalus.
A. Icare
B. Icarus
C. Icari
D. Icaro
17. Hoc est saxum _____ Sisyphus volvit.
A. qui
B. quod
C. quam
D. quae
18. Noli quaerere quid ____ futurum cras.
A. est
B. erat
C. erit
D. sit
19. Dulcius est discere quam docere.
A. sweet
B. sweeter
C. very sweet
D. sweetly
20. Hoc tantum possum _____.
A. dic
B. dixerit
C. dictus est
D. dicere
21. Which goddess did not participate in the Judgment of Paris?
A. Artemis
B. Aphrodite
C. Hera
D. Athena
22. An amphora would be used for
A. measuring distances
B. riding horses
C. storing wine
D. writing letters
23. Which was not the location of a famous oracle?
A. Delphi
B. Delos
C. Carthage
D. Cumae
24. From which of the following would a poet most likely seek inspiration?
A. Muses
B. Graces
C. Furies
D. Fates
25. A young Roman might travel to Athens to study, among other things, Stoicism and Epicureanism, which were
A. rhetorical techniques
B. ancient philosophies
C. architectural principles
D. ancient law codes
26. Maecenas, Augustus' close friend, was important for his
A. literary patronage
B. military victories
C. engineering feats
D. scientific discoveries
27. Which name is the metrical equivalent of a dactyl?
A. Anna
B. Antonia
C. Hostia
D. Dido
28. The line atque in perpetuum, FRATER, AVE ATQUE VALE has how many elisions?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
29. Entellus erat velut qui urbem OPPUGNAT is an example of
A. anaphora
B. oxymoron
C. simile
D. hendiadys
30. Which word shows by its ending a smallness or fondness?
A. animula
B. otiosus
C. addenda
D. moribundus
31. The words celsus and SUBLIMIS are nearest in meaning to
A. infandus
B. novus
C. gravis
D. altus
32. A small amount of light passed through the aperture.
A. opening
B. fabric
C. cloud
D. foliage