Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation iēcī
Classical Latin
4th Declension Masculine arcus
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 4th Conjugation audīrem
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation habēbō
Classical Latin
Verb esse Imperfect Active Indicative to be
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular possum present active I am able
This is the Poetry test for 1992. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 31 questions
1. "Vola in medio caelo, ____!" inquit Daedalus.
A. mei fili
B. mi fili
C. meum filium
D. meo filio
2. Vir talia fatus erat.
A. Such a fate was the man's
B. She spoke such things to the man
C. The man had spoken such things.
D. The man came to such a fate.
3. Iason sine Medeae auxilio aureum vellus invenire non potuit.
A. will not be able
B. cannot
C. could not
D. had not been able
4. Quis of you nomina deorum Romanorum nescit?
A. vestrum
B. vobis
C. vos
D. vestra
5. Liberi fient meliores amici.
A. will make
B. will become
C. let them be made
D. will happen
6. Anni celeriter labuntur.
A. Anna is working quickly.
B. The years are quickly slipping by.
C. The walls quickly collapsed.
D. We worked quickly through the years.
7. Pueri ludebant dum mater domum rediret.
A. as long as
B. while
C. until
D. at the same time as
8. Plebes ei dixerunt se mansuros esse diutius in basilica.
A. had stayed
B. must stay
C. were staying
D. would stay
9. Rex rogavit cur legati had come.
A. veniebant
B. venerant
C. venerint
D. venissent
10. Corpus hominis est multo levius quam corpus equi.
A. very lightly
B. rather light
C. as light
D. much lighter
11. Si adulescentes pericula itineris intellexissent, non profecti essent.
A. they will not set out
B. they didn't set out
C. they would not have set out
D. they are not setting out
12. Hermes ad urbem Troiam nocte advenit deducendi regis priami ad CASTRA HOSTIUM CAUSA.
A. to lead the enemy to King Priam's camp
B. to be brought secretly to King Priam's camp
C. as the leader of King Priam's camp
D. to escort King Priam to the enemy camp
13. Pater filio inquit, "Noli ______ currum celerius, Phaethon!"
A. age
B. agere
C. agis
D. agite
14. Nautae to carthage adire voluerunt.
A. Carthago
B. Carthaginis
C. Carthaginem
D. Carthagine
15. Liberi taurum sitting sub arbore non viderunt.
A. sedens
B. sedentem
C. sedente
D. sedentium
16. Ramus aureus erat auxilio viro.
A. a strong aid
B. an aid for the hero
C. by the help of the hero
D. a helpful hero
17. Tempestas erat tam periculosa ut multi incolae _____.
A. fugiebant
B. fugerent
C. fugerant
D. fugient
18. Scribere versus est mirabile factu.
A. is doing
B. to be done
C. must be done
D. to do
19. Servae panem vinumque in mensa posuere.
A. placed
B. are placing
C. place!
D. to place
20. Multa animalia ____ in silva habitant in montibus non videntur
A. quibus
B. quam
C. quarum
D. quae
21. Carthage, founded by the Phoenician Queen Dido, was located on the:
A. north coast of Africa
B. south coast of Gaul
C. west coast of Greece
D. coast of Illyricum
22. Augustus' rule is considered part of the:
A. Catilinarian conspiracy
B. Roman monarchy
C. First Triumvirate
D. Pax Romana
23. The words desultory, SALIENT, and RESILIENT are derived from
A. salire
B. deesse
C. salutare
D. solere
24. A common literary footnote abbreviation meaning in the same place is:
A. ibid.
B. a.m.
C. d.v.
D. ad lib.
25. The words infant, INEFFABLE, and FATE are derived from the Latin word:
A. fax
B. fari
C. fur
D. ferre
26. Clio, who is associated with history, is one of the nine :
A. graces
B. muses
C. gorgons
D. fates
27. What figure of speech can be found in the line catilina nobile genere fuit, SED INGENIO MALO?
A. anaphora
B. asyndeton
C. hyperbole
D. chiasmus
28. Tacitus: history :: _______ : lyric poetry
A. Vergil
B. Catullus
C. Pliny
D. Cicero
29. Chiron, teacher of Achilles and Jason, was a:
A. minotaur
B. Sibyl
C. centaur
D. satyr
30. The line lumina et obnixus cura sub CORDE PREMEBAT contains how many dactyls?
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
31. Avernus, Tartarus, and Erebus are all words for the:
A. mountains
B. sea
C. forest
D. underworld