Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson V Present Active Indicative λύω
Homeric Greek Lesson III First Declension βουλή
Mounce Present Active Indicative contract verb -όω
Verb Irregular to be Present Active Indicative εἰμί
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mittō
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular eō present active I go
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension πόλις
Homeric Greek Lesson VIII Demonstrative Pronoun ἐκεῖνος
This is the Poetry test for 1991. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Troianus equus altior arce erat.
A. taller than the citadel
B. with the highest citadel
C. the higher citadel
D. on top of the citadel
2. Nolite ___ sine pecunia, puellae.
A. discede
B. discedite
C. discedere
D. discedens
3. Fortitier:fortissime:: ____: optime
A. minus
B. bene
C. multo
D. male
4. "Dissimulare etiam sperasti, perfide, tantum posse nefas? The best translation of sperasti is:
A. are you hoping
B. did you hope
C. should you hope
D. will you hope
5. Quintus Horatius Flaccus multa scripsit ad Augusti imperium ____.
A. confirmandae
B. confirmandum
C. confirmando
D. confirmanda
6. The Furies had pursued Orestes for his crime of matricide.
A. persecutae sunt
B. persequentur
C. persecutae erant
D. persequuntur
7. Cum Iason vellus aureum peteret, multos casus passus est.
A. of the misfortune
B. misfortunes
C. because of misfortunes
D. the misfortune
8. "Tell me, wise prophet, the meaning of the sign." said Odysseus.
A. prudens
B. prudentis
C. prudenti
D. prudentium
9. Horace died within a few days of his patron Maecenas.
A. paucos dies
B. pauci dies
C. paucis diebus
D. paucorum dierum
10. Gaius Iulius Caesar appellatus est _____.
A. dictator
B. dictatoris
C. dictatori
D. dictatorem
11. Filius speravit patrem litteras ___.
A. accipiens
B. accipite
C. accipiendam
D. accepisse
12. Gladius oratori est.
A. The orator has a sword.
B. Th orator is a gladiator.
C. The orators have a sword.
D. The gladiator spoke.
13. Rege servato, cives gaudebant.
A. After the king was saved
B. Since I saved the king
C. The kings was about to be saved
D. Saved by the king
14. Scipio Hannibalem, ___ clarissimum, vicit.
A. dux
B. ducis
C. ducum
D. ducem
15. Si tempestas accidisset, tuti non fuissemus.
A. If a storm should occur
B. If a storm were taking place
C. If a storm had occurred
D. If a storm takes place
16. Ianua ____ ad Tartarum ducit noctes atque dies patet.
A. cuius
B. quam
C. qua
D. quae
17. Fatus haec, orator e rostro discessit.
A. these things
B. something
C. anything
D. those things
18. Magister _____ persuasit ut iter facerent.
A. discipuli
B. discipulorum
C. discipulis
D. discipulos
19. Let the games begin!
A. Ludi incipient.
B. Ludi incipiant.
C. Ludi incipiunt.
D. Ludi inceperunt
20. Coloni Tyrii, ducti a regina Didone, carthaginem migraverunt.
A. at Carthage
B. from Carthage
C. near Carthage
D. to Carthage
21. A SUPPLIANT, from the Latin word supplex, means one who:
A. agrees
B. retreats
C. begs
D. wins
22. The words quasi, VELUT, and CEU are used to introduce what figure of speech?
A. personification
B. metonymy
C. simile
D. onomatopoeia
23. A monument built by Augustus to celebrate an Empire without civil strife is the:
A. Ara Pacis
B. Colosseum
C. Curia
D. Cloaca Maxima
24. The fasti, METAMORPHOSES, and TRISTIA were all written by the poet:
A. Martial
B. Catullus
C. Ovid
D. Horace
25. Pelagus, AEQUOR, and PONTUS were used by the Romans to describe:
A. architecture
B. the sea
C. politics
D. the wind
26. The metrical patatern of "Nunc ad te et tua magna, pater, consulta revertor" is:
27. Poets frequently make use of diminuitives in their works. Which of the following is an example of a diminuitive?
A. navigo
B. nauta
C. navigatum
D. navicula
28. At the root of the words congregation, EGREGIOUS, and GREGARIOUS is the latin noun meaning:
A. trip
B. advance
C. flock
D. wonder
29. A Latin expression used to caution one in a hurry is:
A. caveat emptor
B. carpe diem
C. modus operandi
D. festina lente
30. The Sibyl led Aeneas to visit his fahter in:
A. Hades
B. Oceanus
C. Hesperia
D. the garden of the Hesperides
31. Calliope, Erato, and Terpsichore were all daughters of:
A. Cassandra
B. Medusa
C. Mnemosyne
D. Athena
32. All of the following abbreviations are related to expressions of time except;
A. N.B.
B. A.D.
C. A.U.C.
D. A.M.