Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active Indicative nōlēbam
Classical Latin
Mastronarde-Pres Midd/Pass Ind πείθομαι
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 3rd Conjugation mitterem
Homeric Greek Lesson VIII Demonstrative Pronoun ἐκεῖνος
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension παῖς
Homeric Greek Lesson VI Second Declension θυμός
Classical Latin
1st Declension Feminine puella
Classical Latin
This is the Poetry test for 1990. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Cive servato, miles praemium recepit.
A. I saved the citizen
B. While saving the citizen
C. After saving the citizen
D. In order to save the citizen
2. Cicero creatus est ___ a Comitiis Centuriatis.
A. consules
B. consulem
C. consul
D. consuli
3. "conticuere omnes, intentique ora tenebat."
A. to fall silent
B. while falling silent
C. fell silent
D. will fall silent
4. Julia dixit se fabulas de Romanis antiquis lecturam esse.
A. they
B. he
C. she
D. it
5. The domain of the king of the sea, neptune, included lakes and rivers.
A. Neptunus
B. Neptuni
C. Neptuno
D. Neptunum
6. Let'S BRING grapes and cheese to the Roman banquet!
A. Ferimus
B. Feramus
C. Ferebamur
D. Feremur
7. Mihi licet ire.
A. I'm allowed
B. I'm sorry
C. I'm willing
D. It is important to me
8. Quis ___ persuasit ut in schola maneret?
A. iuveni
B. iuvenis
C. iuvene
D. iuvenem
9. Atalanta ran more quickly than her suitors.
A. celeriter
B. celere
C. celerius
D. celerrime
10. Liberi venerunt ad thermas to swim.
A. natans
B. ad natandum
C. natavisse
D. nataturum esse
11. Effata haec verba, Dido fugit.
A. to have spoken
B. having spoken
C. about to speak
D. must be spoken
12. Longa erant bella ____ in Italia gerebantur.
A. qui
B. quae
C. quam
D. quos
13. The wife of the only man to survive the flood was Pyrrha.
A. solo viro
B. solius viri
C. solis viris
D. solus vir
14. Equus Troianus erat multo altior quam moenia Troiana.
A. rather
B. very
C. much
D. greatly
15. Niobe non intellexit cur dei suos liberos ____.
A. necent
B. necaverunt
C. necabant
D. necarent
16. Pietas:nefas::gaudium:: ____
A. puppis
B. sopor
C. dolor
D. genitor
17. The general left two legions as a guard for the city.
A. praesidium urbem
B. prasidio urbi
C. cum praseidio urbis
D. praseidio ab urbe
18. Si gens fortem ducem deligat, hostes REPELLAT.
A. chose, drove away
B. should choose, would drive away
C. had chosen, would have driven away
D. will choose, will drive away
19. Vale, ____! Cras te videbo!
A. amicus
B. amici
C. amice
D. amicum
20. Nullum bellum? Mirabile ________
A. auditu
B. audite
C. audiendum
D. auditurum
21. What is the corect scansion of this line? "Sollicite expectas, dum te in convivia ducam."
22. Augustus' friend and counselor who was the quintessential literary patron was:
A. Antony
B. Maecenas
C. Pompey
D. Bruitus
23. Hecate, Circe, and Medea were associated with stories of ____ in Greek mythology.
A. streams and fountains
B. war and battles
C. the changing of the seasons
D. witchcraft and magic
24. Publius Vergiliuis Maro was born on October 15, 70 B.C.
A. Idibus Octobribus
B. a.d. III Kalendas Octobres
C. pridie Idus Octobres
D. Nonibus Octobribus
25. Crete forms the southern border of the ____ Sea.
A. Mediterranean
B. Black
C. Adriatic
D. Aegean
26. Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides are famous writers of Greek:
A. tragedy
B. letters
C. history
D. love poetry
27. Which groups associated with the Roman house?
A. strigiles, laconica, hypocaustum
B. bulla, fibula, anulus
C. spina, factiones, metae
D. vestibulum, alae, triclinium
28. At the root of the words discordant, CONCORD, and CORDIAL is the Latin noun meaning:
A. peace
B. heart
C. friendship
D. respect
29. Which pair of men were brothers?
A. Aeneas and Priam
B. Odysseus and Telemachus
C. Agamemnon and Menelaus
D. Hector and Achilles
30. The verb at the root of the English words circumlocution, ELOQUENT, and LOQUACIOUS means:
A. to place
B. to read
C. to permit
D. to talk
31. The deceitful Greek who encouraged the Trojans to bring the wooden horse inside the walls of Troy was:
A. Sinon
B. Sarpedon
C. Sychaeus
D. Sisyphus
32. The terms numen, FLAMEN, and HARUSPEX are associated with Roman:
A. entertainment
B. religion
C. clothing
D. slavery
33. Not included among the Julio-Claudian emperors was:
A. Constantine
B. Tiberius
C. Claudius
D. Nero
34. Daphne:laurel tree :: Niobe : ____
A. sunflower
B. flowing river
C. weeping rock
D. wild boar
35. The diploma stated that the student had received his ____ degreee.
A. A.D.
B. A.B.
C. N.B.
D. P.M.