Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudābam
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular to be Present Active Indicative εἰμί
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 7
Mounce First Aorist Passive Indicative ἐλύθην
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mittam
Classical Latin
This is the Poetry test for 1988. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. "_____ Vergili Maro, te salutamus!"
A. Publio
B. Publius
C. Publi
D. Publium
2. Haec res est una solque quae me beatum facere ______.
A. possit
B. posse
C. potuisse
D. potuisset
3. Consulatum petere ____ non licet dum quadriginta tres annos habeas.(you are not allowed to stand for the consulship until you are forty-three years of age.)
A. tu
B. tui
C. tibi
D. te
4. Ad signum dandum ____ usus est Romulus.
A. manus
B. manui
C. manu
D. manuum
5. Let us not fear reprisals!
A. Ne vereamur!
B. Non veremur!
C. Non verebimur!
D. Ne vereremur!
6. Seneca wrote that although he lived in rome, he considere the whole world his home.
A. Roma
B. Romae
C. Romanis
D. Romam
7. Oraculum praedixit regnum Titanorum mox _____.
A. cadere
B. casum esse
C. cecidisse
D. casurum esse
8. Having set out for africa, he instructed the priests to pray for his safe arrival.
A. ex Africa
B. in Africam
C. per Africam
D. ab Africa
9. Caligula orders his soldiers to fetch baskets so that seashells may be carried from the beach.
A. vehentur
B. vehuntur
C. vehantur
D. veherentur
10. Decemviros ad leges ____ creavimus. (We have appointed decemvirs to prepare laws.)
A. scribendus
B. scrbendi
C. scribendorum
D. scribendas
11. For as long as I live, I SHALL BEAR this honorble title.
A. feror
B. feram
C. fero
D. ferrem
12. Omnibus viribus atque opibus repugnabimus
A. men
B. poisons
C. youth
D. strength
13. Tam longe aberam ____ te viderem.
A. quin
B. ne
C. vel
D. ut not
14. Haec signa condita mente teneto. The sense of the capitalized words is:
A. keep (these) in your mind
B. having been held by the mind
C. holding (these) with his mind
D. in my mind I have kept (these)
15. Si viveret, verba eius audires.
A. you heard
B. you will hear
C. you would hear
D. you hear
16. Cicero, litteris acceptis, Attico statim rescripsit. Which of the following does NOT reflect the meaning of thecapitalizedwords?
A. ubi litteras acceperat
B. postquam litteras accepit
C. cum litteras accepisset
D. cum litteras accipiet
17. Midas commanded his barber not to tell anyone about his ass's ears.
A. ne dicat
B. ne dixerit
C. ne dixisset
D. ne diceret
18. Many American families plan picnics on the fourth of july.
A. a.d.IV Id.Iul.
B. prid. Id. Iul.
C. a.d. IV Non.Iul.
D. a.d. XVI Kal.Aug.
19. Venimus eam admonitum.
A. to warn
B. warning
C. warned
D. about to warn
20. Phaedrus' statement, "Non semper ea sunt quae videntur," means:
A. Some things which exist are not visible
B. Things are not always what they seem to be.
C. These are not always recognized by those.
D. Some are always seen, others never.
21. The use of martem indomitum to mean INGENTEM PUGNAM illustrates using the poetic figure:
A. metonymy
B. zeugma
C. oxymoron
D. synchesis
22. It is generally agreet that when Homer set down his two great epic poems of the Trojan War, he relied on:
A. eyewitness accounts of the war
B. an oral tradition of tales abouto the war
C. his own experience in the war
D. historical chronicles kept at Delphi
23. In 41 B.C. Maecenas introduced Vergil to _______, who then became his lifelong protector and patron.
A. Horace
B. Antony
C. Cicero
D. Octavian
24. The gods of the ancient Greeks and Romans are termed anthropomorphic, meaning:
A. benevolent toward mankind
B. having the appearance or form of human beings
C. inherited from the religions of older cultures
D. destined never to die
25. At Cumae, the Sibyl, prophetess of Apollo, told Aeneas that he must bury his lost comrade and ____ before he could visit his father in the Underworld.
A. find a golden bough to take with him
B. visit the oracle at Delphi
C. leave all his weapons behind
D. purify himself by fasting
26. Complicate, MULTIPLY, PLIANT, and SUPPLIANT are derivatives of the Latin verb which means:
A. seize, take
B. shut, close
C. fold, bend
D. add, increase
27. When did a Roman girl put aside her bulla and the playthings of her childhood?
A. when she officially inherited her mother's property
B. on her wedding day
C. on the day she completed her schooling
D. on her tenth birthday
28. What role does Hermes play in the stories of Ceres/Proserpina, Orpheus/Eurydice, and Priam/Achilles?
A. avenger
B. tattle-tale
C. escort
D. thief
29. The words invidious, PROVIDENCE, and SUPERVISE share a common Latin root which means:
A. hate
B. see
C. rule
D. come
30. Boreas, Zetes, and Calais saved King Phineas from the monstrous winged Harpies, and in return he warned Jason about the:
A. clashing rocks
B. Calydonian boar
C. whirlpool of Charybdis
D. bed or Procrustes
31. With what aspect of Roman life are the following terms associated: pollice verso, VENATIO, LANISTA, RETIARIUS, and MUNERA?
A. sea travel
B. children's games
C. gladiatorial shows
D. cooking
32. Mithras, ISIS, and CYBELE were the names of:
A. epic poems of the Silver Age
B. gods worshiped by cults which spread to Rome
C. priestesses of Apollo
D. Vestal Virgins when Augustus was Pontifex Maximus
33. The word hellenistic refers to a period of history in _____ after the death of ______
A. Crete/Minos
B. Rome/Augustus
C. Troy/Priam
D. Greece/Alexander the Great
34. Which member of the Second Triumvirate exacted his revenge on Marcus Tullius Cicero by having him proscribed and executed?
A. Pompey
B. Octavian
C. Lepidus
D. Antony
35. Est cuique opinio sua. What other Latin expression is closest in meaning to this statement?
A. Possunt quia posse videntur.
B. Pro bono publico
C. Quot homines, tot sententiae
D. Nemine contradicente