Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative (contract) ἠγαπώμην
Homeric Greek Lesson IV First Declension θάλασσα
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mittēbam
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 2 Chapter 29
Mounce First Aorist Active Indicative (liquid) ἒμεινα
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 16
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mittō
This is the Poetry test for 1986. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 34 questions
1. "attack naves, comites!" clamavit dux.
A. Aggredimini
B. Aggredere
C. Aggrediemini
D. Aggrederis
2. "Equo ne credite!" The more common prose construction of these words is:
A. Ne credas
B. Num credere
C. Nolite credere
D. Non credimus
3. Aeneas _____ oblivisci non poterat.
A. uxor prima
B. uxoris primae
C. uxore prima
D. uxori primae
4. Robur, ILEX, QUERCUS, and PINUS are all:
A. flowers
B. trees
C. winds
D. animals
5. "Rusticus urbanum murem mus paupere fertur accepisse cavo…" The best translation of accepisse is:
A. to have welcomed
B. had welcomed
C. to be welcomed
D. have been welcomed
6. "Cenabis bene, mi Fabulle, apud me paucis, si ______ di favent, diebus."
A. te
B. tu
C. tibi
D. tui
7. Celsus:altus:: _____: celer.
A. lentus
B. citus
C. fortis
D. piger
8. The Trojans complained about their fate.
A. questi sunt
B. questi erant
C. questi erunt
D. questi essent
9. Aeneas did not know where the sibyl intended to go.
A. itura est
B. itura sit
C. itura esset
D. itura erat
10. The wall extended sixteen miles through the province.
A. milia passuum
B. milium passuum
C. milibus passuum
D. mille passus
11. Si Anna ad Italiam naviget, Aenean inveniat.
A. should sail
B. had sailed
C. will sail
D. were sailing
12. Is the senator's summer villa at capua or brundisium?
A. Capuae aut Brundisio
B. Capua aut Brundisio
C. Capuae aut Brundisi
D. Capuam aut Brundisium
13. Luna erat tam clara ut clavem amissam facile we found.
A. inveniremus
B. inveniamus
C. invenerimus
D. invenissemus
14. Gens Graeca erat asperrima studio bello.
A. since the pursuit
B. in the pursuit
C. of the pursuit
D. without the pursuit
15. Boves ____ vescuntur.
A. frumentum
B. frumenta
C. frumento
D. frumenti
16. The Sirens tried to lure Ulysses and his men by singing.
A. canendo
B. canenti
C. canunt
D. cecini
17. Juno sent Iris, her messenger, to release Dido's spirit.
A. nuntiam
B. nuntiae
C. nuntia
D. nuntiis
18. The Trojans knew that the king was their friend.
A. amico
B. amici
C. amicus
D. amicum
19. Utinam veritatem _____!
A. dixeram
B. dico
C. dixissem
D. dicebam
20. When Roman travellers sailed from Italy to Greece, ships deparated from Brundisium and crossed the _______Sea.
A. Aegean
B. Black
C. Tyrrhenian
D. Adriatic
21. In the prefatory chapters, the author spoke to the reader about his goals. The Latin root of the word prefatory is:
A. favere
B. fari
C. ferre
D. fieri
22. Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides wrote Greek:
A. comedy
B. tragedy
C. history
D. epic
23. The augurs in ancient Rome were best known for:
A. lending money
B. racing chariots
C. curing sick people
D. interpreting the flight pattern of birds
24. The car was advertised as having all the amenities. amenities comes from the Latin word:
A. amor
B. amoenus
C. amicus
D. amentia
25. Through Iulus, son of Aeneas, Julius Caesar traced his ancestry to the goddess:
A. Diana
B. Venus
C. Minerva
D. Ceres
26. Confarreatio, COEMPTIO, and USUS are all ____ rites.
A. birth
B. marriage
C. coming of age
D. funeral
27. The victory of Octavian over his rival Antony in 31 B.C. took place near Actium, which is on the coast of:
A. Greece
B. Italy
C. Egypt
D. Gaul
28. Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian, Roman emperors who ruled between 69-96 A.D. were members of the ____ dynasty.
A. Roscian
B. Flavian
C. Flaminian
D. Julian
29. The goddess of discord, ________, threw the golden apple into the midst of the guests at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis.
A. Eris
B. Eros
C. Iris
D. Isis
30. The line "ut fugiunt aquilas timidissima turba columbae" contains ____ dactyls.
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
31. The abbreviation q.v. means
A. that which had tobe proved
B. vice versa
C. which see
D. in the work previously cited
32. The name of _____ is a byword for marital fidelity and patience.
A. Phaedra
B. Pasiphae
C. Pallas
D. Penelope
33. The chemical symbol Fe is derived from the Latin word:
A. ferus
B. fero
C. ferrum
D. frumentum
34. Hebrus, Lethe, Pactolus, et Phlegethon sunt:
A. montes
B. urbes
C. flumina
D. imperatores