Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation capiēbam
Mounce Present Active Indicative λύω
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension ἀνήρ I
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation iēcī
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation rēxī
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation parābam
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active Indicative ībam
Classical Latin
This is the Poetry test for 1985. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 34 questions
1. Aeneas ense umbras pepulit.
A. on his sword
B. to his sword
C. with his sword
D. of his sword
2. Teucri fatis acti circum omnia maria errabant.
A. driven
B. driving
C. drove
D. about to drive
3. Did Horace know that his farm was a gift from Maecenas?
A. villae
B. villam
C. villa
D. villis
4. Cum liberi cum patre navigarent, mater tempestatem non timebat.
A. with
B. since
C. after
D. so that
5. Aeneas dixit, "ipse deum intrntem muros manifesto in lumine vidi."
A. myself
B. himself
C. he
D. yourself
6. Pius consul erat _____ dignus.
A. huius honoris
B. hoc honore
C. hunc honorem
D. huic honori
7. "Bis conatus erat casus effingere in auro; bis patriae cecidere manus.
A. will fall
B. had fallen
C. to have fallen
D. fell
8. Post ignem naves non erant idoneae for sailing.
A. naviganti
B. navigandis
C. navigando
D. navigantibus
9. Dido dicit, "Accidat ut aliquis ultor nostris ex ossibus _____."
A. exoriatur
B. exoritur
C. exoriebatur
D. exortus est
10. "este amici animalibus," magistra liberis dixit.
A. We are
B. I have been
C. You will be
D. Be
11. Marius delectus est _______ septiens.
A. consul
B. consules
C. consulem
D. consule
12. Quisquis in litore ambulabit multas aves videbit.
A. Someone
B. Whoever
C. Anyone
D. Whatever
13. Echo clamabat, "Ubi es, ______?"
A. Narcissus
B. Narcissi
C. Narcisse
D. Narcissum
14. Si antiqui Romani hodie viverent, fora in omnibus oppidis essent.
A. are living
B. were living
C. had lived
D. will live
15. Ambulare in silva est pleasant.
A. amoenus
B. amoeni
C. amoenum
D. amoena
16. Infantes ____ Faustulus prope flumen invenerat erant gemini.
A. cuius
B. quos
C. qui
D. quem
17. Imperator Gallos monuit to stay in casis.
A. mansisse
B. ut manerent
C. quin mansissent
D. mansuros esse
18. Regibus eiectis, consules imperium obtinuerunt.
A. of the overthrown kings
B. concerning the overthrown kings
C. in order to overthrow the kings
D. after the kings were overthrown
19. Cum senatores in curiam praetores convocassent, tamen consules aberant. The underlined word is a syncopated form of:
A. convoceras
B. convocaturi essent
C. convocavissent
D. convocati essent
20. In 43 B.C. Antony and Lepidus formed the Second Triumvirate with:
A. Octavian
B. Cicero
C. Caesar
D. Crassus
21. Which of the following authors is well-known for his poetry based on mythological stories?
A. Ovid
B. Juvenal
C. Horace
D. Tacitus
22. Many Greek cities claimed to be the home of the epic poet _____, who told the story of the Trojan War.
A. Alexander
B. Horace
C. Vergil
D. Homer
23. The meaning of the Latin root in the English word dissident is:
A. to run for office
B. to sit
C. to sow
D. to strive
24. Magnum opus means:
A. Great wealth
B. Great reward
C. Great opportunity
D. Great work
25. The offspring of the Titanesss Mnemosyne, whose name means "memory" were the:
A. Muses
B. Graces
C. Furies
D. Sirens
26. Bovine refers to
A. sheep
B. cattle
C. deer
D. boar
27. The new provision was passed nemine contradicente.
A. by a wide margin
B. unanimously
C. with little difficulty
D. after much debate
28. The three old crones, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, who controlled the life span of mortals, were the
A. Gorgons
B. Fates
C. Furies
D. Harpies
29. The dulcet sounds of the countryside lulled him to sleep.
A. distant
B. dull
C. bright
D. soothing
30. Numitor and Amulius were the rivals for the throne which passed on to:
A. Brutus
B. Coriolanus
C. Pyrrhus
D. Romulus
31. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were ancient Greek:
A. generals
B. athletes
C. kings
D. philosophers
32. "Odi et amo. Quare id faciam fortasse requiris" How many dactyls are there?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
33. Apollo searched the earth before he killed the monster Python and established his oracle at:
A. Delphi
B. Dodona
C. Athens
D. Mycenae
34. The Romans would have expressed June 26 as:
A. a.d.VI Kal.Iun.
B. a.d. X Kal.Iul.
C. a.d. XII Kal.Iun.
D. a.d. VI Kal.Iul.