Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Present Middle-Passive Indicative contract ποιοῦμαι
Homeric Greek Lesson IX Imperfect Active Indicative
Classical Latin
4th Declension Masculine arcus
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 2 Chapter 17
Mounce Future Active Indicative εἰμί
Classical Latin
This is the Poetry test for 1984. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. The poetic form posuere is translated:
A. to place
B. they have placed
C. placing
D. having been placed
2. Decem diebus oraculum respondit.
A. On the tenth day
B. For ten days
C. After ten days
D. Within ten days
3. Let us rejoice in our recent victory.
A. Gaudeamus
B. Gaudemus
C. Gavisi sumus
D. Gaudebimus
4. Imperator legatum ______ praefecit.
A. decima legio
B. decimae legionis
C. decimae legioni
D. decima legione
5. The goddess Aurora loved Tithonus, the brother of King Priam.
A. frater
B. fratre
C. fratris
D. fratrem
6. Nave ____, Argonautae Colchidem navigaverunt.
A. constructa
B. construens
C. construere
D. construxisse
7. Ceres rogavit quo filia Proserpina _____.
A. ierit
B. ierat
C. ibat
D. iisset
8. Aeneas Troia discessit urbem _____ (Aeneas departed from Troy to found a city.)
A. conditum
B. condet
C. conditu
D. conditit
9. Cleopatra feared that she might be taken back to Rome.
A. reducatur
B. reduceretur
C. reduxerit
D. reducta sit
10. Dico:dixi::cano: _____
A. cucurri
B. cecini
C. celavi
D. cecidi
11. At cumae there was a famous oracle of Apollo.
A. Cumae
B. Cumis
C. Cumas
D. Cumarum
12. Nilus Pado _____ longior est. (The Nile is much longer than the Po.)
A. multus
B. multum
C. multo
D. multi
13. Animalia _____ vidimus erant ferocissima.
A. qui
B. quae
C. quas
D. quos
14. Horatius _____ fruebatur.
A. vita tranquilla
B. vitae tranquillae
C. vitas tranquillas
D. vitam tranquillam
15. Multi ad Graeciam oraculi ____ causa venerunt.
A. consulendum
B. consulere
C. consultum
D. consulendi
16. If you had lived in Pompeii in 79 A.D., you would have witnessed the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.
A. habitavisses
B. habitares
C. habitaveras
D. habites
17. Magnopere:magis::late: ________
A. latus
B. latiores
C. latius
D. latissime
18. Aeneas patrem Anchisen umeris ferens ex patria excessit.
A. bearing
B. having borne
C. about to bear
D. must bear
19. Libertas iustitiaque _____ defendae sunt.
A. nos
B. nobis
C. nostram
D. nostrum
20. Dido sensit se ab Aenea ______>
A. relictam esse
B. reliquisse
C. relinquere
D. relicturum esse
21. "Non indebita posco regna meis fatis" illustrates the poetic figure:
A. metonymy
B. zeugma
C. oxymoron
D. litotes
22. Boreas, Notus, and Zephyrus were_____.
A. winds
B. Ocean gods
C. mountains
D. Titans
23. Pyrrhus, the son of Achilles, slew the aged King ______ at the altars of his own palace in Troy.
A. Dardanus
B. Priam
C. Teucer
D. Laomedon
24. The Latin expression that means "by virtue of his position" is:
A. ex post facto
B. ex libris
C. ex officio
D. ex tempore
25. With his victory at the Battle of Actium in 31 B.C., Octavian defeated ______ and thus became the sole ruler of the Roman World.
A. Antony
B. Brutus
C. Pompey
D. Cassius
26. Which Emperor sought to restore old Republican ways, revive simple customs and build temples?
A. Tiberius
B. Augustus
C. Marcus Aurelius
D. Caligula
27. The charm worn by Roman children was called the:
A. bulla
B. oculus
C. caligae
D. fibula
28. The translation of the Latin saying "Verbum sat sapienti" is:
A. A word to the wise is sufficient.
B. A wise word is sufficient.
C. His word is wise.
D. The wise are wordy.
29. The reign of Augustus ushered in a period known as the:
A. Optimum Imperium
B. Scutum Aureum
C. Pax Romana
D. Orbis Terrarum
30. The priestess ________, who scorned the love of Apollo, prophsied the downfall of Troy, but no one would believe her.
A. Sybil
B. Calchas
C. Cassandra
D. Tiresias
31. With what Roman institution are the following terms associated: epithalamium, CONFARREATIO, TALASSIO, DOS?
A. funerals
B. birth of a child
C. weddings
D. dedication of a temple
32. Her joy was ineffable when she heard that she had won first prize.
A. overwhelming
B. evident
C. inexpressible
D. sincere
33. With what genre of literature does one associate Plautus and Terence?
A. tragedy
B. history
C. epic poetry
D. comedy
34. "Namque ita discedens praeceperat optimus armis." The number of dactyls in this line is:
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
35. Vergil's work consisting of four books on farming is entitled:
A. Eclogues
B. Culex
C. Georgics
D. Catalepton