Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension ἀνήρ II
Mounce Present Active Indicative contract verb -έω
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 3rd -io Conjugation iacerem
Homeric Greek Lesson XI First Declension Masculine
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 7
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation iēcī
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation iaciō
This is the Poetry test for 1983. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Pandora, fearing danger, tried to stay away from the box.
A. timere
B. timens
C. timentis
D. timentem
2. Ignis sacer in templo Vestalibus____ erat. (The Vestal Virgins had to guard the sacred fire in the temple.)
A. custodienda
B. custodiendae
C. custodiendus
D. custodiendo
3. Dolor Didonis tantus erat ut mortem _____.
A. arcessiverit
B. arcesseret
C. arcessebat
D. arcessit
4. Phineas was about to warn Jason about the dangers of the Symplegades.
A. monitum
B. moniturus
C. monere
D. monendus
5. Ruina Troiae erat ____ gratissima.
A. Iunonem
B. Iunone
C. Iuno
D. Iunoni
6. Cum ____ aeger, tamen Vergilius carmen perficere volebat.
A. fuit
B. esset
C. est
D. sit
7. Minerva misit duos serpentes ____ Laocoontem filiosque necarent.
A. qui
B. quos
C. quibus
D. quorum
8. Quis dicit laborem omnia ___?
A. vincere
B. victum esse
C. vinci
D. victa
9. Souls drank from the river Lethe so that they would NOT remember their previous existence.
A. ut not
B. ne
C. ut
D. non
10. Duo filii, Aeneas et Cupido, ____ erant.
A. Veneri
B. Venus
C. Venerem
D. Venere
11. Augusto ____, multae viae in Italia munitae sunt.
A. princeps
B. principem
C. principe
D. principi
12. Senectus est ____ (Old age is rather garrulous).
A. loquacior
B. loquacissimus
C. loquacem
D. loquax
13. We shall delay as long as we can.
A. morabimur
B. moriemur
C. mirabimur
D. muniemur
14. You would have been unhappy if the fates had not FOUND a way.
A. invenerunt
B. invenerant
C. invenissent
D. invenerint
15. "…inferretque deos latio." The equivalent prose construction of the underlined word would be written:
A. in Latium
B. per Latium
C. a Latio
D. in Latio
16. Romani ____ ad domos illuminandas utebantur.
A. oleum
B. olei
C. oleo
D. olearum
17. Ludi circenses erant iocosi ____. (The circus games were amusing to watch.)
A. spectans
B. spectatu
C. spectabant
D. spectantur
18. Nemo scit cur Ovidius in exsilium was banished.
A. expulsus sit
B. expulsus esset
C. expelleretur
D. expellatur
19. "Carmina Burana" ____ placent.
A. me
B. mihi
C. ego
D. mea
20. There were pejorative statements in the book review. Pejorative is derived from a form of the adjective:
A. magnus
B. parvus
C. malus
D. multus
21. Which of the following names did Vergil not use in referring to Dido?
A. Sidonia
B. Cytherea
C. Elissa
D. Phoenissa
22. Whose treacherous words encouraged the Trojans to take the horse inside Troy?
A. Diomedes
B. Sinon
C. Sychaeus
D. Menelaus
23. Homer and Vergil wrote in the genre that was the province of what muse?
A. Clio
B. Thalia
C. Terpsichore
D. Calliope
24. "Iudiciuim Paridis spretaeque iniuria formae …" Who was the goddess whose beauty was scorned by Paris?
A. Venus
B. Juno
C. Ceres
D. Daphne
25. The name Avernus refers to a
A. mountain near Pompeii
B. lake near Cumae
C. island in the Aegean
D. river near Mt. Olympus
26. The Theban Sphinx was vanquished by:
A. Orpheus
B. Orestes
C. Orontes
D. Oedipus
27. Which of the following is not s father/son relationship?
A. Anchises/Aeneas
B. Ulysses/Telemachus
C. Agamemnon/Paris
D. Aegeus/Theseus
28. Prima facie means:
A. first thing to be done
B. primary deed
C. in the prime of life
D. on first appearance
29. The mythological sculptor whose statue came to life was:
A. Phaethon
B. Daedalus
C. Pygmalion
D. Epeus
30. "...suadentque cadentia sidera somnos." This is an example of:
A. anaphora
B. asyndeton
C. alliteration
D. aposiopesis
31. What is the date 1776 in Roman numerals?
32. "Sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt." The number of dactyls in this line is:
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
33. Ningit, TONAT, PLUIT, and GRANDINAT were used by the Romans to describe:
A. state of health
B. social position
C. weather
D. politics
34. Pelagic refers to:
A. land
B. sea
C. sky
D. trees
35. The name of the modern country where the Trojan War was fought is:
A. Yugoslavia
B. Greece
C. Israel
D. Turkey