Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension βασιλεύς
Mounce Perfect Active Indicative λέλυκα
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension ἒπος
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular nōlō present active I do not desire
Mounce Second Aorist Active Indicative ἒλαβον
Mounce Second Pluperfect Active Indicative ἐλελύμην
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative contract ἐπλήρουν
Mounce Present Active Participle λύων
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation moneō
This is the Poetry test for 1982. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. The correct translation of fortius conemur is:
A. we try harder
B. let us try harder
C. we shall try harder
D. we have tried harder
2. Litore _____, Graeci gaudebant.
A. conspecto
B. conspectus
C. conspectos
D. conspectum
3. Ulixes socios misit qui naturam terrae ____.
A. cognoscerent
B. cognoscant
C. cognoscere
D. cognoverint
4. The Latin for this rather large city is:
A. haec urbs maxima
B. haec urbs minor
C. haec urbs melior
D. haec urbs maior
5. Aegeus putavit Theseum ____.
A. moritur
B. mortuum esse
C. moriendus est
D. morietur
6. Quis ex poetis Romanis erat clarior _____?
A. Vergilium
B. Vergilius
C. Vergilio
D. Vergili
7. Boni cives ____ parere debent.
A. legum
B. legibus
C. lege
D. lex
8. At carthage, the Trojans were received kindly by Queen Dido.
A. Carthagine
B. Carthaginis
C. Carthaginem
D. Carthago
9. Filius Veneris, goddess amoris, est Cupido.
A. dea
B. deam
C. deae
D. dearum
10. Tellus:terra:antrum: ______.
A. monstrum
B. amnis
C. campus
D. spelunca
11. Nescio quid ____ amor.
A. esset
B. sit
C. est
D. erit
12. Aeneas omina vidit ____ viri timebant.
A. qui
B. quae
C. quos
D. quas
13. Multi Romam venerunt ad ____ poetas.
A. audiendos
B. audivisse
C. audiendo
D. audiens
14. Nihil tam difficile est ut labore id facere non ____.
A. possimus
B. possumus
C. possemus
D. poterimus
15. Paris judged the beauty of the goddesses competing for the golden apple.
A. petentes
B. petentium
C. petentibus
D. petenti
16. Liberi nobis iuvandi sunt.
A. We must help the children.
B. The children must help us.
C. The children have helped us.
D. We are about to help the children.
17. Si factio veneta vicisset, imperator laetus fuisset.
A. If the blue company should win
B. If the blue company were winning
C. If the blue company wins
D. If the blue company had won
18. The towns destroyed by Vesuvius were never completely rebuilt.
A. vastatum
B. vastatas
C. vastatus
D. vastata
19. Although the team performed very badly, nevertheless they showed good sporstmanship.
A. pessimus
B. peius
C. peior
D. pessime
20. "follow me to Avernus," the Sibyl said to Aeneas.
A. sequimini
B. sequi
C. secutus
D. sequere
21. Helen of Troy, whose kidnapping caused the Trojan War, was the wife of the Spartan king ____.
A. Menelaus
B. Priam
C. Mezentius
D. Achilles
22. Quis erat nuntia Iunonis et dea arcus pluvii?
A. Aurora
B. Iris
C. Cybele
D. Proserpina
23. The mythological creatures, hafl-man and half-goat, associated with Dionysus and Pan were called:
A. Centaurs
B. Furies
C. Satyrs
D. Sirens
24. The famous city which was ruled by Agamemnon, commander-in-chief of the Greeks during the Trojan War, was:
A. Sparta
B. Nemea
C. Mycenae
D. Athens
25. Born from the foam of the sea near the Aegean island of Cythera was the goddess ____.
A. Diana
B. Venus
C. Ceres
D. Minerva
26. "Non ignara mali, miseris succerrere disco." illustrates the rhetorical figure:
A. oxymoron
B. metaphor
C. personification
D. litotes
27. The most ornate of the three classical orders of architecture, having a capital decorated with acanthus leaves, is called:
A. Doric
B. Ionic
C. Baroque
D. Corinthian
28. The line "fulgentem ramum silva Iunonis Avernae" contains ___ dactyl(s):
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. five
29. The Roman months Quintilis and Sextilis are now known as:
A. July and August
B. March and April
C. November and December
D. May and June
30. The inscription on Vergil's tomb reads in part "cecini pascua, rura, duces." Duces refers to the:
A. Eclogues
B. Georgics
C. Odes
D. Aeneid
31. Vergil:epic poetry::Livy: _____
A. comedy
B. lyric poetry
C. history
D. epistles
32. The north African city of Carthage was founded by Dido and her followers, the ____
A. Etruscans
B. Egyptians
C. Greeks
D. Phoenicians