Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Perfect Middle-Passive Indicative λέλυμαι
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation monuī
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation -io iaciam
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mittō
Mounce Present Active Indicative contract verb -άω
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation capiēbam
Classical Latin
This is the Poetry test for 1981. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Vergil began his career as a poet on his father's farm in the country.
A. ruris
B. ruri
C. rus
D. rura
2. "Nihil melius, nihil pulchrius vidi."
A. better
B. good
C. larger
D. best
3. "Pater, oro te ut _____ ignoscas."
A. me
B. ego
C. mei
D. mihi
4. Multi quaerebant quid optimum _____.
A. est
B. fuit
C. sit
D. esset
5. "crescentem sequitur cura pecuniam," inquit poeta Horatius
A. increased
B. about to increase
C. increasing
D. increase
6. Which of the following nouns is indeclinable?
A. vis
B. fas
C. nemo
D. domus
7. Iuno Irim demisit quae animam luctantem Didonis ____. (Juno sent Iris to release Dido's struggling soul.)
A. resolvit
B. resolvere
C. resolveret
D. resolverit
8. A synonym for gladius is:
A. antrum
B. taeda
C. pilum
D. ensis
9. Aeneas, whose naves incensae erant, desperabat.
A. quorum
B. qui
C. cuius
D. quae
10. Haec verba sunt acerba _______. (These words are bitter to hear.)
A. audire
B. audientia
C. auditu
D. auditura
11. Nihil tam difficile est ut cum studio investigari non _______.
A. posset
B. possit
C. posse
D. potuisset
12. "Populus stultus unworthy men honores saepe dat."
A. viros indignos
B. viris indignis
C. virorum indignorum
D. viri indigni
13. Dido et Aeneas ad __________ profecti sunt.
A. venari
B. venandum
C. venantur
D. venandam
14. "De mortuis nihil nisi bonum let us speak."
A. diximus
B. dicimus
C. dicemus
D. dicamus
15. The professor told the class that Vergil had written the" Georgics" before the "Aeneid."
A. scriptum esse
B. scribere
C. scripsisse
D. scripturum esse
16. Gemini fortiter pugnaverunt et tandem _____ potiti sunt.
A. pons
B. pontem
C. ponte
D. pontis
17. "Cur fabulam meam rides? nomine mutato, de te fabula narratur."
A. Having been deified
B. With the name changed
C. After selecting the goddess
D. Having moved north
18. I AM ABOUT TO RECITE carmen Catulli.
A. recitatus sum
B. recitatus esse
C. recitaturus sum
D. recitandus sum
19. "Ni te plus oculis meis amarem …"
A. than my eyes
B. of my eyes
C. away from my sight
D. for my eyes
20. "Nymphae summo in vertice ululaverunt." Ululaverunt is an example of:
A. chiasmus
B. alliteration
C. metonymy
D. onomatopoeia
21. A pause in a line of poetry caused by the ending of a word within a foot is called:
A. hiatus
B. caesura
C. diastole
D. syncope
22. Zeus sent an eagle to abduct ____ from Troy to replace Hebe as cupbearer on Olympus.
A. Glaucus
B. Cupid
C. Ganymede
D. Antenor
23. In research papers, the abbreviation used to refer to a work previously mentioned is:
A. ad lib.
B. op.cit.
C. vs.
D. et al..
24. Ascanius, filius Aeneae, quopue appellabatur.
A. Euryalus
B. Iulus
C. Lausus
D. Dardanus
25. The suffix -alia added to a Roman name has a special meaning. cerealia means ___ of Ceres.
A. deification
B. family
C. festival
D. monument
26. The words "Calabri rapuere" inscribed on Vergil's tomb refer to his death at:
A. Brundisium
B. Mantua
C. Rome
D. Capua
27. The Titan who mothered the nine Muses was:
A. Moira
B. Mnemosyne
C. Minerva
D. Medea
28. "Equo ne credite," inquit _____.
A. Laocoon
B. Sibylla
C. Venus
D. Laomedon
29. The daughter of Priam who foretold the future but was never believed was:
A. Cassiopeia
B. Circe
C. Camilla
D. Cassandra
30. A Roman would see spina, METAE, OVA ET DELPHINI at the:
A. Thermae
B. Circus Maximus
C. Templum Vestae
D. Curia
31. The patryonymic aeneadae refers to the ____ of Aeneas.
A. wealth
B. opponents
C. descendants
D. ancestors
32. Ossify is derived from the Latin word:
A. os oris
B. osculum osculi
C. ora orae
D. os ossis