Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson XVIII Pluperfect Active ἐλελύκη
Mastronarde-Pres Midd/Pass Ind πείθομαι
Mounce Present Active Indicative λύω
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation rēxī
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation monēbō
This is the Poetry test for 1980. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 34 questions
1. Aeneas persuaded his father Anchises to follow him from burning Troy.
A. pater
B. patri
C. patrem
D. patris
2. Numen means:
A. name
B. divinity
C. number
D. light
3. Haec res est facilis cognitu.
A. a cognitive fact
B. easy to learn
C. a well-known facility
D. a show of force
4. The correct translation of verebimini is:
A. you will be feared
B. you have feared
C. you will fear
D. you were feared
5. Magister dixit puerum qui tabellas FERRET esse benignum.
A. who was carrying
B. in order to carry
C. who must carry
D. who will carry
6. Libro alio scripto, auctor alium scribere incepit.
A. after he wrote to one child
B. when one book had been written
C. since the free slave was enlisted
D. although another scribe was freed
7. The fans were watching the Dallas quarterback running with the football.
A. currentem
B. cursum
C. currendum
D. cursurum
8. "Tum breviter Dido, vultum demissa, profatur."
A. steps forward
B. weeps
C. speaks
D. dies
9. Zeus sent Sisyphus to the region of the Underworld called Tartarus to punish him.
A. punitum esse
B. ut puniret
C. qui puniant
D. ne punivisset
10. Gemitus means
A. race
B. knee
C. ancestor
D. groan
11. "Cerberus haec ingens latratu regna trifauci personat." With which word does haec agree?
A. Cerberus
B. latratu
C. regna
D. trifauci
12. The masts of the taller ships were splintered by the winds.
A. altioris navis
B. altiorum navium
C. altiores naves
D. altiori navi
13. Gilbert Highet was a very famous classical scholar.
A. clarissimum
B. clarior
C. clarissimus
D. clarius
14. If Ovid had not been banished to Tomi, he would have composed happier poems.
A. non expulsus esset
B. non expelleretur
C. non expulsus sit
D. non expellatur
15. Tanta erat tempestas ut omnes naves __________________
A. deletae sunt
B. delerentur
C. delebantur
D. deletas esse
16. Viginti et quadraginta fiunt:
A. septuaginta
B. sexaginta
C. quinquaginta
D. octoginta
17. "intonuere poli et crebris micat ignibus aether…"
A. about to thunder
B. thundering
C. thundered
D. to have thundered
18. Nonis octobribus is:
A. October 1
B. October 7
C. October 31
D. October 15
19. "Alloquitur talesque effundit pectore questus." This line contains an elision between:
A. alloquitur and talesque
B. talesque and effundit
C. effundit and pectore
D. pectore and questus
20. Quid pro quo is best translated:
A. tit for tat
B. for the public good
C. at first sight
D. retroactive
21. A SOPORIFIC lecture is:
A. informative
B. sleep-inducing
C. depressing
D. political
22. Dido vowed eternal fidelity to _____, her Phoenician husband.
A. Pygmalion
B. Iarbas
C. Sychaeus
D. Achates
23. Which is not an appellation of the Fates?
A. Fata
B. Parcae
C. Moirae
D. Eumenides
24. The priest of Neptune who was strangled with his two sons by twin serpents was:
A. Calchas
B. Tiresias
C. Nestor
D. Laocoon
25. As a result of his Judgment, Paris was awarded the most beautiful woman by the goddess ______.
A. Athena
B. Aphrodite
C. Eris
D. Hera
26. Another name for Troy was:
A. Macedonia
B. Thracia
C. Campania
D. Ilium
27. The daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra who was sacrificed for favorable winds was:
A. Helen
B. Electra
C. Iphigenia
D. Andromeda
28. The Palladium was:
A. a temple dedicated to Vesta
B. a wooden statue of Athena
C. a temple to all the gods
D. the Flavian amphitheater
29. A Roman would most likely use a fibula:
A. on clothing
B. in cooking
C. while building a road
D. when writing a book
30. The city founded by Ascanius was:
A. Rome
B. Alba Longa
C. Cumae
D. Lavinium
31. The defendant was exonerated by the judge after the trial.
A. censured
B. imprisoned
C. freed from the charge
D. commended
32. Which of the following words has a root and meaning unrelated to the other three?
A. fames
B. fatum
C. infans
D. fama
33. The Peloponnesus, named for the father of Atreus, is in:
A. Italy
B. Greece
C. France
D. Turkey
34. The planet _____ is farthest from the light of the sun and is called the "dark planet."
A. Jupiter
B. Mars
C. Neptune
D. Pluto