Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudābam
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation capiō
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Mounce Present Active Indicative λύω
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
This is the Poetry test for 1979. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Which is an antonym for albus?
A. canis
B. umidus
C. dirus
D. niger
2. They returned to save their grandfather's throne.
A. servari
B. ut servarent
C. ut servent
D. servavisse
3. The English word which is not a derivative of nascor is:
A. nasal
B. nascent
C. Renaissance
D. prenatal
4. _____________ nobis defenda erat. (We had to defend the city.)
A. Urbs
B. Urbi
C. Urbem
D. Urbe
5. We knew that their homes had been abandoned.
A. reliquisse
B. relinquere
C. relinqui
D. relictas esse
6. Eis ut ______ persuadet.
A. irent
B. eant
C. eunt
D. ire
7. Vergil related what Aeneas' fate was.
A. esset
B. sit
C. fuerit
D. erat
8. In litore Carthagiis erant many sailors.
A. multos nautas
B. multi nautae
C. multorum nautarum
D. multis nautis
9. Mei amici in Hispania for three months manebant.
A. post tres menses
B. tribus mensibus
C. trium mensium
D. tres menses
10. Now that we are seniors, we are working more diligently.
A. diligenter
B. diligentius
C. diligentior
D. dilingentissime
11. Haec locutus est means
A. Here is the place
B. The locusts are here
C. He spoke these words
D. He placed it
12. "odi profanum vulgus et arceo."
A. I choose
B. I forget
C. I hate
D. I need
13. Undeviginti et quadraginta fiunt:
14. Which word does not mean river?
A. fluvius
B. flumen
C. amnis
D. flamen
15. "Timeo Danaos et dona bearing."
A. ferendos
B. ferentes
C. ferre
D. ferte
16. He is about to write a song for Linda Ronstadt.
A. scriptus
B. scribens
C. scribendus
D. scripturus
17. Let'S NOT WATCH so much television.
A. non spectare
B. nolite spectare
C. ne spectemus
D. non spectamus
18. Sidereal means
A. settled
B. terrestrial
C. starry
D. serious
19. Status quo means:
A. daily
B. without a day appointed
C. to whose advantage
D. the state in which a thing is
20. Which of the following is not a synoym for troiani?
A. Aeneadae
B. Dardani
C. Atridae
D. Teucri
21. The muse whom Vergil invokes in the opening verses of the aeneid is
A. Calliope
B. Erato
C. Clio
D. Polyhymnia
22. A rejected suitor of Queen Dido was:
A. Achates
B. Palinurus
C. Sinon
D. Iarbas
23. Which of the following is not a synonym for the Underworld?
A. Boreas
B. Erebus
C. Orcus
D. Avernus
24. Vergil wrote during the ______ age of Latin Literature.
A. Golden
B. Silver
C. Bronze
D. Iron
25. The architecture of the Pantheon is distinguished by the
A. rounded arch
B. dome
C. spire
D. peristyle
26. The archaeologist who discovered ancient Troy was:
A. Lord Elgin
B. Robert Graves
C. Sir Arthur Evans
D. Heinrich Schliemann
27. The Augustan poet, author of amores, who was exiled to Tomi was:
A. Ovid
B. Martial
C. Ennius
D. Menander
28. "Vivamus, mea Lesbia, atque amemus" was written by
A. Vergil
B. Catullus
C. Homer
D. Cicero
29. The usual meter of classical epic poetry is:
A. iambi tetrameter
B. iambic pentameter
C. dactylic hexameter
D. Sapphic
30. The quotation "Dux femina facti" refers to:
A. Dido
B. Lavinia
C. Creusa
D. Amata
31. Pridie idus martias:
A. March 15
B. March 1
C. February 28
D. March 14
32. "Extemplo Libyae magnas it Fama per urbes" is an example of:
A. onomatopoeia
B. personification
C. hendiadys
D. alliteration
33. The ancient Etruscans lived in:
A. Campania
B. Etruria
C. Libya
D. Ethiopia
34. "Ego Gaius, tu Gaia" was said at a Roman
A. bath
B. funeral
C. wedding
D. election
35. Archaeological treasures and artifacts from the city of ___ are being exhibited in America to commemorate a catastrophe which occurred in 79 A..D.
A. Troy
B. Pompeii
C. Alexandria
D. Carthage